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Custom loadout script according unit classname

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Hellow, I dont know how to write scripts so I decided to ask help here. I need script whitch wil give custom loadout to unit depending on it classname. For example I spawn unit via zeus, script start working and give custom loadout according unit classname. I ve tried this but it dont work with spawn units.


class Extended_Init_EventHandlers {
class Man {
init = "_this call (compile preprocessFileLineNumbers 'ForceLoadouts.sqf')";



if (typeof  _x == "B_Soldier_F") then { [_x] execVM "RiflemanLoadout.sqf"};

} forEach units group _this;



if (typeof _x == "B_Soldier_F") then { [_x] execVM "RiflemanLoadout.sqf"};

} foreach allunits;


if (typeof _x == "B_Soldier_GL_F") then { [_x] execVM "GrenadierLoadout.sqf"};

} foreach allunits;

//etc, etc, etc for each blufor class type


waitUntil {!isNull player};
_unit = _this select 0;

comment "Remove existing items";
removeAllWeapons _unit;
removeAllItems _unit;
removeAllAssignedItems _unit;
removeUniform _unit;
removeVest _unit;
removeBackpack _unit;
removeHeadgear _unit;
removeGoggles _unit;

comment "Add containers";
_unit forceAddUniform "U_C_Poor_1";
for "_i" from 1 to 2 do {_unit addItemToUniform "30Rnd_762x39_Mag_F";};
_unit addVest "V_TacChestrig_cbr_F";
for "_i" from 1 to 6 do {_unit addItemToVest "30Rnd_762x39_Mag_F";};
_unit addHeadgear "H_ShemagOpen_tan";

comment "Add weapons";
_unit addWeapon "arifle_AKM_F";

if(true) exitWith{};

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class Extended_Init_EventHandlers {
class Man {
init = "_this call (compile preprocessFileLineNumbers 'ForceLoadouts.sqf')";



if (typeof  _x == "B_Soldier_F") then { [_x] execVM "RiflemanLoadout.sqf"};

} forEach units group _this;

This part is very bad idea because XEH detect a  man and executes for each the script. Script runs only for unit with given clasname and executes  an script for every unit in group.

This will runs the execute multiple times on each unit.


In normal way you need to define guy passed to the script like this:

private _unit = _this;

Next you want to find out what is the guy type

private _unitType = typeOf _unit;

Next you want to compare given guy type and execute a script if type match

Best way is to use switch syntax.

switch _unitType do {};

in switch scope you need to define the possible guy type and use case syntax

switch _unitType do {

case "B_Soldier_F": {};
case "B_Soldier_GL_F": {};
default {};

Next you want to add different  gear for different guy type.

You can use case scope to exec extern scripts or just put the code in scope directly

switch _unitType do {

	case "B_Soldier_F": {

		removeAllWeapons _unit;
		removeBackpack _unit;
		_unit linkItem "itemRadio";


	case "B_Soldier_GL_F": {

		null = [_unit] execVM  "GrenadierLoadout.sqf";


	default {};

You can expand your switch scope to so many case scope you like.


And the most obvious question is if that should run for players only?

If so you do not need any XEH put the code directly in initPlayerLocal.sqf change the first line to

_unit = player;
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Thanks for reply. Actually I dont need it to work with players, only with AI units. Can you write it script all in one ? I mean in one code file.

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Its annoying  that you ask for working end code an give no data to work with.


Here you have an example where any AI units on side WEST will spawn without any gear.



class Extended_Init_EventHandlers {

    class CAManBase {

            init = "_this call (compile preprocessFileLineNumbers 'custom_gear.sqf')";



