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Adding a working ramp to custom vehicle HELP NEEDED

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First off my issue is iv'e tried adding a ramp to one of my new upcoming VTOL aircraft. My problem is i cant seem to get a prompt in game to raise / lower the ramp. I have configured my models "Memory" Lod to have an axis and also have a selection of the door linked to the axis and have made adjustments to the model.cfg and config.cpp It compiles fine but again no prompt in game.


Another thing i want to know is would my issue stem from not having a area for the player to interact like how you define the driver seat ??



class CfgSkeletons

	class Default
		isDiscrete = 1;
		skeletonInherit = "";
		skeletonBones[] = {};
	class Vehicle : Default {};	
	class Plane: Vehicle {};
	class SkyrangerSkeleton: Plane
		skeletonInherit = "Plane";
		skeletonBones[] = 		


class CfgModels
	class Default
		sections[] = {};
		skeletonName = "";
	class Vehicle: Default {};
	class Plane : Vehicle {};
	class Skyranger: Plane
			"clan",                        // for the clan squad xml pic add a selection to the model and name it clan
			"clan_sign",				   // same here, add a plane to the model called clan_sign
			"vrtule staticka",
			"vrtule blur",
		class Animations
			class Elevator
				axis="osa vejskovky";
				angle0="rad 30";
				angle1="rad -30";

			class Rudder
				axis="osa smerovky";
				angle0="rad 35";
				angle1="rad -35";
			class left_engine
				angle0="rad -35";
				angle1="rad 35";
			class right_engine
				angle0="rad -35";
				angle1="rad 35";

			class wheel_1
                sourceAddress = "loop";
				minValue = 0.0;
				maxValue = 1.0;
            	angle0=rad 0;
				angle1=rad -360;
			class wheel_2: wheel_1
			class wheel_3: wheel_1

			class Stick_Pilot_Bank
				angle0="rad -10";
				angle1="rad 10";
			class Stick_Pilot_Dive
				angle0="rad -10";
				angle1="rad 10";
			class door1
			class rotor
				axis="osa vrtule";
				minValue = 0.0;
				maxValue = 0.2;
				angle0=rad 0;
				angle1=rad 360;


#include "basicdefines_A3.hpp"

class CfgPatches {
	class NPMP_Skyranger
		author = "Irish Ace";
		authorUrl = "";
		version = 0.11;
		units[]	= 	{"NPMP_Skyranger"};
		// Add the names here for visibility in ZEUS!
		requiredAddons[] = {};
		// add required addons here

class CfgVehicles {

	class Air;

	class Plane: Air	{
		class Sounds;
		class AnimationSources;	

	class NPMP_Skyranger_BASE : Plane {
		displayName = "NPMP_Skyranger";								
		model = "NPMP_Skyranger\Skyranger.p3d";				// path to p3d of the model							
		vtol = 3;
		icon = "NPMP_Skyranger\data\icomap_ultralight_ca.paa";  // map icon
		picture = "NPMP_Skyranger\data\icomap_ultralight_ca.paa";  // icon of you sitting inside, or someone else
		mapSize = 10;  // size of icon on map
		simulation = "airplanex";   // airplane or airplaneX (physX)  - airplaneX won't be able to land on carriers or use seaplane scripts
		crew = "C_man_shorts_2_F";
		cabinOpening = false;
		gearRetracting  = true;
		flaps = false;

