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Insurgency Takistan 24/7 - CUP - CBA_A3 - RHS:USAF

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Hey guys,


I found this: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/191710-insurgency-tanoa/and wondered why hasn't someone made a 24/7 server on this yet? It was so popular on Arma 2 OA.


So I did it with some friends. I am editing the mission slowly to make it a bit better and add more things. However, the server is in testing and is always up unless being updated. If you wish to hop on and have some fun you need the following CBA_A3, RHS:USAF, CUP_Terrains_Core, CUP_Terrains_Maps, CUP_Units, CUP_Vehicles, CUP_Weapons. CBA_A3 and all CUP mods can be found on the steam workshop. RHS:USAF can be found here: http://www.rhsmods.org/mod/2


Server info: Name: Takistan Insurgency | ALL CUP | RHS:USAF | CBA_A3 | TESTING


 IP and port:


Feel free to leave feedback.


Join the discord: https://discord.gg/tRU7T


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