//diag_log format ["************************runing custom gear on %1*********************",str _this];

params ["_unit"];

if !(isServer) exitWith {};
if (isPlayer _unit) exitWith {};

private _side = side _unit;
private _unitType = typeOf _unit;

switch _side do {

	case WEST: {
		switch _unitType do {

			case "B_CTRG_Soldier_AR_tna_F": {
			removeAllWeapons _unit;
			removeAllItems _unit;
			removeAllAssignedItems _unit;
			removeUniform _unit;
			removeVest _unit;
			removeBackpack _unit;
			removeHeadgear _unit;
			removeGoggles _unit;
			case "B_CTRG_Soldier_Exp_tna_F": {
			removeAllWeapons _unit;
			removeAllItems _unit;
			removeAllAssignedItems _unit;
			removeUniform _unit;
			removeVest _unit;
			removeBackpack _unit;
			removeHeadgear _unit;
			removeGoggles _unit;
			case "B_CTRG_Soldier_JTAC_tna_F": {
			removeAllWeapons _unit;
			removeAllItems _unit;
			removeAllAssignedItems _unit;
			removeUniform _unit;
			removeVest _unit;
			removeBackpack _unit;
			removeHeadgear _unit;
			removeGoggles _unit;
			case "B_CTRG_Soldier_LAT_tna_F": {
			removeAllWeapons _unit;
			removeAllItems _unit;
			removeAllAssignedItems _unit;
			removeUniform _unit;
			removeVest _unit;
			removeBackpack _unit;
			removeHeadgear _unit;
			removeGoggles _unit;
			case "B_CTRG_Soldier_M_tna_F": {
			removeAllWeapons _unit;
			removeAllItems _unit;
			removeAllAssignedItems _unit;
			removeUniform _unit;
			removeVest _unit;
			removeBackpack _unit;
			removeHeadgear _unit;
			removeGoggles _unit;
			case "B_CTRG_Soldier_Medic_tna_F": {
			removeAllWeapons _unit;
			removeAllItems _unit;
			removeAllAssignedItems _unit;
			removeUniform _unit;
			removeVest _unit;
			removeBackpack _unit;
			removeHeadgear _unit;
			removeGoggles _unit;
			case "B_CTRG_Soldier_TL_tna_F": {
			removeAllWeapons _unit;
			removeAllItems _unit;
			removeAllAssignedItems _unit;
			removeUniform _unit;
			removeVest _unit;
			removeBackpack _unit;
			removeHeadgear _unit;
			removeGoggles _unit;
			case "B_CTRG_Soldier_tna_F": {
			removeAllWeapons _unit;
			removeAllItems _unit;
			removeAllAssignedItems _unit;
			removeUniform _unit;
			removeVest _unit;
			removeBackpack _unit;
			removeHeadgear _unit;
			removeGoggles _unit;
			case "B_GEN_Commander_F": {
			removeAllWeapons _unit;
			removeAllItems _unit;
			removeAllAssignedItems _unit;
			removeUniform _unit;
			removeVest _unit;
			removeBackpack _unit;
			removeHeadgear _unit;
			removeGoggles _unit;
			case "B_GEN_Soldier_F": {
			removeAllWeapons _unit;
			removeAllItems _unit;
			removeAllAssignedItems _unit;
			removeUniform _unit;
			removeVest _unit;
			removeBackpack _unit;
			removeHeadgear _unit;
			removeGoggles _unit;
			case "B_G_Sharpshooter_F": {
			removeAllWeapons _unit;
			removeAllItems _unit;
			removeAllAssignedItems _unit;
			removeUniform _unit;
			removeVest _unit;
			removeBackpack _unit;
			removeHeadgear _unit;
			removeGoggles _unit;
			case "B_G_Soldier_AR_F": {
			removeAllWeapons _unit;
			removeAllItems _unit;
			removeAllAssignedItems _unit;
			removeUniform _unit;
			removeVest _unit;
			removeBackpack _unit;
			removeHeadgear _unit;
			removeGoggles _unit;
			case "B_G_Soldier_A_F": {
			removeAllWeapons _unit;
			removeAllItems _unit;
			removeAllAssignedItems _unit;
			removeUniform _unit;
			removeVest _unit;
			removeBackpack _unit;
			removeHeadgear _unit;
