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[Release]Easy Mission Creator

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Easy Mission Creator (E.M.C)


Ver 0.91


This is a simple mission generator. Using two simple routines and some functions can be created more than 9 different types of combat missions without having to program anything.

Allows an exhaustive control map and the various missions separately. It generates both debug tasks as positions on the map easily.


Is currently in beta and is not finished. Runs all missions and control without problems but not translated into English at the moment.




  • Added task control
  • Updated STEP BY STEP guide.
  • Added control variables into the E.M.C init.


ToDo list:




  • Refine code
  • Improvements
  • New missions





Shuko (this script make an extensive use of SHK_PATROL, SHK_POS and other SHUKO "delicatessen").

Bangabob (Edition of shk_patrol)


License Creative Commons:

Attribution Attribution (by), ShareAlike ShareAlike (sa)

License Terms:

All routine and this code is creating entirely by me using my own ideas and talent. You have perssion to use and modify using the Creative Commons license but all the work remains free and open to the community. If you make modificacions to this code you are only the owner of you own not mine and you cannot change the open code and free terms.

IP/MP/Dedicated support






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Is a mission creator you can play the mission as you want... pve, pvp, PVC :lol: ...

Right now this a test release without many, many thing and is a WIP.

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Tested it, and I like it. Will follow your work.


Buen trabajo!


"Estupendo" - Thank men!!! good!


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50 minutes ago, teddymosart1 said:

Where do i place this? Missions?


Mmmm good question... I think you need a better docs. and examples, I make examples and docs ASAP...

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Suggest to have missions randomly created 1 at a time rather than all at once. Once the first mission is completed, reveal the next random one etc.


And a language specific stringtable.xml. (I can knock an English one up over the weekend if you're interested)

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New release 0.75 uploaded


Now with a STEP by STEP manual.

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59 minutes ago, Beerkan said:

Suggest to have missions randomly created 1 at a time rather than all at once. Once the first mission is completed, reveal the next random one etc.


And a language specific stringtable.xml. (I can knock an English one up over the weekend if you're interested)


The sample mission is only to test the "intense mission creator power" of the script and works a place holder, you can spawn mission in every moment using (triggers, scripts, etc) whenever you want.


The xml is a good idea but only works with default mission lore that script provides like a sample, I must think if that is really usefull to people that dont have any idea of scripting of course.

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I cant wait to try.


Converting to English would be awesome.



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I need to make two more mission/task to achive the next ver/update and we wll have a english version... meanwhile enjoy with the "Cervantes" language...

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New release 0.76 see main topic for change log.

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On 14/4/2017 at 10:28 AM, Beerkan said:

Suggest to have missions randomly created 1 at a time rather than all at once. Once the first mission is completed, reveal the next random one etc.


And a language specific stringtable.xml. (I can knock an English one up over the weekend if you're interested)


I think about the xml but finally I'm not gonna use an xml, even with the advantages the main reason to do this is keep all as simple as posible to help people to make mission and even themshelves can make his own customization.


An xml is a great advantage but is far away of this goals.

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New release 0.90

See main post to changelog.

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Have you thought about the ability to randomly generate the missions, then once completed, a new set of missions is generated. So that an end mission is not needed and there is no limit to when the play will stop. Adjusting how many missions per session could then be customized.

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You have several sample mission code inside the init.sqf to support this feature but isnt coded right now, with the new releases I add a set of sample mission with random features but even with that you need a bit of code to put in your misison.


Stay tuned with new releases to see how I can improve the script.


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