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I first thought you meant in the forum sense. 


Could you describe what you mean by "trolling" within the context of game play?




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1 hour ago, RSF-TheCapulet said:

TDM is exceedingly easy to make with the mission editor.  Whip one up, and invite your friends. 

hmm ill check it out, never even clicked on editor lol ;D BUT its still not enough. i want everyone to have it! not just my friends.

1 hour ago, swtx said:

That's actually on my to-do list for my Mod, Project Genesis.  The maps will be made with custom assets and you will automatically start with a pistol and upgrade based your kill ratio.  You will upgrade to everything in the arsenal with Sniper rifles being the granted with the highest number of kills. Each round lasting 10 minutes with a 30-minute map rotation.  I plan on having 8 -10 custom maps, again with custom assets.


Stay tuned!


Scott out!

When you do let me know! sounds exciting

1 hour ago, swtx said:




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19 minutes ago, SpacePilotMax said:

There currently is no way to deal with a troll. What we need is a mute and a kick function.

there is both a mute and a kick function in game. PRESS M (MAP) then go to players, then the name. !!

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4 hours ago, DeadDylan said:

you make no sense, how does an extra game mode hurt you?

it doesnt. exactly so youre just being a stubborn person ;/ 

you should know everyone likes different things and to be open minded.


and low key last time i checked, people play shooter games because they want to shoot someone. 

1. the thread should be called "i want TDM". i fail to see why people like yourself do prefer to use "we" instead

2. most TDM games are pointless...it leads to nowhere, hence i am 100% against such an official gamemode

3. feel free to create your own TDM gamemode, ARGO, while being free also comes with an editor

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On 6/29/2017 at 7:01 PM, DeadDylan said:

you guys do have to admit, sometimes in close quarters, we all aim at enemies, and a team member runs in front of you, normallly by accident, but then it just makes me angry because i literally worked half the game for those points and lost them all.


]im lvl 6 and my whole time playing ive killed probably 100 teammates, all by accident. JUST imagine what lvl i would be if i didnt lose all those points.


4 hours ago, DeadDylan said:

no worries bro, im just playing easy mode now, that way i lvl up faster hense no teamkilling

hahhhahhha...crossfire happens no matter if you play on easy or normal mode....it just means that what you wrote above, that you get punished by other people crossfiring is false...

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5 hours ago, Macser said:

Could you describe what you mean by "trolling" within the context of game play?


Acts done to detract from other players' expirience. Things such as purposeful teamkilling, singing a song made up entirely of swear words into one's mic, etc...


5 hours ago, DeadDylan said:

there is both a mute and a kick function in game. PRESS M (MAP) then go to players, then the name. !!

I'm stupid. Still, might be useful to have it a bit more user-friendly (Tab menu?)

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Generally really enjoying the game so far and have spent way too much time playing since release.

There is a big issue I have with the game so far. It is apparent to me that the game is more or less balanced around all players being 25, atleast in terms of gear of various quality and a number of talents needed to get them. Combine this with a slow level progression, and new players are at a significant disadvantage. Someone could have put 15 hours on the game and have an MXM with a scope, suppressor, nades etc. and they can go up against someone who has all the same gear, + a carrier special. As a result, despite playing the game for a rather decent amount of time still be at a huge disadvantage. Not to mention that same matchup for a new player trying to use an AK-74u with no unlocks whatsoever.

I would recommend increasing the frequency that players earn talent points (but keep the cap at 25) and perhaps even make new players start with as many as 5 points so that they can get the basics like a sight, nades and a suppressor for a tier 1 gun.

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2 hours ago, SpacePilotMax said:

Acts done to detract from other players' expirience. Things such as purposeful teamkilling, singing a song made up entirely of swear words into one's mic, etc...


I'm stupid. Still, might be useful to have it a bit more user-friendly (Tab menu?)

i agree. ive played games that had it in tab.

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6 hours ago, PuFu said:


hahhhahhha...crossfire happens no matter if you play on easy or normal mode....it just means that what you wrote above, that you get punished by other people crossfiring is false...

if it makes you happy bro im not arguing with you i wont give you that profit

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6 hours ago, PuFu said:

1. the thread should be called "i want TDM". i fail to see why people like yourself do prefer to use "we" instead

2. most TDM games are pointless...it leads to nowhere, hence i am 100% against such an official gamemode

3. feel free to create your own TDM gamemode, ARGO, while being free also comes with an editor



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Love this game so much. I believe it will get better if the developer keep improving the game play. Hope this game will make it's way into ESL , it has the potential.