		// pilot  ***************************
		driverCompartments = "Compartment1";
		driverAction = "Plane_Fighter_03_Pilot";  
		driverInAction = pilot_Heli_Light_02;			/// what is the standard pose for the pilot, defined as animation state
		precisegetinout = 1;							/// describes what style of get in is used (0 - non-precise; 1 - precise on proxy; 2 - precise on model center)
		GetInAction = pilot_Heli_Light_02_Enter;		/// what action uses the pilot to get in the heli, it uses "switchAction" script command on the proxy
		GetOutAction = pilot_Heli_Light_02_Exit;		/// what action uses the pilot to get out of heli
		cargoGetInAction[] = {"GetInHelicopterCargo"};	/// actions for the cargo, the last one in array is used for the rest
		cargoGetOutAction[] = {"GetOutHelicopterCargo"};/// that means every cargo position could use different action to get in
		transportSoldier = 8;							/// how many cargo positions are available
		cargoAction[] = { 								/// the same array as getIn/getOut actions for actions to switch to for cargo while inside the heli
		driverIsCommander = true;	
		ejectDeadDriver = true;
		hideWeaponsDriver = true;
		hideWeaponsCargo = true;
		memoryPointsGetInDriver = "pos driver";
		memoryPointsGetInDriverDir = "pos driver dir";
		driverLeftHandAnimName = "";
		driverRightHandAnimName = "stick_pilot";
		driverLeftLegAnimName = "";
		driverRightLegAnimName = "";
		// Armor, Weapons, Vulnerability, etc ***************************
		radarType = 0;
		enableManualFire = false;
		fuelCapacity = 500;
		fov = 0.7;
		maxFordingDepth = 0.3;
		passThrough = 0.7;
		crewVulnerable = "true";
		accuracy = 0.2;	
		cost = 2000;
		laserScanner = 0;			
		gunAimDown = 0.029000;	
		minFireTime = 30;	
		threat[]={0.1, 1, 0.7};		
		ejectSpeed[] = {0, 0, 0};
		armor = 10;
		damageResistance = 0.00278;	
		destrType = DestructWreck;	
		irScanRangeMin = 50;		
		irScanRangeMax = 5000;		
		irScanToEyeFactor = 2;	
		damageEffect = "DamageSmokePlane";
		weapons[] = {};
		magazines[] = {};
		// textures, camera ***************************
		hiddenSelections[] =  {"camo1"};	
		extCameraPosition[] = {0,0.5,-15};
		// flight, swim and drive Model ***************************
		#include "SkyrangerFlightmodel.hpp"	

		// sounds ***************************

		insideSoundCoef = 0.8;
		nameSound = "plane";	
		soundGetIn[]={"\NPMP_Skyranger\data\sounds\close",db--15, 1.0};
		soundGetOut[]={"\NPMP_Skyranger\data\sounds\open",db--15, 1.0};
		soundDammage[]={"\NPMP_Skyranger\data\sounds\alarm_loop1", db-5, 1};
		attenuationEffectType = "OpenHeliAttenuation";

