What is this?
This is the aim of creating another total conversion mod. Whilst we have seen the two biggest superpowers appear in RHS's USAF and AFRF mods, we are aiming to create a total conversion mod for the British Armed Forces. We have the ambition to replicate as much of the British equipment as possible whilst maintaining high quality.
As you can expect, with a project as large as this, it will take a while so expect no fast progress. We do have a bunch of models ready to go, but they need texture work. So to answer the question, not for a good while, at least 10 months of hard work are ahead of us.
How to get involved?
We are always looking for skilled people to get involved with us. We would definitely appreciate 3D artists and coders as they will be critical to the mod. If you wish to get involved, PM J. Adams on the forums or add his steam.
Over the coming weeks and months, this thread will be used to update everyone and to post media of the mod. If you wish to stay well informed about the mod and the people behind it, join this steam group.
Degmancro - Textures and model adaption
Defcon - 3D Models and textures
Adams - 2D graphics, reference and public relations
Abd Elrahman - 3D models and dialoges
alex150201 - Scripting
Tigg - L85 model
ImBrokeRU - L96 Model
J. Adams