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Ill definitely check that helo script man. Neat mission you got there :D

small bug in this one i foget the remove weapon.... sorry, it s the correct version now 

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some test on URAL map














i m not so happy about the result, poor fog & some bugs with cup cheranus conflict??




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WIP VzR SP recruit script ( for mini task)


* 3 functions


           1 - check number of ia in player's group.

           2 - found house to spawn new ia to recruit at determinate distance (spawn marker on it).

           3 - spawning the ia at the position & adding an addaction (follow) on it..



* the script can get max numbers of team members in player group, ex if you want to have no more then 4 ia in your group the       script will stop and restart when one of them is killed.


* possible to add task on it ex: succes when certain number of recruitment is done.



the goal was to give an second objective on my survival script pack, you can play alone but beter in group, managing your team & equip them ...


it's still wip but working,








your new team member is set to "setcaptive true" until he s joining your group to prevent him to be killed before...

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I downloaded the mission recently. I have been playing it a good bit. The random spawning is a very good feature. I like the different zones that are marked on the map, but I wish there was an option to turn off the green dots on the map that show where the loot is. Other than that I have no complaints. There are many frame rate problems, even on a lower quality laptop.

This is a great mission I would recomend this to anyone wanting a good single player survival experience.

Thank you for the mission.

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thanks for testing & feedback Arctrooper


* yes there is a feature to remove the green dot loot markers, at the beging it was only a debug tool for me. (will be removed)


* i think the lag is comming from some last weather fx recently added, i will check that for next update...




removed loot indicators  :) now working on all ALTIS area





added recruit script  :)











* reduce frame rate problem entering red zones due to calulate house position script called twice ( still a bit but less then before)

  (will change the spawning system for zombie, no need to spawn them inside because first thing tey are doing is going roaming out) 

* removing too much renegades spawning in red zones

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work on loading screens







work on renegades gearing







work on villagers gearing







love this map  :P







http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=29752 Chernarus-WINTER map


TRYK's Multi-Play Uniforms added addon only for Chernarus-WINTER mission

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Looks interesting, any chance of a non Steam download link?

  i can uploaded it on an external if you need

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armaholic link?

  i don t use armaholic links


  can uploaded it on an external if you need

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I love your mod so much but Can i build a base in this mod? (Like exile mod). Sorry my english's not good

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  i don t use armaholic links


  can uploaded it on an external if you need

would be nice

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love this ambiance  :D  :D  :D











GREEN yeha  :ph34r:













* tweaked intro music volume
* added more loot (due to not a lot of buidings on map)
* a bit more vehicles
* changing villagers & sombies spawning method  (due to not a lot of buidings on map)
* working on the fog maybe conflict with CUP terrain Core???
* add NVGs to loot list
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I love your mod so much but Can i build a base in this mod? (Like exile mod). Sorry my english's not good


sorry but...  non pas pour le moment  :blink:  :blink:  :blink:

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so what about non-steam download, mate? I hope u understand that not all of us using steam.

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so what about non-steam download, mate? I hope u understand that not all of us using steam.


the link: for 3 days only!







 wich mission do you want?

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I have got all the mods needed and tried it out on Altis map.


1. Is it just me or there is no save function right now?

2. Character can hear radio messages from the start with no radio in the inventory, right?

3. 'Friend' I found is crouching all the time and I cant make him stand up and run with any command available through command interface.

4. Found zero hostiles in the my first red zone on Altis. Is it how it should be?

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I have got all the mods needed and tried it out on Altis map.


1. Is it just me or there is no save function right now?

2. Character can hear radio messages from the start with no radio in the inventory, right?

3. 'Friend' I found is crouching all the time and I cant make him stand up and run with any command available through command interface.

4. Found zero hostiles in the my first red zone on Altis. Is it how it should be?

 ho that s strange??? no save otpion im working on it but i have to hunderstand a lot of things about and going back to work ,

i will try altis map did you test it once or it s the same at each time?  because i had to modify a lot of things for each version (gearing spawning ...) maybe i ve made a mistake, it s possible


and for the radio yes the radio message are just running when the scenario script running random choice to spawn ennemy, but good to tell me i will add the radio  ;)


for the command when you are near of your friends you have (normaly) a blue text (addaction) it s writen FOLLOW...

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Thanks buddy, will give it a whirl! :D

hi, did you have the same problem as CAITES?

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yes it beging to be good for a recent one on chernarus-winter thanks guys  :D  :D  :D

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the problem was that after losing all your lives you die but mission does not end, you can see your player on ground and must restart arma?? anybody knows wher it can come from?

actually working on respawn script (using teamswitching)   nearly good  but.....





it was       (selectPlayer _newUnit;) i had removed it and now it s ok YOU HAVE 3 MORE LIVES TO PLAY ON WINTER   :D  :D  :D

//             respawn modification by VinZ73
//   Hi all!
//   i m not a script hacker, i just found litle parts of mine on wikki, Dayz forums, BI ...
//   all credit and thanks to those guys who spent times to scripting BI and community players

//  original from Neviothr   https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/185722-simple-singleplayer-jip-like-respawn-script/

 //player addEventHandler ["Killed", {[(_this select 0)] execVM "SP_respawn.sqf";}];

//params ["_oldUnit"];
//enableEnvironment false;
titleCut ["", "BLACK FADED", 999];

//_countrespawn = 0;  // declared in init sqf

if(countrespawn > 0 ) then 
countrespawn = countrespawn - 1;
player removeAllEventHandlers "killed";
sleep 0.123;	    
_respawnpos= [getpos player, 250, 350, 10, 0, 0, 0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;

_newUnit = group player createUnit ["B_G_Soldier_F", _respawnpos, [], 0, "NONE"];  
addSwitchableUnit _newUnit;
_newUnit setRank "corporal";
_newUnit setUnitPos "middle";
_newUnit disableAI "autoTarget";
_newUnit setBehaviour "Careless";
_newUnit disableAI "Move";
_null = [_newUnit] execVM "VZ_SRCIPT_PackSP\SP_GEARING_playerDEBUG.sqf";

_newUnit addEventHandler ["Killed", {[(_this select 0)] execVM "VZ_SRCIPT_PackSP\SP_respawn.sqf";}];
_newUnit setCaptive true;      

titleCut ["", "BLACK IN", 3];

_null = [] execVM "VZ_SRCIPT_PackSP\SP_respawn_fx.sqf";
//sleep 10 ;
waitUntil {alive player};
call compile preprocessFile "UI\HUD.sqf";
 [] spawn ICE_HUD;  

_newUnit stop false;
_newUnit enableAI "Move";

hintSilent parseText format["<t size='1.25' font='Zeppelin33' color='#ff0000'>%1 lives remaining.</t>", countrespawn];

player setCaptive false;	
_newUnit setCaptive false;    


_null = [] execVM "VZ_SRCIPT_PackSP\SP_outro_camLOOSE.sqf";

//player addEventHandler ["killed",{_this execVM "VZ_SRCIPT_PackSP\SP_outro_camLOOSE.sqf"}];  
hintSilent parseText format["<t size='1.25' font='Zeppelin33' color='#ff0000'>%1 lives remaining.</t>", countrespawn];


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but wtf???


after last updated:

found this isue, when you write "west setFriend [civilian, 0];" you cannot acces to any amobox or weapons on ground????




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