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I have a trigger that had this on activation:


{[_x] execVM "rearm.sqf"} foreach thislist;


// Written by Weasel [PXS] - andy@andymoore.ca


// This script rearms, refuels, and repairs vehicles.

// Vehicles must be less than height 2 (typically landed, if air vehicles) and must remain in the

// trigger area for 3 seconds. It then drains all fuel, repairs, rearms, and refuels.


// Setup a trigger area to activate this (F3 in map editor) with the following settings:



// Name: Rearmlist

// Condition: this;

// Activation: {[_x] execVM "rearm.sqf"} foreach thislist;


// Warning: If this trigger area overlaps another trigger area (such as ammo-transport Scripts), sometimes

// things don't work as planned. Keep this seperate if you can.


_unit = _this select 0;


// Don't start the script until the unit is below a height of 2, and make sure they hold that 

// height for at least 3 seconds.

WaitUntil{(getPos _unit select 2)<2}; 

sleep 3;

if((getPos _unit select 2)>2) exitWith{};

WaitUntil{speed _unit < 2};

sleep 3;

if(speed _unit > 5) exitWith{};


// Make sure unit is inside one of these lists (trigger areas)

if( not (_unit in list rearmlist1)) exitWith{};




_unit setFuel 0;

_unit VehicleChat "Repairing...";

sleep 2;

_unit setDammage 0;

_unit VehicleChat "Rearming...";

sleep 2;

_unit setVehicleAmmo 1;

_unit VehicleChat "Refueling...";

sleep 2;

_unit setFuel 1;

_unit VehicleChat "Finished.";


if(true) exitWith{};


It works in SP but not on my dedicated server. What can i do?

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those commands need to run on the machine where the vehicle is local.
I assume player is the driver so vehicle is local to client and not to server but triggers run at server

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those commands need to run on the machine where the vehicle is local.

I assume player is the driver so vehicle is local to client and not to server but triggers run at server

I should point out that it works on local mp.

Btw, the trigger activation line only has this:

{[_x] execVM "rearm.sqf"} foreach thislist;

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I should point out that it works on local mp.

Completely different story.


You should probably do some research on multiplayerscripting in arma. It'll come in handy.




Anyhow, here is a simple fix:

{ [[_x],"rearm.sqf"] remoteExec ["execVM",_x,false] } forEach thisList;

That makes sure the execvm happens only where the vehicle is local.

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