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batch files wont work if any mods give popup errors

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batch file:

@echo off

set arma3=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3
set IP=999.999.999.999
set PORT=9999
set PASSWORD=something
set MODS=c:\arma_mods\@oldmod

start ""  "%arma3%\arma3launcher.exe" -noLauncher -useBE -window -skipintro -noLogs -noTexHeaders -noFilePatching -noSplash -world=empty -mod=%MODS% -connect=%IP% -port=%PORT% -password=%PASSWORD% 


This works fine for servers with mods that don't give errors like:

No entry 'bin\config.bin/CfgWeapons.Iteminfo'.

but with these kind of errors the game stalls at 'Arma 3' splash screen, you can press escape to return to the main menu then the error window pops up. from there I can go to multiplayer menu and join the server so the mods are loading.


The Launcher seems to execute a parameter that gets around this and I want to know what it is, the error still shows but it joins the server


I've tried arma3.exe 2 1 and arma3battleye.exe 2 1 and a bunch of other combinations like steam://rungameid/107410// -noLauncher -useBE and rearranging the parameters


So is there a way to view exactly what the launcher is executing?




p.s. I'd love to use the vanilla launcher if it wasn't 7 clicks, retype password every time, stop launcher subscribing to newer version of mods and doesnt auto close (10fps drop). Single click bat file is way better for testers, plus can launch TS at same time.

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Try this


@echo off
set arma3=C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Arma 3
( set IP=999.999.999.999
set PORT=9999
set PASSWORD=something ) <- use this lines with correct IP,port and PW only if you want to directly connect to server

set MODS=c:\arma_mods\@oldmod
start ""  "%arma3%\arma3battleye.exe" 2 1 -window -skipintro -noLogs -noTexHeaders -noFilePatching -noSplash -world=empty -mod=%MODS% ( -connect=%IP% -port=%PORT% -password=%PASSWORD% ) <- for direct server connection





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