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Completely new to the editor, requesting help with a few basic things

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Hi all, as said above, I am completely new to the editor. I've spent the past week poking around in the editor to see what I can do, also reading and watching a few super basic tutorials.


My questions: I current have a server running, so I decided to try to make a small custom area of an airfield. I've been placing objects and AI, getting everything to look great, but I'm having issues with a few things that I'm hoping someone can help me with please.


  1. My server has a few custom areas and objects around the map that I installed using a very nice addon I found, but I would like to move a few of these objects. I have tried loading up my mission file and opening the editor, which loads the mission but none of the custom areas and objects are visible. Example: There is a little aircraft workshop on an airfield with some AI working on planes. But in the editor, the airfield is emtpy. Can someone talk me through how I open my mpmission file in the editor so these additions are visible??
  2. I can place vehicles, with and without AI, but I don't know how to make the vehicles just static objects, just for decoration, not for players to use or interact with. How can I do this?
  3. Gear creates, the airlift creates covered in netting. Again I've placed a few of these for looks, but they are Full of loot... tonnes of it. How can I empty these and again make them so players can't interact, use or move them?

Really appreciate any help.

Thanks everyone

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For 2: You can lock the vehicle so no one can use it via the attribute menu for the vehicle. That's the easy way. You can disable damage and such as well with the other checkboxes if you need to.

For 3: At the bottom of the attributes window for each crate you can edit what items are contained in the crate. Players can still interact with them and open the inventory, but it will be empty. Again, that's a simple way.

I'm sure for both of those you can do fancier stuff with scripting, but if you're new to the editor the easy way might be best for now.

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Thank you for that. I some how completely missed to obvious "Lock" section in the attributes ^_^


Regrading the creates, is that the only option within the editor without scripts, to just empty them? Because I'm pretty sure players will just tow or lift them with a heli.

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You could try disabling the simulation on them with the check box option. But to be honest I've never tried that myself on an ammo crate so I'm not sure that will prevent folks from sling loading it.

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  1. I can place vehicles, with and without AI, but I don't know how to make the vehicles just static objects, just for decoration, not for players to use or interact with. How can I do this?
  2. Gear creates, the airlift creates covered in netting. Again I've placed a few of these for looks, but they are Full of loot... tonnes of it. How can I empty these and again make them so players can't interact, use or move them?


Both options will be available with the next update. Until then use






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That's great thank you.


If it's not too cheeky, I would like to ask one more thing. I've placed AI in set locations, but they all have default ARMA loadouts. How can I change these to that of an "Exile" loadout? InstaDoc instead of First Aid Kit, food inplace of grenades... that sort of thing. Because I can not find those items within the editor.

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That's great thank you.


If it's not too cheeky, I would like to ask one more thing. I've placed AI in set locations, but they all have default ARMA loadouts. How can I change these to that of an "Exile" loadout? InstaDoc instead of First Aid Kit, food inplace of grenades... that sort of thing. Because I can not find those items within the editor.


You need to load the mod which adds those items to the game, then use the build in Arsenal on each unit which is accessable via the Context Menu.

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