		soundEngineOnInt[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\air\Plane_Fighter_03\Plane_Fighter_03-start_int", db-0, 1.0};
		soundEngineOnExt[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\air\Plane_Fighter_03\Plane_Fighter_03-start_ext", db5, 1.0, 500};
		soundEngineOffInt[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\air\Plane_Fighter_03\Plane_Fighter_03-stop_int", db-0, 1.0};
		soundEngineOffExt[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\air\Plane_Fighter_03\Plane_Fighter_03-stop_ext", db5, 1.0, 500};
		class Sounds {
			class EngineLowOut {
				sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\air\Plane_Fighter_03\Plane_Fighter_03_low_ext", db8, 1.0, 1200};
				frequency = "1.0 min (rpm + 0.5)";
				volume = "camPos*(rpm factor[0.95, 0])*(rpm factor[0, 0.95])";
			class EngineHighOut {
				sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\air\Plane_Fighter_03\Plane_Fighter_03_engi_ext", db8, 1.2, 1400};
				frequency = "1";
				volume = "camPos*(rpm factor[0.5, 1.1])*(rpm factor[1.1, 0.5])";
			class ForsageOut {
				sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\air\Plane_Fighter_03\Plane_Fighter_03-fors_ext", db5, 0.99, 1700};
				frequency = "1";
				volume = "engineOn*camPos*(thrust factor[0.6, 1.0])";
				cone[] = {3.14, 3.92, 2.0, 0.5};
			class WindNoiseOut {
				sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\air\Plane_Fighter_03\noise", db-5, 1.0, 150};
				frequency = "(0.1+(1.2*(speed factor[1, 150])))";
				volume = "camPos*(speed factor[1,  150])";
			class EngineLowIn {
				sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\air\Plane_Fighter_03\Plane_Fighter_03_low_int", db0, 1.0};
				frequency = "1.0 min (rpm + 0.5)";
				volume = "(1-camPos)*((rpm factor[0.7, 0.1])*(rpm factor[0.1, 0.7]))";
			class EngineHighIn {
				sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\air\Plane_Fighter_03\Plane_Fighter_03_engi_int", db0, 1.2};
				frequency = "1";
				volume = "(1-camPos)*(rpm factor[0.85, 1.0])";
			class ForsageIn {
				sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\air\Plane_Fighter_03\Plane_Fighter_03-fors_int", db0, 1.0};
				frequency = "1";
				volume = "engineOn*(1-camPos)*(thrust factor[0.6, 1.0])";
			class WindNoiseIn {
				sound[] = {"A3\Sounds_F\air\Plane_Fighter_03\noise", db-6, 1.0};
				frequency = "(0.1+(1.2*(speed factor[1, 150])))";
				volume = "(1-camPos)*(speed factor[1, 150])";
		class Exhausts {
			class Exhaust1 
				position = "exhaust";  	
				direction = "exhaust_dir";	
				effect = "ExhaustsEffect";	
		class AnimationSources {
			class Doors				/// the class name is later used in model.cfg
				source = door1;		/// door source means it is used by animateDoor script command
				animPeriod = 1;		/// how long does it take to change value from 0 to 1 (or vice versa)
				initPhase = 0;		/// what value does it have while creating the vehicle
		class UserActions /// actions available for player to interact with vehicle via action menu running scripts
			class Door_Open
				userActionID 		= 60;				/// ID for some scripts
				displayName 		= "Open door";		/// what is displayed in action menu
				displayNameDefault 	= "<img image='\A3\Ui_f\data\IGUI\Cfg\Actions\open_door_ca.paa' size='2.5' />"; /// what is displayed under the cursor (icon in this case)
				position 			= "";				/// start of radius where action is available
				condition 			= "this doorPhase ""Doors"" < 0.5 AND Alive(this) AND (player in crew this)"; /// only openable from inside and when closed
				statement 			= "this animateDoor ['Doors', 1]";	/// sets animation source Doors to 1 via interpolation
				priority 			= 1.5;				/// higher priority means higher in the Action menu
				radius 				= 1.5;				/// how far from position is the action available
				showWindow 			= 0;				/// 0 means that it is not a default action when entering the vehicle
				onlyForPlayer 		= 1;				/// AI doesn't use this one
				shortcut 			= "";				/// there's no shortcut for this action

			class Door_Close: Door_Open
				userActionID 		= 61;
				displayName 		= "Close door";
				textToolTip 		= "Close door";
				condition	 		= "this doorPhase ""Doors"" > 0.5 AND Alive(this) AND (player in crew this)";
				statement 			= "this animateDoor ['Doors', 0]";
		class Damage {
		class Reflectors {
			class Main
				color[] 		= {1900, 1800, 1700};		/// approximate colour of standard lights
				ambient[]		= {5, 5, 5};				/// nearly a white one
				position = "L svetlo";			
				direction = "L svetlo dir";			
				hitpoint = "L svetlo";			
				selection = "L svetlo";		
				size 			= 1;						/// size of the light point seen from distance
				innerAngle 		= 100;						/// angle of full light
				outerAngle 		= 179;						/// angle of some light
				coneFadeCoef 	= 10;						/// attenuation of light between the above angles
				intensity 		= 1;						/// strength of the light
				useFlare 		= true;						/// does the light use flare?
				dayLight 		= false;					/// switching light off during day saves CPU a lot
				flareSize 		= 1.0;						/// how big is the flare
				class Attenuation
					start 			= 1.0;
					constant 		= 0; 
					linear 			= 0; 
					quadratic 		= 0.25; 
					hardLimitStart 	= 30;		/// it is good to have some limit otherwise the light would shine to infinite distance
					hardLimitEnd 	= 60;		/// this allows adding more lights into scene
		class MarkerLights	{
			class NPMP_RedStill
				name = "PositionLight_red";
				color[] = {1.0, 0.1, 0.1, 1};
				ambient[] = {0.1, 0.01, 0.01, 1};
				brightness = 0.05;
				blinking = false;
			class NPMP_GreenStill
				name = "PositionLight_green";
				color[] = {0.1, 1.0, 0.1, 1};
				ambient[] = {0.01, 0.1, 0.01, 1};
				brightness = 0.05;
				blinking = false;
			class NPMP_WhiteCollision
				name = "CollisionLight";
				color[] = {1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1};
				ambient[] = {0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1};
				brightness = 0.03;
				blinking = true;
		class TransportMagazines 	{
		class TransportItems 	{
			class _xx_FirstAidKit 
				name = "FirstAidKit";
				count = 1;
		class TransportBackpacks 	{
		class TransportWeapons {
		class Library {
			libTextDesc = "Skyranger MK2";
	class NPMP_Skyranger: NPMP_Skyranger_BASE {
		author = "Irish Ace";
		scope = public;	
		displayName = "Skyranger MK2";

