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having trouble with some errors

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I am trying to troubleshoot what could be causing this weird error on my custom mod for my unit. I keep getting this weird error when i load to the main menu talking about iteminfo.scope. Could someone help look at my configs find what could be causing the problem. 


If someone could also help explain hitpoints and where I should put them in, it would be really helpful.




You can see the full mod on the steam workshop



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This is in the wrong section, it should go here and the links to your config files don't seem to work.


Hitpoint (I believe) are in the configs concerning vests and helmets. Here's mine from customizing the in-game blufor vest

		class ItemInfo: VestItem
			uniformModel = "\A3\Characters_F\BLUFOR\equip_b_vest01";
			containerClass = "Supply140";
			mass = 50;
			passThrough = 1;
			class HitpointsProtectionInfo
				class Chest
					HitpointName = "HitChest";
					armor = 25;
					PassThrough = 0.3;
				class Diaphragm
					HitpointName = "HitDiaphragm";
					armor = 25;
					PassThrough = 0.3;
				class Abdomen
					hitpointName = "HitAbdomen";
					armor = 25;
					passThrough = 0.3;
				class Body
					hitpointName = "HitBody";
					passThrough = 0.3;

If you look for help in the area of the forums indicated above, there are much smarter people there than I that will answer/confirm this really quickly!

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