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Trying to test my model - "cannot load object .p3d"

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this is my first mod i am working :D


Guys, i have a model with a working with. He is not finished but i want to test in-game.

I start working with mods a few days, i create a simple model.cfg and config.cpp file. But when a try to open my object the message "cannot load object amazonas.p3d".

And in arma 3 rpt "ModParams - Undefined or empty mod directory".




class CfgPatches
	class Amazonas_F
		units[] = {"Amazonas_OZ"};
		weapons[] = {};
		requiredVersion[] = {};
		requiredAddons[] = {};
class CfgVehicles
	class Air;
	class Plane : Air {};
	class Amazonas_OZ : Plane{
		scope = 2;
		scopeCurator = 2;
		displayName = "C105 Amazonas";
		model = "amazonas.p3d";
		side			 = 3;						/// 3 stands for civilians, 0 is OPFOR, 1 is BLUFOR, 2 means guerrillas
		faction			 = CIV_F;					/// defines the faction inside of the side


class CfgSkeletons
	class Default
		isDiscrete = 1;
		skeletonInherit = "";
		skeletonBones[] = {};
	class Vehicle : Default{};
	class Plane : Vehicle{};
	class amazonasSkeleto
		skeletonInherit = "Plane";
		skeletonBones[] = {
class CfgModels
	class Default
		sections[] = {};
		skeletonName = "";
	class Vehicle: Default {};
	class Plane : Vehicle {};
	class amazonas : Plane
		sections[] =

O2 Print of my model:




i miss something required to work?

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you havent linked your file directory correctly. for the model to load in game in your config cpp it needs to contain the full directory of the model (even though you may have the config.cpp in the same folder as the p3d, it still requires to be told the direct path to the model) 

One key thing to note is that you DO NOT include the P:/ or C:/ in the file path (or what ever your drive name is)


model = "JCA_Main\JCA_Structures\Civilian\Residential\Residential_Extras\R_Shed_01.p3d";
^ what I put in my config.cpp


^ The actual directory of the P3D (its in the Residential_Extras folder)

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