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Help with Waypoint Conditions

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Hello everybody. 


I've been having some trouble with Waypoint condition blocks. I would rather actually say that im having trouble scripting to test if a variable is set to a certain integer. 


My problem lies as such:


Waypoint 1 Condition Block : See if _Variable = 1


If it is, Go to Waypoint 2. So pretty much I put a trigger to set _Variable = 1, and when the group reaches the waypoint with the condition they do not move at all to the next waypoint. How can I script a block to check if a variable is set to a certain integer.



Thank you in advanced.

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First, you need global variables, not private. Don't use underscore in front of it ('my_variable' but not '_variable').

Then, what have you written exactly in the wp condition line ?

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Thanks for the replies. Sorry, Im not actually putting underscores it was just an example. The variable im using in this example is: letsmove. Pretty much (in the 2d editor) I have a trigger that activates when west is present. In the 'activation' field i put letsmove = 1. The group moves to the first waypoint. In the condition block I have letsmove = 1. Im pretty much trying to say "move to the next waypoint if letsmove = 1". How ever the group is not moving. I know im using the incorrect syntax probably but i dosent tell me that.


I would also like to know if I could achieve this in the 2d editor without external scripts.

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Yes, I do understand the use of synchronization how ever, synchronizing achieves it on a more trivial basis, pretty much if all units arrive at the same time or something of that sort. But what im trying to achieve is a simple code block in the waypoint condition field to wait until a variable is set to a certain integer to move on instead of synchronizing a bunch of waypoints

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Ok I feel very oblivious. It seems I was simply missing the extra = operator after the variable sign. I was putting letsmove = 1 instead of letsmove == 1. It was pretty much just re-declaring the variable instead of checking if its equal to it. Thank you again for your time

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In the condition block I have letsmove = 1. 


This isn't a valid condition. To check a value, you have to use "==" instead of "=" ("=" is used to affect a value to a variable).


So :


Is a valid condition.

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Yup, Completely forgot the basics on variable operators. Thanks again

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