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Bohemia Revive Icon Marker is a mod to add an icon and Mapmarker to unconscious players.

Download: Bohemia Revive Icon Marker

Steam: Bohemia Revive Icon Marker


- Add 3D Icon and Mapmarker to unconscious players

- Only players which side are friendly to yours get a 3D Icon and Mapmarker (TVT-Compatible)

Known issues

- no issues known at the moment

Whole Mod as Script Version:

// 08.2016
0 = [] spawn
	if (isDedicated) exitWith {};
	waitUntil {sleep 1; !(isNull player)};
	waitUntil {sleep 1; player == player};
	_diary =
		if (isNull player) exitWith {false};
		if(!(player diarySubjectExists "mdhBRIM")) then
			player createDiarySubject ["mdhBRIM","BRIM Mod"];
			player createDiaryRecord
					"Bohemia Revive Icon Marker",
						'<br/>Bohemia Revive Icon Marker is a mod, created by Moerderhoschi for Arma III, to add an icon and Mapmarker to unconscious players. '
					  + 'If you have any question you can contact me at the official Bohemia Interactive Forum: forums.bistudio.com<br/>'
					  + '<br/>'
					  + '<img image="a3\ui_f\data\revive\medikit_ca.paa"/>'
					  + '<br/>'
					  + '<br/>'
					  + 'Credits and Thanks:<br/>'
					  + 'Xeno - sharing his code and knowledge to realize this addon<br/>'
					  + 'Armed-Assault.de Crew - For many great ArmA moments in many years<br/>'
					  + 'BIS - For ArmA3<br/>'

	// addMissionEventHandler
				_mdhBRIMalreadySet = (_x getVariable ["mdhBRIMset",false]);
				_side = (_x getVariable ["mdhBRIMside",east]);
				if ( _mdhBRIMalreadySet && {alive _x} && {side player getFriend _side > 0.5} && {(lifeState _x) == "INCAPACITATED"} ) then
					_dist = player distance _x;
					if (_dist < 200) then
						_pos = getPosATLVisual _x;
						_pos set [2, (_pos select 2) + 1 + (_dist * 0.05)];
						drawIcon3D ["a3\ui_f\data\revive\medikit_ca.paa", [1,0,0,1 - (_dist / 200)], _pos, 1, 1, 0, "(Uncon) " + name _x, 1, 0.032 - (_dist / 9000), "RobotoCondensed"];
			} forEach allPlayers;
	// loop
	sleep 1;	

	_markers = [];
	while {true} do
		// diary stuff
		0 = _diary spawn
			waitUntil {!(isNull player)};
			waitUntil {player==player};
			0 = [] call _this;

		{deleteMarkerLocal _x} forEach _markers;
			_mdhBRIMalreadySet = (_x getVariable ["mdhBRIMset",false]);
			if (!_mdhBRIMalreadySet) then				
				if ( _x != player && {alive _x} && {!((lifeState _x) == "INCAPACITATED")} ) then
					_x setVariable ["mdhBRIMset",true];
					_x setVariable ["mdhBRIMside",(side _x)];
				_side = (_x getVariable ["mdhBRIMside",east]);
				if (side player getFriend _side > 0.5 && {alive _x} && {(lifeState _x) == "INCAPACITATED"}) then
					_marker = createMarkerLocal ["mdhBRIMmarker_" + format["%1",_forEachIndex], position _x];
					_markers pushBack _marker;
					_marker setMarkerShapeLocal "ICON";
					_marker setMarkerTypeLocal "hd_dot";
					_marker setMarkerTextLocal ("(Uncon) " + name _x);
					_marker setMarkerColorLocal "ColorBLUE";
		} forEach allPlayers;

		sleep (5 + random 1);

Credits and Thanks:

Xeno - sharing his code and knowledge to realize this addon

Armed-Assault.de Crew - For many great ArmA moments in many years

BIS - For ArmA3




- fixed icon not found error after ArmA III Update to version 1.66

- fixed icon not shown when a player was unconscious

- restored original ModIcon



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Hay m8, nice idea :)


Any chance of a script version of this. I host a server and would like to have it on there but keep the host vanilla.


If not ah well still a nice one!


This community relies on the modders, Well done!!  :D

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I like your thinking sir. All those times I`ve heard that little voice crying out for help, and looked, and looked, and looked in that tall grass and found nothing....

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Any chance of a script version of this. I host a server and would like to have it on there but keep the host vanilla.

sure, added script version to first post :)


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@eduardcomando afaik bohemia revive system is MP only, so this mod only works in MP with other players and not in SP with AI. If bohemia add SP compatibility it will be easy to add SP support for this mod, but hopefully bohemia will add a 3D Icon and Mapmarker to their revive system so this mod will be obsolet

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@eduardcomando afaik bohemia revive system is MP only, so this mod only works in MP with other players and not in SP with AI. If bohemia add SP compatibility it will be easy to add SP support for this mod, but hopefully bohemia will add a 3D Icon and Mapmarker to their revive system so this mod will be obsolet

Ok Thank, you know or someone about any way of get revive mode in SP o any Mod that make this function or similar? thank...

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New mod v0.1 available at withSIX. Download now by clicking:


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- fixed icon not found error after ArmA III Update to version 1.66
- fixed icon not shown when a player was unconscious
- restored original ModIcon


@foxhound/sonsalt6 a few minutes ago i published a new version and also updated the @mdhBrim.7z File. Thank you guys :-)

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