		side			 = 3;						
		faction			 = CIV_F;				
		vehicleClass = "air";		
		hiddenSelectionsTextures[] =        {"NPMP_Skyranger\data\texture.paa"};
		crew			 = "C_man_shorts_2_F";
		weapons[] =		{};
		magazines[] =	{};



Any help i get, i am thankful for and i will add extracts from any configs that might be needed

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  1. class Doors                /// the class name is later used in model.cfg
  2.             {
  3.                 source = door1;        /// door source means it is used by animateDoor script command
  4.                 animPeriod = 1;        /// how long does it take to change value from 0 to 1 (or vice versa)
  5.                 initPhase = 0;        /// what value does it have while creating the vehicle
  6.             };


i guess

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Yea that didn't work but makes sence now that you recommend it. I have the option in the action menu now since i poseted this but when i press open door nothing happens. Any ideas ?

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Ok i still need help making a door for my heli. I think my issue lies within the following section of code. Can someone explain what each of the following lines of code do as i used a bohemia template and am finding it hard to understand what everything is/does. For example what does this following line of code mean ?  >>>> this animationPhase ""Rear_Door"" <<<< and what does it do and what is Rear_Door in reference to i assumed it was the the above class name in AnimationSources but clearly i am wrong.


I understand i might be over complicating this and making it hard to understand but its the only way i can explain it.



class AnimationSources: AnimationSources{
			class Rear_Door				/// the class name is later used in model.cfg
				source = "user";		/// door source means it is used by animateDoor script command
				animPeriod = 1;		/// how long does it take to change value from 0 to 1 (or vice versa)
				initPhase = 0;		/// what value does it have while creating the vehicle
		class UserActions	{	
			class Rear_Door_Open
				userActionID 		= 60;				/// ID for some scripts
				displayName 		= "Open door";		/// what is displayed in action menu
				position 			= "actions";				/// start of radius where action is available
				condition 			= "this animationPhase ""Rear_Door"" < 0.5 AND Alive(this) AND (player in crew this)"; /// only openable from inside and when closed
				statement 			= "this animateDoor ['Rear_Door', 0]";	/// sets animation source Doors to 1 via interpolation
				priority 			= 1.5;				/// higher priority means higher in the Action menu
				radius 				= 1.5;				/// how far from position is the action available
				showWindow 			= 0;				/// 0 means that it is not a default action when entering the vehicle
				onlyForPlayer 		= 1;				/// AI doesn't use this one
				shortcut 			= "";				/// there's no shortcut for this action
			class Rear_Door_Close
				userActionID 		= 61;				/// ID for some scripts
				displayName 		= "Close door";		/// what is displayed in action menu
				position 			= "actions";				/// start of radius where action is available
				condition 			= "this animationPhase ""Rear_Door"" > 0.5 AND Alive(this) AND (player in crew this)"; /// only openable from inside and when closed
				statement 			= "this animateDoor ['Rear_Door', 1]";	/// sets animation source Doors to 1 via interpolation
				priority 			= 1.5;				/// higher priority means higher in the Action menu
				radius 				= 1.5;				/// how far from position is the action available
				showWindow 			= 0;				/// 0 means that it is not a default action when entering the vehicle
				onlyForPlayer 		= 1;				/// AI doesn't use this one
				shortcut 			= "";				/// there's no shortcut for this action

This is the following link between the door from the model.cfg to the config.cpp


class Animations
			class Rear_Door // ORI door1

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door1 is as far i can tell the named selection in the model of your ramp. so we go with door1

in model.cfg door1 needs to be in the skeleton as bone of the mainmodel, and door1 needs to be in sections.


