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Changing first cargo/passenger to crew

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So I've got a mod with full permission to edit, and there's something I can't figure out. I would like to have the passenger in the front seat be part of the vehicle crew, instead of being the first cargo/passenger. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks.

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what is it you try to achieve? a fully manned vehicle when placed in editor? co driver having command of vehicle?

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what is it you try to achieve? a fully manned vehicle when placed in editor? co driver having command of vehicle?

TFAR. All crew members get a long range radio. Makes sense to me that the guy in the passenger seat should use the LR radio in the vehicle. If that passenger is part of the crew he will get access to the radio.

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well, driver is busy, gunner u prolly allready have, commander left then. driveriscommander = false; hascommander = true; in gunnerturret a commanding = false; that should do it, well, of course also,  crew = how many u have, cargo = one less. in theory that should be enough.

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