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bad benson

Raptors, Zombies and more!

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The ambient spawning seems to never spawn near the minimum distance, always further away and 1/3 of the raptors spawned seem to lay down upon respawn/next wave.

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Looks great, video was immersive af and the sounds made it even better  :P 

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Reporting a bug I saw tonight:

_add = 0.5;

_car |#|setHitpointDamage [_part, _dam+_add];

Error Type Any, expected String
File babe_raptors_modules\func\dino\fn_deal_damage_veh_sqf, line 36
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@khaosmatical: first of all. ACE involved or not? ther is definately an issue with falling unconscious most likely caused by the animation config. however, i myself i'm barely running into that issue and i have the feeling it happens more with ACE for whatever reason.


just wondering, definately need to find out what is causing it either way. this is quite early though. so no worries. i'm sure i'll find a fix.

Hi bad benson,


Firstly, thanks for the hard work and awesome mod, love it.


I had the same issue as reported by khaosmatical and thought I'd have a look at your code to see if I could fix the issue. The problem reported appears to be related to the following line of code in babe_raptors\config.cpp:


class States


        class babe_raptor_Stop: StandBase



          variantsAI[] = {"babe_raptor_Idle",0.05,"babe_raptor_Walk",0.05,"babe_raptor_Sprint",0.05,"babe_raptor_TurnL",0.02,"babe_raptor_TurnR",0.02,"babe_raptor_Die",1,"Unconscious",1};




I'm not overly familiar with BIS scripting so I had a look at the BIS wiki to find out what variantsAI[] does and how it is used. The first thing I noticed was that the value of all the animations should total 1 - the code above totals 2.19. I could also not work out why you would need to have either the "babe_raptor_Die" or "Unconscious" animations selected randomly for an idle raptor, so I removed them and changed the code to the following:


       variantsAI[] = {"babe_raptor_Idle",0.26,"babe_raptor_Walk",0.25,"babe_raptor_Sprint",0.25,"babe_raptor_TurnL",0.12,"babe_raptor_TurnR",0.12};


Testing the above change has removed the reported issue. It also removed another issue I found where a raptor attacking a stationary vehicle would randomly fall over, only to get up again, start attacking the vehicle again and randomly fall over again....and so on.


It's possible that the change I made above isn't 100% accurate for what you're trying to achieve but I hope it helps you in addressing the issue.

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oh thx man! actually, that array wasn't supposed to be "variantsAI" i think but "interpolateto". must've happened when i did some furious copy pasta to add in the unconscious state. also i always wondered how exactly those numbers work but never looked it up properly. so thx for doing that for me. i had already fixed it somewhat on my side but i totally missed that one tbh. this will actually speed up the release of the update i was working on a lot. it was ready but i wanted to do some more work on that fall over stuff.


thx again :wub:

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i like them naked personally


and so another skyrim mod was born.


seriously though thanks for looking over the raptors again, i frikkin love these, had great fun spawning them via EOS: Jurrasic Stratis!

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Good work.


I was trying to spawn the module by script but kept getting this error:


18:48:23 Error in expression <e ["curragent", 0];

for "_i" from 1 to _agentcount do
_agent = createAgent [s>
18:48:23   Error position: <_agentcount do
_agent = createAgent [s>
18:48:23   Error Undefined variable in expression: _agentcount
18:48:23 File babe_raptors_modules\func\AM\fn_am.sqf, line 81

so presumably there's some parameters I haven't been passing.  Is there a list somewhere/how can this be done?


Also, are you going to make a version with createUnit (like your old ones)?  It's nice having them as agents but you can run in a circle/keep moving and they can never catch you.   :(

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Good work.


I was trying to spawn the module by script but kept getting this error:


18:48:23 Error in expression <e ["curragent", 0];

for "_i" from 1 to _agentcount do
_agent = createAgent [s>
18:48:23   Error position: <_agentcount do
_agent = createAgent [s>
18:48:23   Error Undefined variable in expression: _agentcount
18:48:23 File babe_raptors_modules\func\AM\fn_am.sqf, line 81

so presumably there's some parameters I haven't been passing.  Is there a list somewhere/how can this be done?


Also, are you going to make a version with createUnit (like your old ones)?  It's nice having them as agents but you can run in a circle/keep moving and they can never catch you.   :(



that's not due to them being agents, i just forgot a line of code to force path replan. so the answer is no. don't worry, i'm uploading an update as i write this that has improved that. be aware though that there will always be a way to evade them. it's still just arma's engine path finding which will never be able to compete with human random movement 100%. you should see a big difference after the update though.


as for the module stuff. i will see if i can make them spawnable later but the purpose of a module is placing it to have the benefits of a UI etc. so it's not a priority right now. feel free to unpack the addon and look inside fn_am.sqf. i think all of them should be in there.

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Looking forward to it - I did try that on Dayz zombies but it ended up with them running through walls and all sorts of silliness - I haven't tried force replan on agents in A3 so hopefully it works better than it's older brother  :)


Will have a tinker around with the module and post up here if I find a way!