  1. //model.cfg
  2. class Animations
  3.         {
  6.             class door1 // ORI door1
  7.             {
  8.                 type="translation"; // are u sure? ramp somehow sounds like rotation, but it really depends on your model
  9.                 axis="door1_axis"; //rename, just for consistency
  10.                 animPeriod=1;
  11.                 source="door1"; //here needs to be the animationsource defined in cfgVehicles, how we call it? door1
  12.                 selection="door1";
  13.                 offset0=0; //movement along axis, look at model, try to estimate how much it would move in real live, use that as offset 1.
  14.                 offset1=1.00;
  15.                 minValue=0; // usually min and maxvalue are 0 and 1, thats the spectrum, ´0=no animation, 1= completly animated
  16.                 maxValue=1;
  17.             };



  • class AnimationSources: AnimationSources {
  •             class door1                /// this is in model.cfg source=door1;
  •             {
  •                 source = "user";        /// user as source in here, but in model.cfg source = door1 (what we define just now)
  •                 animPeriod = 1;        /// how long does it take to change value from 0 to 1 (or vice versa)
  •                 initPhase = 0;        /// what value does it have while creating the vehicle
  •             };
  •         };






  •         class UserActions    {    
  •             class door1_open
  •             {
  •                 userActionID         = 60;                /// ID for some scripts
  •                 displayName         = "Open door";        /// what is displayed in action menu
  •                 position             = "actions";                /// is there a memory point or selection in model with that name? there should be :)
  •                 condition             = "this animationPhase ""door1"" < 0.5 AND Alive(this) AND (player in crew this)"; ///
  •                 statement             = "this animate ['door1', 1]";    /// the 1 here = maxvalue in model.cfg, = fully animated (door open)
  • // please also note that i switched from animatedoor to just animate, think thats enough
  •                 priority             = 1.5;                /// higher priority means higher in the Action menu
  •                 radius                 = 1.5;                /// how far from position is the action available
  •                 showWindow             = 0;                /// 0 means that it is not a default action when entering the vehicle
  •                 onlyForPlayer         = 1;                /// AI doesn't use this one
  •                 shortcut             = "";                /// there's no shortcut for this action
  •             };
  •             class door1_close
  •             {
  •                 userActionID         = 61;                /// ID for some scripts
  •                 displayName         = "Close door";        /// what is displayed in action menu
  •                 position             = "actions";                /// start of radius where action is available
  •                 condition             = "this animationPhase ""door1"" > 0.5 AND Alive(this) AND (player in crew this)"; /// only openable from inside and when closed
  •                 statement             = "this animate ['door1', 0]";    /// sets animation source Doors to 1 via interpolation
  •                 priority             = 1.5;                /// higher priority means higher in the Action menu
  •                 radius                 = 1.5;                /// how far from position is the action available
  •                 showWindow             = 0;                /// 0 means that it is not a default action when entering the vehicle
  •                 onlyForPlayer         = 1;                /// AI doesn't use this one
  •                 shortcut             = "";                /// there's no shortcut for this action
  •             };
  •         };


try this, no guarantees 

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I fixed it very late last night and it works fine now after 2 days tinkering. I really appreciate the time to respond to me Scars thanks for your help.  :D

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Scars one more thing thats a tiny bit off topic and a different issue. But do you know how to "Attach" parts to animate together as im working on a multiple part landing gear.

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Right that's the landing gear sorted :D Now another thing im having a problem with is the cargo proxies when im in the pilot seat and go into third person i cant see the guys in chairs, same when i get out of the aircraft and look in the door/hatch i cant see them. But when i get in as a passenger (in the back of the aircraft)  i can see them all sitting there which clearly tells me its related to a proxy issue what do you think ?

I must be missing something simple.




I fixed it never mind. It was blender exporting the proxies incorrectly.

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