Rabid Squirrel 149 Posted August 26, 2016 Rain TexturesBy: Rabid Squirrel Version: 0.4.5 About Rain Textures: These are textures for your gear and weapons, that will turn on while it is raining, which should add to the immersion and experience of fighting while it is raining in Arma 3. The changes are subtle and it shouldn't distract you in combat, but they are exaggerated under direct light, which makes it fantastic to look at at night with street lights hitting the water drops. How does this Mod work? When the "rain value" in game is above 50%, doesn't matter whether it is in the Editor, or the Singleplayer Campaign, the textures will apply to the gear. If at any point the rain calms down, or stops, the textures will be removed from the weapon. This was designed with seamless integration in mind, it should be fully compatible with any missions or campaigns that contain Vanilla Arma 3 Content. Experimental Functionality: All Experimental functionality can be turned off as a fail safe. This is because, as per usual, RVMATs are very temperamental and often choose not to load for no particular reason. It's because of this that I've written in overrides to stop these experimental features from running if you deem them to be more detrimental to your experience than beneficial. In addition to this, the default rain rvmats are not likely to look as good as custom made ones might, so they will act as placeholders (specifically the uniforms and backpacks) until I can find time to finish them (this only applies to vanilla gear). I would've used this system for all gear items but unfortunately setObjectMaterial can only operate on Uniforms and Backpacks... such is the way of things. Spoiler To turn of all experimental functionality, run the below with a 1 second delay: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sleep 1; missionNamespace setVariable ["RS_RainTexture_RunExpMaterialSwitch", false, true]; missionNamespace setVariable ["RS_RainTexture_RunLandVehicleHandler", false, true]; missionNamespace setVariable ["RS_RainTexture_RunAirVehicleHandler", false, true]; missionNamespace setVariable ["RS_RainTexture_RunShipVehicleHandler", false, true]; missionNamespace setVariable ["RS_RainTexture_RunBuildingHandler", false, true]; missionNamespace setVariable ["RS_RainTexture_RunThingHandler", false, true]; Current Features: Spoiler Rain Textured Plate Carriers Rain Textured Slash Bandoliers Rain Textured Harnesses Rain Textured Combat Vests Rain Textured Caps, Beanies, and Boonies Rain Textured Backpacks Rain Textured NATO Helmets Rain Textured CSAT Helmets Rain Textured NATO Uniforms Rain Textured CSAT Uniforms Rain Textured MX Family of Rifles Rain Textured Mk.14 EBR Rain Textured M320 NATO Sniper Rifle Rain Textured P07 Pistol All vehicles will now have a default rain material applied. Planned Features: (Re-textures of the Following) Spoiler 30-09-2016 : NATO Gear (Complete) 30-11-2016 : CSAT Gear Timeframe Unknown : AAF Gear Timeframe Unknown : FIA Gear 24-01-2019 : NATO Vehicles 24-01-2019 : CSAT Vehicles 24-01-2019 : AAF Vehicles 24-01-2019 : FIA Vehicles Timeframe Unknown : Marksman DLC Weaponry 24-01-2019 : Helicopters DLC Possibly(?) Not Planned Features - APEX Expansion Re-texture Continuous Work: Over time all textures will be improved and upgraded along with the release of each new set of re-textures. All of the current features will be tweaked and altered dependent on user feedback, for the best all round experience of this modification. Regarding the FPS (Performance Effects) of this mod: I haven't done extensive testing with regards to FPS yet, you will probably receive a minor FPS dip while the changeover of textures occurs, but after it finishes everything should return to normal... this will depend directly on how many units are in the mission you are playing, because it will have to change over the textures for each of them. Depending on feedback I may change how the script works for better performance, but at the moment you shouldn't notice any problems with your FPS. If you do, alert me right away please. You can do this is the Bug Reports Discussion. Thanks! Have any Bugs to Report? Feature Requests External Links: Steam PagePlay withSix Download OptionRS - Rain Textures v0.3.3 Changelog: Changelog v0.4.5: Changed: Moved the re-texturing handler to be processed client-side in a Dedicated server environment, all AI will continue