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Unbearable pop-in with grass and bushes. High FPS. Anything I can do?

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So a couple days ago I noticed that grass and bushes on Altis weren't fully rendering their models until I was about 2-3 feet away. It's possible this has been going on for awhile but I just noticed. At first I thought it was the mission I was playing because it uses a filter (Ravage. 28 Years Later. It's awesome. Check it out).

Unsure what the deal was, I started playing the SP campaign and it's the same! :( So I turned on some OSD stuff through EVGA Precision X to monitor my temps and FPS and I'm getting between 80-100 FPS at times. And my GPU is sitting around 55c.

The problem is, it makes the game pretty unplayable! Whenever I move the game is constantly moving with me. Grass and shrubs are not fully rendering until it's right on top of me, literally only a couple ft away.

I've tried increasing my view distance and I'm using a mixture of Ultra/Very High settings and I can't seem to figure out anything to eliminate this.

I'm currently using an i7 6700K (no overclock), GTX 970, 16 GB RAM on a 250 GB SSD. Stable branch. Nvidia driver 362.00 which I'd upgrade but it's so so stable and I never have any issues with crashes and stuff so I hate to change that unless I have to.

Anyway, any help or suggestion would mean a lot!

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Ditto, noticed about two weeks ago. Pretty annoying <_<

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I think I'm seeing the same thing.   Things look like a screen, literally like a window screen, until you get real close to them, then they fill in.   Even helicopters and other vehicles do it.  I think it has something to do with the Apex upgrade.   Don't know if there is a fix.

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Yeah it's really incredible this topic hasn't gained any traction. No mods being run, stable branch, SP campaign and the world doesn't take its full form until it's 2-3 feet in front of you.

It's astonishing to me how BIS could let this happen and how no one else is even taking about it. I've never seen this so severe in any other game I've ever played.

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What I'm getting is different from that.  It's more like a screen pattern when you get near, then if fills in when you get real close.  Farther out you don't see it at all.  

What's in the video looks like object detail is set too low.

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Same problem to me with a GTX 1070. I recently bought a new computer especially to play Arma 3 and it's really annoying to get that kind of pop-in with a 2000 euros computer...

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lower down your settings kappa

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Yup, I got the same problem since Apex, it's like everything is put in low texture unless you got close enough (too close) and then the texture are fully loaded.

On some modded map buildings are disapearing if u fly at 300m over them. That's the worst case scenario I got, but I got this thing in every map I play, Vanilla or not.

I try changing my video settings but nothing would work.

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