			removeGoggles _unit;
			case "B_G_Soldier_F": {
			removeAllWeapons _unit;
			removeAllItems _unit;
			removeAllAssignedItems _unit;
			removeUniform _unit;
			removeVest _unit;
			removeBackpack _unit;
			removeHeadgear _unit;
			removeGoggles _unit;
			case "B_G_Soldier_GL_F": {
			removeAllWeapons _unit;
			removeAllItems _unit;
			removeAllAssignedItems _unit;
			removeUniform _unit;
			removeVest _unit;
			removeBackpack _unit;
			removeHeadgear _unit;
			removeGoggles _unit;
			case "B_G_Soldier_LAT_F": {
			removeAllWeapons _unit;
			removeAllItems _unit;
			removeAllAssignedItems _unit;
			removeUniform _unit;
			removeVest _unit;
			removeBackpack _unit;
			removeHeadgear _unit;
			removeGoggles _unit;
			case "B_G_Soldier_M_F": {
			removeAllWeapons _unit;
			removeAllItems _unit;
			removeAllAssignedItems _unit;
			removeUniform _unit;
			removeVest _unit;
			removeBackpack _unit;
			removeHeadgear _unit;
			removeGoggles _unit;
			case "B_G_Soldier_SL_F": {
			removeAllWeapons _unit;
			removeAllItems _unit;
			removeAllAssignedItems _unit;
			removeUniform _unit;
			removeVest _unit;
			removeBackpack _unit;
			removeHeadgear _unit;
			removeGoggles _unit;
			case "B_G_Soldier_TL_F": {
			removeAllWeapons _unit;
			removeAllItems _unit;
			removeAllAssignedItems _unit;
			removeUniform _unit;
			removeVest _unit;
			removeBackpack _unit;
			removeHeadgear _unit;
			removeGoggles _unit;
			case "B_G_Soldier_exp_F": {
			removeAllWeapons _unit;
			removeAllItems _unit;
			removeAllAssignedItems _unit;
			removeUniform _unit;
			removeVest _unit;
			removeBackpack _unit;
			removeHeadgear _unit;
			removeGoggles _unit;
			case "B_G_engineer_F": {
			removeAllWeapons _unit;
			removeAllItems _unit;
			removeAllAssignedItems _unit;
			removeUniform _unit;
			removeVest _unit;
			removeBackpack _unit;
			removeHeadgear _unit;
			removeGoggles _unit;
			case "B_G_medic_F": {
			removeAllWeapons _unit;
			removeAllItems _unit;
			removeAllAssignedItems _unit;
			removeUniform _unit;
			removeVest _unit;
			removeBackpack _unit;
			removeHeadgear _unit;
			removeGoggles _unit;
			case "B_HeavyGunner_F": {
			removeAllWeapons _unit;
			removeAllItems _unit;
			removeAllAssignedItems _unit;
			removeUniform _unit;
			removeVest _unit;
			removeBackpack _unit;
			removeHeadgear _unit;
			removeGoggles _unit;
			case "B_Recon_Sharpshooter_F": {
			removeAllWeapons _unit;
			removeAllItems _unit;
			removeAllAssignedItems _unit;
			removeUniform _unit;
			removeVest _unit;
			removeBackpack _unit;
			removeHeadgear _unit;
			removeGoggles _unit;
			case "B_Sharpshooter_F": {
			removeAllWeapons _unit;
			removeAllItems _unit;
			removeAllAssignedItems _unit;
			removeUniform _unit;
			removeVest _unit;
			removeBackpack _unit;
			removeHeadgear _unit;
			removeGoggles _unit;
			case "B_Soldier_A_F": {
			removeAllWeapons _unit;
			removeAllItems _unit;
			removeAllAssignedItems _unit;
			removeUniform _unit;
			removeVest _unit;
			removeBackpack _unit;
			removeHeadgear _unit;
			removeGoggles _unit;
			case "B_Soldier_F": {
			removeAllWeapons _unit;
			removeAllItems _unit;
			removeAllAssignedItems _unit;
			removeUniform _unit;
			removeVest _unit;
			removeBackpack _unit;
			removeHeadgear _unit;
			removeGoggles _unit;
			case "B_Soldier_GL_F": {
			removeAllWeapons _unit;
			removeAllItems _unit;
			removeAllAssignedItems _unit;
