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Custom Buildings too Bright on Certain Maps

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I've noticed that my custom buildings are overly bright on certain maps, especially vanilla maps like Altis and Tanoa.

I'm sure it's not a material issue because the same effect happens if I remove all rvmats.





Any ideas?

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it's due to the changes in the way _co textures are handled. the entire thing is a lot more bright, so the textures needs to be darker (sRGB vs RGB).

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it's due to the changes in the way _co textures are handled. the entire thing is a lot more bright, so the textures needs to be darker (sRGB vs RGB).

So what you're saying is that I should basically just darken the diffuse textures?

That would make them look extremely dark on certain maps.

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short version: yes

well, to be honest, try any of the ported a2 buildings on tanoa, see if there is any better.

can you post here your rvmat as well please?


the first part interest me:

ambient[]		= {1.0,1.0,1.0,1};
diffuse[]		= {1.0,1.0,1.0,1};
forcedDiffuse[]	= {0,0,0,0};
emmisive[]		= {0,0,0,1};
specular[]		= {1,1,1,1};
specularPower	= 50;
PixelShaderID	= "Multi";
VertexShaderID	= "Multi";

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can i ask why you are using that pixel and vertex shaders?

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Because it's what I've always been using.

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Because it's what I've always been using.

fair enough. I don't know if it is shader related or not, never used anything but super shader and multi shader on buildings, i do know i had the same issue with "too bright" before, and it was due to the visual update thing. That said, i never tested anything outside official islands.

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Well it can't be material related because as I stated in the OP it happens with no rvmats applied and only diffuse texture. this doesn't seem to happen with vanilla structures so I'm wondering what's causing it.

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yeah i have seen your OP. do you mind comparing your RGB values of your white exterior texture with a structure that seems to be fine? i would say it is exclusively due to brightness.

i think what happened is that they changed how game is handled by the engine (and yes, they changed a lot of the existing textures as well with that update). this might be of help (linear vs exponential) - check the grey values and the curve (the color imput is exactly the same btw, the one displayed isn't)




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Try comparing histograms too; this histogram of one of the A3 buildings for example shows they aren't using any RGB colour values above around 200:


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I doubt this will help but when making my BDUs with rolled up sleeves the inside of the fabric is slightly lighter than the outside.  In game though the inside parts looks entirely way too bright, despite me darkening it as much as possible without it being as dark as the outside of the BDU fabric.  Ultimately I chalked this up to the contrast, gamma and brightness settings of the game.  If I remember correctly though on a dark and cloudy day the color of the inside fabric was correct.


I would suggest you try looking at your buildings on a dark, cloudy day.

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