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update: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5Y0VNgK9JXiUG1pN1hBN2FuMlk/view?usp=sharing



- now with zombies (early and experimental)

- damage coef now fully functional (old code was a brain fart)

- fixed: Raptors only attack vehicles of type "Car" but not static weapons and any other, they will now attack everyhing including tanks (handling tanks differently will come in the next patch)

- fixed: Raptors would not realise a vehicle is empty and keep attacking it

- tweaked: handling of sounds changed to prevent MP issues due to overload (WIP)

- tweaked: handling of multiple modules optimized

- fixed: raptors would fall over for no reason (shitty anim config) BIG THX TO tooqik again for pointing me to one fo the issues

- added: support to spawn agents of different sides (aka: east, west, civ, ind)

be aware that raptors and zombies won't attack each other for now. i will add a full system for this in the future so you can make them hostile to eachother. i just wanted to get the animation config fixes out asap to keep those buggers from passing out randomly :lol:




DISCLAIMER: for all non-steam users. the babe_raptors_modules.pbo is obsolete now. all future craetures will be handled by the same module.




this is a work in progress so be warned that things might change. i will do my best to keep class names as they are and tried to plan ahead in terms of that a much as i could. things can still happen though so don't hate me, if an update is broken. still shifting things around in a major way.

i hope to get the babe_raptors.pbo into a final state asap though because it's the largest one i think. just having to update the new babe_am.pbo will be much faster since it's almost only code.




EDIT: forgot to mention. two of hte zombie anims are by teacup (will add him to the credits now). two are mine. if you see a shit one you know i made it :lol: as with EM i usually got my hands full with coding so anims quality lacks a little. if i ever have soem time i will update them.

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so suddenly) dinosaur mod and now zombies

hope to see one day hunting DLC from you with a lot of animals :)

You are talented modder  and thank you for your work

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remember that lots of the work has been done by others. all models and anims for raptors are by McRuppertle and as mentioned some of the zombie anims are made by teacup. so this is a team effort.


however, it also means that i can only add new things i already have models and anims for.

if by DLC you mean paid, then for sure lol.


btw. i'm not really happy with how sounds are chosen (too much repetition) and the sounds themselves, especially for the zombies. if someone has a nice raspy voice and is willing to record some nasty stuff, PM me ;)



EDIT: post updated with link for non-steam users.

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I came here looking for F-22's, but this is way more useful.

I just have one question, can they open doors?

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Heya Bad Benson! are the modules available to zeus? Would be greatly helpful.

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@khaos: such a great video man. i watched it untill the very end (good decision lol). this is the best payoff i can wish for. i would like to know if that mission is going to be released. looks like a lot of fun. it would also be interesting to see what settings were used in the modules.


EDIT: let me actually quote that so no one misses out. bad luck there with the last post on the previous page.



Thank you for permanently making me afraid of Tanoa's jungles:

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Script error when playing:


Error in expression <auling") then
_predictedPos = _victim modelToWorld ((velocity _victim) - (getp>
Error position: <modelToWorld ((velocity _victim) - (getp>
Error 0 elements provided, 3 expected
File babe_am\func\AM\fn_agentmotor.sqf, line 57
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Wow Khaos!

Amazing vid..

The frequent potty mouth and Jesus Christs were great.

Awesome vid... top notch...

Want to play the mission... !!!!

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oh thx man! actually, that array wasn't supposed to be "variantsAI" i think but "interpolateto". must've happened when i did some furious copy pasta to add in the unconscious state. also i always wondered how exactly those numbers work but never looked it up properly. so thx for doing that for me. i had already fixed it somewhat on my side but i totally missed that one tbh. this will actually speed up the release of the update i was working on a lot. it was ready but i wanted to do some more work on that fall over stuff.


thx again :wub:


Happy to be able to help out.


Keep up the great work. Love your enhanced movement mod also.

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the raptor movements are so fluid.. well done BB :D

Next project the abandoned TRex mod please??:)

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Hi BB, loving the mod a lot! 


Just a bug report:


BB Raptors is conflicting with RHS:GREF (and possibly other mods but it isn't fully tested) and prevents players injuring or killing the occupants of UAZ's and Ural trucks from the outside. They can only be killed or injured if they're shot in the legs, otherwise they are invincible. All I do know is that it is raptors that is causing it. (Perhaps something to do with the raptors attacking vehicles?)


Anyway, loving the mod lots and looking forward to see more.

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LOOT!   The raptors can be looted and have map/compass etc. items.  May be interesting to make some "organic" items like tooth, claw, hide, etc.

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That would actually be pretty funny, especially for screw around missions or more fun stuff. Go out hunting Raptors, whoever comes back with the most Raptor claws wins the game. 

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LOOT!   The raptors can be looted and have map/compass etc. items.  May be interesting to make some "organic" items like tooth, claw, hide, etc.


way ahead of you :P


been playing some Skyrim the other day. i was only planning to add a claw or tooth but i like the hide idea a lot. instant profit for people using this in game types with shops and stuff. selling that stuff for good money. maybe even having a hide for each skin variation so it's like a collectable.


@wiggie: yea i gotta see about vehicle damage. it's one of those things where the code is potentially taking into account too many things. so right now you can be injured by the raptors if you are in an open vehicle, otherwise only the vehicle itself gets damaged. i can't fully remember if or how i pick the hitpoint (some of these functions have been written several years ago). it might be overkill to try to do it precisely and i might have to do it just randomly.


vehicles overall are a ball buster when it comes to these kind of addons. i've noticed that the agents really don't like to get close to a lot of objects. makes campfires and even ammo boxes have like a safe little aura around them. i suspect that is also the cause for the issues with static weapons. that is also the reason raptors have such a long damage range for vehicles now. otherwise they would rarely even hit them.


either way. gotta look into it. thx reporting.

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