			removeUniform _unit;
			removeVest _unit;
			removeBackpack _unit;
			removeHeadgear _unit;
			removeGoggles _unit;
			case "B_Soldier_SL_F": {
			removeAllWeapons _unit;
			removeAllItems _unit;
			removeAllAssignedItems _unit;
			removeUniform _unit;
			removeVest _unit;
			removeBackpack _unit;
			removeHeadgear _unit;
			removeGoggles _unit;
			case "B_Soldier_TL_F": {
			removeAllWeapons _unit;
			removeAllItems _unit;
			removeAllAssignedItems _unit;
			removeUniform _unit;
			removeVest _unit;
			removeBackpack _unit;
			removeHeadgear _unit;
			removeGoggles _unit;
			case "B_T_Crew_F": {
			removeAllWeapons _unit;
			removeAllItems _unit;
			removeAllAssignedItems _unit;
			removeUniform _unit;
			removeVest _unit;
			removeBackpack _unit;
			removeHeadgear _unit;
			removeGoggles _unit;
			case "B_T_Diver_Exp_F": {
			removeAllWeapons _unit;
			removeAllItems _unit;
			removeAllAssignedItems _unit;
			removeUniform _unit;
			removeVest _unit;
			removeBackpack _unit;
			removeHeadgear _unit;
			removeGoggles _unit;
			case "B_T_Diver_F": {
			removeAllWeapons _unit;
			removeAllItems _unit;
			removeAllAssignedItems _unit;
			removeUniform _unit;
			removeVest _unit;
			removeBackpack _unit;
			removeHeadgear _unit;
			removeGoggles _unit;
			case "B_T_Diver_TL_F": {
			removeAllWeapons _unit;
			removeAllItems _unit;
			removeAllAssignedItems _unit;
			removeUniform _unit;
			removeVest _unit;
			removeBackpack _unit;
			removeHeadgear _unit;
			removeGoggles _unit;
			case "B_T_Engineer_F": {
			removeAllWeapons _unit;
			removeAllItems _unit;
			removeAllAssignedItems _unit;
			removeUniform _unit;
			removeVest _unit;
			removeBackpack _unit;
			removeHeadgear _unit;
			removeGoggles _unit;
			case "B_T_Medic_F": {
			removeAllWeapons _unit;
			removeAllItems _unit;
			removeAllAssignedItems _unit;
			removeUniform _unit;
			removeVest _unit;
			removeBackpack _unit;
			removeHeadgear _unit;
			removeGoggles _unit;
			case "B_T_Recon_Exp_F": {
			removeAllWeapons _unit;
			removeAllItems _unit;
			removeAllAssignedItems _unit;
			removeUniform _unit;
			removeVest _unit;
			removeBackpack _unit;
			removeHeadgear _unit;
			removeGoggles _unit;
			case "B_T_Recon_F": {
			removeAllWeapons _unit;
			removeAllItems _unit;
			removeAllAssignedItems _unit;
			removeUniform _unit;
			removeVest _unit;
			removeBackpack _unit;
			removeHeadgear _unit;
			removeGoggles _unit;
			case "B_T_Recon_JTAC_F": {
			removeAllWeapons _unit;
			removeAllItems _unit;
			removeAllAssignedItems _unit;
			removeUniform _unit;
			removeVest _unit;
			removeBackpack _unit;
			removeHeadgear _unit;
			removeGoggles _unit;
			case "B_T_Recon_LAT_F": {
			removeAllWeapons _unit;
			removeAllItems _unit;
			removeAllAssignedItems _unit;
			removeUniform _unit;
			removeVest _unit;
			removeBackpack _unit;
			removeHeadgear _unit;
			removeGoggles _unit;
			case "B_T_Recon_M_F": {
			removeAllWeapons _unit;
			removeAllItems _unit;
			removeAllAssignedItems _unit;
			removeUniform _unit;
			removeVest _unit;
			removeBackpack _unit;
			removeHeadgear _unit;
			removeGoggles _unit;
			case "B_T_Recon_Medic_F": {
			removeAllWeapons _unit;
			removeAllItems _unit;
			removeAllAssignedItems _unit;
			removeUniform _unit;
			removeVest _unit;
			removeBackpack _unit;
			removeHeadgear _unit;
			removeGoggles _unit;
			case "B_T_Recon_TL_F": {