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The vote kick function doesn't work, we've had an entire game lobby all vote to kick a single player and nothing happened. That player then went on to accrue over -2000 points in Link teamkilling people before finally leaving. There's no way to kick them, there's no automatic kick for team killing x amount of people, and no one is willing to gain the harsh negative points penalty from killing the griefer. 

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The vote kick was ported over from A3, where it serves as a ping to the admin. It needs to be changed in Argo.

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Argo should add a competitive game mode just like rainbow and CSGO have, I believe it would get many more players active. tell me what you guys think

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I've been playing very on and off due to having pink eye and a rash on my cornea, my vision is awful right now, and I can still easily identify friend from foe, I haven't had a single friendly fire incident since I started playing bar one guy who ran right in front of my firing line. Flames wear tank tops, Clouds wear long sleeve green digital uniforms. 

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All the game mods are competitive, Raid is basically what you're talking about. 5v5 with no respawn, one team has to secure intel and the the other defend it. What I think this game needs is some kind of skill based matchmaker now.

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The unlocks are there to facilitate specialized playstyles and add customization. I worked hard to unlock the first ring of DMR's, and now I'm thoroughly enjoying adjusting my playstyle to them, my other friend decided to go down the LMG route and so he plays differently. If everything was unlocked from the start it would be the AK-12 and the same handful of weapons being used by everyone over and over.

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Here's some feedback. Fix North spawn for attackers on airfield hangars. Bullshit shooting gallery from the tank, seriously. It's free kills every single game and I'm tired of morons spawning there and getting instantly mowed down costing us the game EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.

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The progression system is one of the major things it's got going for it IMO. 


For competitive play (like serious competitive play) there would need to be a gamemode that had all unlocks available. But for casual play I love the function of the progression tree etc. Gives me a sense of achievement and means you rarely have someone switching between multiple guns in one game. You can easily learn how someone plays after just one match. 

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On ‎2‎/‎07‎/‎2017 at 2:12 AM, DeadDylan said:

Whoever makes the game modes needs to incorporate TeamDeathMatch and heres why:

Every mode is team based.

When modes are team based, it only works when theres actually a fair advantage.

When i join games and its 5v2 or 5v3 or even 5v4 we are at a horrid disadvantage, even with teamwork it doesnt work.


Make a team death match, anyone who agrees just reply with yes.


This is a no for me go play king of the kill or wasteland TDM isn't actually a team based game its more of just solo shooting, The other game modes are designed to work together as a team not to get highest solo kills


Also the amount of players you are versing doesn't matter if you are a skilled player. I play with some of the top ranked world and for fun we set up 2v5 games to make it more even and we sto win over 95% of them. This game is designed around skill and positioning learn the maps and the angles you will win more games even when the odds are stacked. 

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On ‎30‎/‎06‎/‎2017 at 8:13 PM, ITokyYourCookie said:


1) Limit access to normal servers for player until they reach certain lvl (where hopefully they will know the game a bit)

2) Promote using Quick Play (scenario button - find servers - this finds servers with lvl, ping and some other things close to yours)


Matchmaking as in other games is sadly out of the scope due to technical limitation.


it is a great idea and there is a restriction needed I think that this is the best thing for large population areas but sadly in OCE the low levels won't find a game to play as there isn't enough people we have about 4 severs that are always full and the rest are people trying to find a game and get a sever going

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On ‎28‎/‎06‎/‎2017 at 8:22 PM, Locklear said:

Editing individual bullets in a magazine is not quite feasible due to how the technology behind it works, I'm sorry. The night maps are beyond the scope of the project, so we have no plans on adding those; the same applies to some Arma weapon attachments, which are not needed in Argo, or adding more weapons. Adding colored smoke grenades is something we have discussed, but a final decision hasn't been made yet. In short, for more advanced gameplay (time of day, weapons, vehicles, etc.) there is Arma. For small-scale, specific PvP action, there's Argo. Hope this helps. :)


Amen Brother!!

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Its sad to see that so many people aren't willing to see this game for what it actually is. Its a free 5v5 hardcore shooter yeas it has some problems but the devs are looking into them and fixing them.

The are always replying to forums witch is amazing this game has opened the arma stile of games to people who would never touch them  I have met so many people playing who have never touched a arma game and its great. there are so many mods and updates to play on Arma3 severs that this is a friendly doorway into the game. and being a different game to Arma 3 they can look into the problems they need to. as updates can keep being sent out wake up to yourselves stop being ungrateful.  

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