to be handled by the server. Single-player is unaffected. Fixed: Several issues causing texture switches to fail. Changelog v0.4.0: Added: Experimental RVMAT for all vehicles to apply rain textures (including modded vehicles). *See new screenshots Added: Experimental RVMAT for all uniforms to apply rain textures (including modded uniforms). Note that this only applies if a rain class is not already defined for the uniform. Added: Experimental RVMAT for all backpacks to apply rain textures (including modded backpacks). Note that this only applies if a rain class is not already defined for the backpack. Changed: Refactored the Gear Switching Component of Rain Textures, now supports all weapon attachments, items and magazines (provided they have defined rain classes). Changelog v0.3.3: Changed: Refactored the Gear Switching Component of Rain Textures, using setUnitLoadout and getUnitLoadout introduced in the Arma 3 1.58 update. Thanks Bohemia Changelog v0.3.2: Added: New Rain Textured Weapons ... Katiba Rifle*, Rook 40 Pistol*, ACPC2 Pistol*, 45 Pistol*, Zafir LMG, Rahim Marksman Rifle, GM6 Sniper Rifle, RPG32 Rocket Launcher. Potentially Fixed: Script Error that Causes Gear to Duplicate in Certain Circumstances on a Dedicated Server (Testing Still Underway). [* Please see Section on Hidden Selections for more Information.]Changelog v0.3.1: Added: Script Handles for modifying dry-off time based on time of day, weather etc. (During the Day when it is sunny gear dries much faster than early morning and cloudy). Added: Script Handles for dynamically altering textures (should prevent having some gear inversely swapping to and from rain gear when it was meant to be dry or wet). Fixed: Error caused by incorrect Bikey/Bisign. Fixed: Error in Script Handles for drying off when inside a vehicle or building, this should work as intended now. v0.3.1 Please Note: This is a small script based update, no new Rain Textured content is present. Changelog v0.3: Added: Textures for a Large Number of Caps, Hats, and Beanies. Added: Textures for Crew Helmets for NATO and CSAT. Added: Textures for Heli-Pilot/Crew Helmets and Uniforms for CSAT, AAF, and NATO. Added: 2 Weapons - Mk.14 EBR, and M320 NATO Sniper Rifle. Removed: Access to items in the Arsenal (All changes should now take place behind the scenes) v0.3 Please Note: Launchers, Night Vision Goggles and Ghillie Suits are not present in this update as they are a WIP at the moment. Changelog v0.2.8 (Patch): Fixed: Error when a Unit is deleted that has Rain Textures Running. Fixed: Gear should be returned to the correct place now (i.e. If it was in your vest it should be put back in your vest). Fixed: When playing in MP Functions should only be run once per unit now. Changelog v0.2.6 and 0.2.7 (Hotfixes) Fixed: Broken Server Key and Bisign Fixed: ACE Compatibility Error Changelog v0.2.5: Added: CSAT Uniforms, Vests, and Helmets Added: CTRG Uniforms Added: AAF Uniform Rvmats (No Uniforms Yet) Changed: Texture Maps for Several Backpacks for more Natural looking Rain Effect Changed: Reworked Pretty Much all of the Functions For details view: For Mod Makers Fixed: Cannot load texture 'rain_tex\vests\data\equip_chestrig_khk_rain_co.paa' Changelog v0.2: Compatibility: Minor Changes to the Way the Functions work, should fix "Enhanced Movement Modification" Compatibility Error. Added: Chestrig Rain Textures Added: Tactical Vest Rain Textures Added: Goggles Rain Textures (For Some Glasses and Goggles). Changed: Reworked the Normal, Colour, and Specular Maps for the Grenadier Plate Carrier. Changelog v0.1.5: Fixed: Compatibility with ACE and CBA now working. Changed: Textures for all the Backpacks, Vests and Uniforms (Should make the fabric looks less "Hydrophobic"). Tweaked: Specular Maps for the Helmets. Changelog v0.1: Initial Release Hidden Selections: Unfortunately I discovered, quite recently while putting together this update, that a couple of the weapons (and every attachment available for the weapons), did not have hidden selections. What this means is that I am currently unable to display the custom Rain Textures in game for these affected weapons and items.I've posted on an existing Feature Request Similar to what I need, and Hopefully we'll be able to get those added at some point. The textures are in place and ready to go, so as soon as the selections are added, they will reflect in-game.Currently Affected