			removeAllWeapons _unit;
			removeAllItems _unit;
			removeAllAssignedItems _unit;
			removeUniform _unit;
			removeVest _unit;
			removeBackpack _unit;
			removeHeadgear _unit;
			removeGoggles _unit;
			case "B_T_Sniper_F": {
			removeAllWeapons _unit;
			removeAllItems _unit;
			removeAllAssignedItems _unit;
			removeUniform _unit;
			removeVest _unit;
			removeBackpack _unit;
			removeHeadgear _unit;
			removeGoggles _unit;
			case "B_T_Soldier_AAA_F": {
			removeAllWeapons _unit;
			removeAllItems _unit;
			removeAllAssignedItems _unit;
			removeUniform _unit;
			removeVest _unit;
			removeBackpack _unit;
			removeHeadgear _unit;
			removeGoggles _unit;
			case "B_T_Soldier_AAT_F": {
			removeAllWeapons _unit;
			removeAllItems _unit;
			removeAllAssignedItems _unit;
			removeUniform _unit;
			removeVest _unit;
			removeBackpack _unit;
			removeHeadgear _unit;
			removeGoggles _unit;
			case "B_T_Soldier_AA_F": {
			removeAllWeapons _unit;
			removeAllItems _unit;
			removeAllAssignedItems _unit;
			removeUniform _unit;
			removeVest _unit;
			removeBackpack _unit;
			removeHeadgear _unit;
			removeGoggles _unit;
			case "B_T_Soldier_AR_F": {
			removeAllWeapons _unit;
			removeAllItems _unit;
			removeAllAssignedItems _unit;
			removeUniform _unit;
			removeVest _unit;
			removeBackpack _unit;
			removeHeadgear _unit;
			removeGoggles _unit;
			case "B_T_Soldier_AT_F": {
			removeAllWeapons _unit;
			removeAllItems _unit;
			removeAllAssignedItems _unit;
			removeUniform _unit;
			removeVest _unit;
			removeBackpack _unit;
			removeHeadgear _unit;
			removeGoggles _unit;
			case "B_T_Soldier_A_F": {
			removeAllWeapons _unit;
			removeAllItems _unit;
			removeAllAssignedItems _unit;
			removeUniform _unit;
			removeVest _unit;
			removeBackpack _unit;
			removeHeadgear _unit;
			removeGoggles _unit;
			case "B_T_Soldier_Exp_F": {
			removeAllWeapons _unit;
			removeAllItems _unit;
			removeAllAssignedItems _unit;
			removeUniform _unit;
			removeVest _unit;
			removeBackpack _unit;
			removeHeadgear _unit;
			removeGoggles _unit;
			case "B_T_Soldier_F": {
			removeAllWeapons _unit;
			removeAllItems _unit;
			removeAllAssignedItems _unit;
			removeUniform _unit;
			removeVest _unit;
			removeBackpack _unit;
			removeHeadgear _unit;
			removeGoggles _unit;
			case "B_T_Soldier_GL_F": {
			removeAllWeapons _unit;
			removeAllItems _unit;
			removeAllAssignedItems _unit;
			removeUniform _unit;
			removeVest _unit;
			removeBackpack _unit;
			removeHeadgear _unit;
			removeGoggles _unit;
			case "B_T_Soldier_LAT_F": {
			removeAllWeapons _unit;
			removeAllItems _unit;
			removeAllAssignedItems _unit;
			removeUniform _unit;
			removeVest _unit;
			removeBackpack _unit;
			removeHeadgear _unit;
			removeGoggles _unit;
			case "B_T_Soldier_Repair_F": {
			removeAllWeapons _unit;
			removeAllItems _unit;
			removeAllAssignedItems _unit;
			removeUniform _unit;
			removeVest _unit;
			removeBackpack _unit;
			removeHeadgear _unit;
			removeGoggles _unit;
			case "B_T_Soldier_SL_F": {
			removeAllWeapons _unit;
			removeAllItems _unit;
			removeAllAssignedItems _unit;
			removeUniform _unit;
			removeVest _unit;
			removeBackpack _unit;
			removeHeadgear _unit;
			removeGoggles _unit;
			case "B_T_Soldier_TL_F": {
			removeAllWeapons _unit;
			removeAllItems _unit;
			removeAllAssignedItems _unit;
			removeUniform _unit;
