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StowMarines - Arma 3 Realism Unit - Recruiting - UK

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Who are we?:

We are a NATO, Arma 3, Special Forces realism unit. We are a British clan but all nationalities are welcome (as long as you can speak fluent English and attend most events). We focus mainly on the coop side of Arma 3.

What is different about our clan:

We make our missions and training's as realistic as possible whilst still having a bucket load of fun! We also don't just go to a town and kill people, we have HVT missions, hostages, campaigns, night missions etc etc.

Times & Events:

We have a training session on Fridays from 8:00pm GMT and a main mission on Saturdays from 8:00pm GMT.


We use multiple mods to make our events realistic (all can be found on the website). Most of our mods are downloaded through the steam workshop, making it easier for you to download our mods.



How do I apply?:

Head over to our website and see if you are eligible to apply and if so, how to!

Our Website


Our Arma 3 Unit Page:






We hope to see you in the field soon!

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