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Sgt Potter

Arma 3 Memory issues

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Since the 1.62 update playing Arma 3 has become a bit of a trouble, I never had problems like this before but its started to persist.


I would be playing on a server or single player fine and suddenly frames would drop to and all time low from 60 to 2-5 Fps and monitoring my cpu and memory usage my memory usage would shoot up and the game hogs it all, making it unplayable, I have tried alot of fixes and know that there is a memory problem somewhere with armas code, and that the Devs are looking into it. 


I am just looking to see it anyone has any other fixes for this?







RPT files: https://www.dropbox.com/s/gdmidnlf9ceygxf/Memory%20RPT.rar?dl=0



i7 4790K


Corsair 16GB Ram

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This topic has been discussed a good bit recently. The memory glitch seems to have been widely introduced with the 1.60 update, though some say that they also experienced it in 1.58. Some people report success with using the latest profiling branch but for me it's just too unstable to use. I tried out the beta 1.64RC update as well and experienced the same sudden FPS drop using it as well. Here are just a few threads where it's been discussed:









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Probably no change before Arma IV... If this implies a new engine. Not guaranteed so far! If you have any link to BI communication about memory management and necessary improvements, you're welcome!

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Scimitar, Thank you, this helps alot, it sucks that we are in the same boat, I don't want to have to wait until the next update in the hope that bi fixes it, but I will have too, its just impossible to play Arma 3 for me right now.


pierremgi, Hmmm this sucks, but Arma on a new engine is something I really look forward too.


I will add my RPT to the first post.

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Sgt Potter, it certainly does suck. I've searched the forums a bit more and apparently the memory/FPS issue was actually fairly pervasive in 1.58 for a number of people and became even more widespread with the release of 1.60 and then 1.62. The comments mentioning the bug (in the second thread I linked to above) go back to April of this year. That's a fairly long time for a bug that is game breaking for so many to still be around. BIS has acknowledged the issue (https://dev.arma3.com/post/sitrep-00166) but apparently they are having quite a bit of trouble fixing it. Check this thread for more information and an explanation of what appears to be happening: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/193235-virtual-memory-a-often-missunderstood-concept/



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Had this issues since 1.54, fixed it by changing the launcher memory allocator from system to tbb4malloc_bi.

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Dear god, I've learned more about computers trying to fix Arma that any other game, I love it :P free computer classes.


On a serious note, this certainly sucks, its seems like a really random bug in regard to the people it happens too, thank you for helping me understand it with theses links, just have to wait for smarter people than me to fix it.



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Had this issues since 1.54, fixed it by changing the launcher memory allocator from system to tbb4malloc_bi.


Yes, tried this many times, I was actually using the "-malloc=tbb4malloc_bi" command when the problem started to happen so Im very unsure.

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tbb4malloc_bi ? isn't it the default engine setting since 1.58??

Nope. AFAIK the default setting has been System. Can some-one else confirm?

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Considering the fact that each user process on windows, has its own virtual address space and that arma is still a 32 bit process,

it seems natural that such problems are related to the limitation of 32 bit address space.


Even if the total 'mapped' virtual memory is still some hundreds MB below the limit of 4096MB, it is more likely that a request for a larger block of memory fails later,

simple because there is no continous block of virtual address left, large enough to map the requested amount (fragmentation of address space).


So we're back to pleading for an x64 version of ArmA3 it seems. Hop it up already! Spare us from any more pain!

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tbb4malloc_bi ? isn't it the default engine setting since 1.58??


tbb4malloc_bi is the default, you don't need to change anything, leaving "-malloc=" empty will use tbb4malloc_bi


from the malloc read me:

The default allocator used at the moment by the engine is based on Intel TBB 4 (see details about tbb4malloc_bi below)

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tbb4malloc_bi is the default, you don't need to change anything, leaving "-malloc=" empty will use tbb4malloc_bi


from the malloc read me:

The default allocator used at the moment by the engine is based on Intel TBB 4 (see details about tbb4malloc_bi below)


Sweet thanks, Is it used by default anyway you launch Arma or only with the Official Arma Launcher?

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