			removeVest _unit;
			removeBackpack _unit;
			removeHeadgear _unit;
			removeGoggles _unit;
			case "B_T_Soldier_UAV_F": {
			removeAllWeapons _unit;
			removeAllItems _unit;
			removeAllAssignedItems _unit;
			removeUniform _unit;
			removeVest _unit;
			removeBackpack _unit;
			removeHeadgear _unit;
			removeGoggles _unit;
			case "B_T_Spotter_F": {
			removeAllWeapons _unit;
			removeAllItems _unit;
			removeAllAssignedItems _unit;
			removeUniform _unit;
			removeVest _unit;
			removeBackpack _unit;
			removeHeadgear _unit;
			removeGoggles _unit;
			case "B_T_Support_AMG_F": {
			removeAllWeapons _unit;
			removeAllItems _unit;
			removeAllAssignedItems _unit;
			removeUniform _unit;
			removeVest _unit;
			removeBackpack _unit;
			removeHeadgear _unit;
			removeGoggles _unit;
			case "B_T_Support_AMort_F": {
			removeAllWeapons _unit;
			removeAllItems _unit;
			removeAllAssignedItems _unit;
			removeUniform _unit;
			removeVest _unit;
			removeBackpack _unit;
			removeHeadgear _unit;
			removeGoggles _unit;
			case "B_T_Support_GMG_F": {
			removeAllWeapons _unit;
			removeAllItems _unit;
			removeAllAssignedItems _unit;
			removeUniform _unit;
			removeVest _unit;
			removeBackpack _unit;
			removeHeadgear _unit;
			removeGoggles _unit;
			case "B_T_Support_MG_F": {
			removeAllWeapons _unit;
			removeAllItems _unit;
			removeAllAssignedItems _unit;
			removeUniform _unit;
			removeVest _unit;
			removeBackpack _unit;
			removeHeadgear _unit;
			removeGoggles _unit;
			case "B_T_Support_Mort_F": {
			removeAllWeapons _unit;
			removeAllItems _unit;
			removeAllAssignedItems _unit;
			removeUniform _unit;
			removeVest _unit;
			removeBackpack _unit;
			removeHeadgear _unit;
			removeGoggles _unit;
			case "B_T_soldier_M_F": {
			removeAllWeapons _unit;
			removeAllItems _unit;
			removeAllAssignedItems _unit;
			removeUniform _unit;
			removeVest _unit;
			removeBackpack _unit;
			removeHeadgear _unit;
			removeGoggles _unit;
			case "B_crew_F": {
			removeAllWeapons _unit;
			removeAllItems _unit;
			removeAllAssignedItems _unit;
			removeUniform _unit;
			removeVest _unit;
			removeBackpack _unit;
			removeHeadgear _unit;
			removeGoggles _unit;
			case "B_diver_F": {
			removeAllWeapons _unit;
			removeAllItems _unit;
			removeAllAssignedItems _unit;
			removeUniform _unit;
			removeVest _unit;
			removeBackpack _unit;
			removeHeadgear _unit;
			removeGoggles _unit;
			case "B_diver_TL_F": {
			removeAllWeapons _unit;
			removeAllItems _unit;
			removeAllAssignedItems _unit;
			removeUniform _unit;
			removeVest _unit;
			removeBackpack _unit;
			removeHeadgear _unit;
			removeGoggles _unit;
			case "B_diver_exp_F": {
			removeAllWeapons _unit;
			removeAllItems _unit;
			removeAllAssignedItems _unit;
			removeUniform _unit;
			removeVest _unit;
			removeBackpack _unit;
			removeHeadgear _unit;
			removeGoggles _unit;
			case "B_engineer_F": {
			removeAllWeapons _unit;
			removeAllItems _unit;
			removeAllAssignedItems _unit;
			removeUniform _unit;
			removeVest _unit;
			removeBackpack _unit;
			removeHeadgear _unit;
			removeGoggles _unit;
			case "B_medic_F": {
			removeAllWeapons _unit;
			removeAllItems _unit;
			removeAllAssignedItems _unit;
			removeUniform _unit;
			removeVest _unit;
			removeBackpack _unit;
			removeHeadgear _unit;
			removeGoggles _unit;
			case "B_recon_F": {
			removeAllWeapons _unit;
			removeAllItems _unit;
			removeAllAssignedItems _unit;
			removeUniform _unit;
			removeVest _unit;
			removeBackpack _unit;
			removeHeadgear _unit;
			removeGoggles _unit;
			case "B_recon_JTAC_F": {
			removeAllWeapons _unit;
			removeAllItems _unit;
			removeAllAssignedItems _unit;
			removeUniform _unit;
			removeVest _unit;
			removeBackpack _unit;
			removeHeadgear _unit;
			removeGoggles _unit;
			case "B_recon_LAT_F": {
			removeAllWeapons _unit;
			removeAllItems _unit;
			removeAllAssignedItems _unit;
			removeUniform _unit;
			removeVest _unit;
			removeBackpack _unit;
			removeHeadgear _unit;
			removeGoggles _unit;
			case "B_recon_M_F": {
			removeAllWeapons _unit;
			removeAllItems _unit;
			removeAllAssignedItems _unit;
			removeUniform _unit;
			removeVest _unit;
			removeBackpack _unit;
			removeHeadgear _unit;
			removeGoggles _unit;
			case "B_recon_TL_F": {
			removeAllWeapons _unit;
			removeAllItems _unit;
			removeAllAssignedItems _unit;
			removeUniform _unit;
			removeVest _unit;
			removeBackpack _unit;
			removeHeadgear _unit;
			removeGoggles _unit;
			case "B_recon_exp_F": {
			removeAllWeapons _unit;
			removeAllItems _unit;
			removeAllAssignedItems _unit;
			removeUniform _unit;
			removeVest _unit;
			removeBackpack _unit;
			removeHeadgear _unit;
			removeGoggles _unit;
			case "B_recon_medic_F": {
			removeAllWeapons _unit;
			removeAllItems _unit;
			removeAllAssignedItems _unit;
			removeUniform _unit;
			removeVest _unit;
			removeBackpack _unit;
			removeHeadgear _unit;
			removeGoggles _unit;
			case "B_sniper_F": {
			removeAllWeapons _unit;
			removeAllItems _unit;
			removeAllAssignedItems _unit;
			removeUniform _unit;
			removeVest _unit;
			removeBackpack _unit;
			removeHeadgear _unit;
			removeGoggles _unit;
			case "B_soldier_AAA_F": {
			removeAllWeapons _unit;
			removeAllItems _unit;
			removeAllAssignedItems _unit;
			removeUniform _unit;
			removeVest _unit;
			removeBackpack _unit;
			removeHeadgear _unit;
			removeGoggles _unit;
			case "B_soldier_AAR_F": {
			removeAllWeapons _unit;
			removeAllItems _unit;
			removeAllAssignedItems _unit;
			removeUniform _unit;
			removeVest _unit;
			removeBackpack _unit;
			removeHeadgear _unit;
			removeGoggles _unit;
			case "B_soldier_AAT_F": {
			removeAllWeapons _unit;
			removeAllItems _unit;
			removeAllAssignedItems _unit;
			removeUniform _unit;
			removeVest _unit;
			removeBackpack _unit;
			removeHeadgear _unit;
			removeGoggles _unit;
			case "B_soldier_AA_F": {
			removeAllWeapons _unit;
			removeAllItems _unit;
			removeAllAssignedItems _unit;
			removeUniform _unit;
			removeVest _unit;
			removeBackpack _unit;
			removeHeadgear _unit;
			removeGoggles _unit;
			case "B_soldier_AR_F": {
			removeAllWeapons _unit;
			removeAllItems _unit;
			removeAllAssignedItems _unit;
			removeUniform _unit;
			removeVest _unit;
			removeBackpack _unit;
			removeHeadgear _unit;
			removeGoggles _unit;
			case "B_soldier_AT_F": {
			removeAllWeapons _unit;
			removeAllItems _unit;
			removeAllAssignedItems _unit;
			removeUniform _unit;
			removeVest _unit;
			removeBackpack _unit;
			removeHeadgear _unit;
			removeGoggles _unit;
			case "B_soldier_LAT_F": {
			removeAllWeapons _unit;
			removeAllItems _unit;
			removeAllAssignedItems _unit;
			removeUniform _unit;
			removeVest _unit;
			removeBackpack _unit;
			removeHeadgear _unit;
			removeGoggles _unit;
			case "B_soldier_M_F": {
			removeAllWeapons _unit;
			removeAllItems _unit;
			removeAllAssignedItems _unit;
			removeUniform _unit;
			removeVest _unit;
			removeBackpack _unit;
			removeHeadgear _unit;
			removeGoggles _unit;
			case "B_soldier_UAV_F": {
			removeAllWeapons _unit;
			removeAllItems _unit;
			removeAllAssignedItems _unit;
			removeUniform _unit;
			removeVest _unit;
			removeBackpack _unit;
			removeHeadgear _unit;
			removeGoggles _unit;
			case "B_soldier_exp_F": {
			removeAllWeapons _unit;
			removeAllItems _unit;
			removeAllAssignedItems _unit;
			removeUniform _unit;
			removeVest _unit;
			removeBackpack _unit;
			removeHeadgear _unit;
			removeGoggles _unit;
			case "B_soldier_repair_F": {
			removeAllWeapons _unit;
			removeAllItems _unit;
			removeAllAssignedItems _unit;
			removeUniform _unit;
			removeVest _unit;
			removeBackpack _unit;
			removeHeadgear _unit;
			removeGoggles _unit;
			case "B_spotter_F": {
			removeAllWeapons _unit;
			removeAllItems _unit;
			removeAllAssignedItems _unit;
			removeUniform _unit;
			removeVest _unit;
			removeBackpack _unit;
			removeHeadgear _unit;
			removeGoggles _unit;
			case "B_support_AMG_F": {
			removeAllWeapons _unit;
			removeAllItems _unit;
			removeAllAssignedItems _unit;
			removeUniform _unit;
			removeVest _unit;
			removeBackpack _unit;
			removeHeadgear _unit;
			removeGoggles _unit;
			case "B_support_AMort_F": {
			removeAllWeapons _unit;
			removeAllItems _unit;
			removeAllAssignedItems _unit;
			removeUniform _unit;
			removeVest _unit;
			removeBackpack _unit;
			removeHeadgear _unit;
			removeGoggles _unit;
			case "B_support_GMG_F": {
			removeAllWeapons _unit;
			removeAllItems _unit;
			removeAllAssignedItems _unit;
			removeUniform _unit;
			removeVest _unit;
			removeBackpack _unit;
			removeHeadgear _unit;
			removeGoggles _unit;
			case "B_support_MG_F": {
			removeAllWeapons _unit;
			removeAllItems _unit;
			removeAllAssignedItems _unit;
			removeUniform _unit;
			removeVest _unit;
			removeBackpack _unit;
			removeHeadgear _unit;
			removeGoggles _unit;
			case "B_support_Mort_F": {
			removeAllWeapons _unit;
			removeAllItems _unit;
			removeAllAssignedItems _unit;
			removeUniform _unit;
			removeVest _unit;
			removeBackpack _unit;
			removeHeadgear _unit;
			removeGoggles _unit;

			default {};
	case EAST: {
		switch _unitType do {

			case "": {


			case "": {


			default {};
		switch _unitType do {

			case "": {


			case "": {


			default {};
	case CIVILIAN: {
		switch _unitType do {

			case "": {


			case "": {


			default {};
	default {};
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You are my heroe :) ot dushi bratuha (thanks mate). It works !!! Are there any way to make it work not only with spawn ai but with editor placed units aswell, just in case ?

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Editor placed objects can easily be handled in your init.sqf. Besides, cba eventhandlers should catch them too.


If you want to add your code just to zeus-placed units, I would recommend using a curatorEventHandler. That way you don't have to rely on cba.




if !(isServer) exitWith {};

I would replace that with

if !(local _unit) exitWith {};

just to be on the safe side if you want to use any local commands in the init.

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