Weapons: Katiba Rifle Rook 40 Pistol ACPC2 Pistol 45 Pistol For Mod Makers: How Rain Textures Works: Rain Textures Uses Classnames to figure out whether or not it is a rain texture, then switches them to or from Rain Textures depending on the initial logic test. It follows a very simple convention, and that is: If the classname ends in "_Rain" then it is considered to be a rain class. This means that it is incredibly simple for you as a mod maker to add Rain Texture Classes to your mod, without making them dependent on the Rain Textures Mod. Currently I only have textures available for some of the Vanilla A3 Content, which means that if your content is re-textured A3 Assets, this will work for you. However if you are using custom models adding compatibility will require custom .rvmats (see "Creating new Textures" for more details). Creating new Textures: Spoiler *WIP* Setting Up Your Classes: Spoiler Take the Class "U_B_CombatUniform_mcam", using the NATO Uniform for example: class CfgVehicles { class B_Soldier_F; class B_Soldier_01_rain_f: B_Soldier_F { author="Rabid Squirrel"; _generalMacro="B_Soldier_01_rain_f"; scope=1; displayName="Rifleman 1 (Rain)"; model="\A3\characters_F\BLUFOR\b_soldier_01.p3d"; uniformClass="U_B_CombatUniform_mcam_Rain"; hiddenSelections[]= { "camo", "Insignia" }; hiddenSelectionsTextures[]= { "\rt_blufor\Data\clothing1_rain_co.paa" }; hiddenSelectionsMaterials[]= { "\rt_blufor\Data\clothing1_rain.rvmat" }; }; }; class CfgWeapons { class U_B_CombatUniform_mcam; class U_B_CombatUniform_mcam_Rain: U_B_CombatUniform_mcam { author="Rabid Squirrel"; scope=2; scopeArsenal=0; hiddenSelections[]= { "camo" }; hiddenSelectionsTextures[]= { "\A3\Characters_F\Common\Suitpacks\data\suitpack_soldier_blufor_co.paa" }; class ItemInfo: UniformItem { uniformModel="-"; uniformClass="B_Soldier_01_rain_f"; containerClass="Supply40"; mass=40; hiddenSelections[]= { "camo", "Insignia" }; hiddenSelectionsTextures[]= { "\rt_blufor\Data\clothing1_rain_co.paa" }; hiddenSelectionsMaterials[]= { "\rt_blufor\Data\clothing1_rain.rvmat" }; }; }; }; List of Available .rvmats Spoiler Uniforms: Blufor Uniform - "\rt_blufor\Data\clothing1_rain.rvmat" (CTRG Uses Same RVMAT) Opfor Uniform - "\rt_opfor\Data\clothing_rain.rvmat" Opfor Officer - "\rt_opfor\Data\officer_hex_rain.rvmat" AAF Uniform - "\rt_indep\Data\ia_soldier_01_clothing_rain.rvmat" Headgear: NATO Helmets - "\rt_blufor\Data\equip1_rain.rvmat" Opfor Helmets - "\rt_opfor\Data\tech_rain.rvmat" Vests: Plate Carrier - "\rt_blufor\Data\vests_rain.rvmat" Plate Carrier GL - "\rt_blufor\Data\vest_gl_rig_rain.rvmat" Chestrig - "\rt_vests\Data\equip_chestrig_rain.rvmat" Tactical Vest - "\rt_vests\Data\tacticalvest_rain.rvmat" Backpacks: Assault Pack - "\rt_backpacks\Data\backpack_compact_rain.rvmat" Kitbag - "\rt_backpacks\Data\backpack_fast_rain.rvmat" Fieldpack - "\rt_backpacks\Data\backpack_gorod_rain.rvmat" Tactical Pack - "\rt_backpacks\Data\backpack_small_rain.rvmat" Carryall - "\rt_backpacks\Data\backpack_tortila_rain.rvmat" Quick Tip: The adjusted .rvmats should make all the necessary materials more Shiny and Wet looking, but I would recommend that you also create a version of your clothing items that are darker with a higher contrast (Just looks more Natural In My Opinion). The adjustments I went with for the above was: -50 Brightness +20 Contrast Images: License: This Content is Licensed under the Arma Public License Share Alike (APL-SA). As always, please ask permission from me directly before reproducing and or modifying the content within this mod. 32 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
infrareddimming 195 Posted August 26, 2016 Very impressive. Wet textures are really something that shouldve been included in the base game. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
snowingjimbob 34 Posted August 26, 2016 Looks amazing, I feel like this was something that the game was sorely missing. Hope that other add-on makers use this for their content as well. Great work! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bad benson 1733 Posted August 26, 2016 too bad this can't be done via shaders to be applied to everything. that being said. respect for still going through with it. looks really good on those night screens. very close to the rain drops on weapons in battlefield 1 ;) 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NightIntruder 711 Posted August 26, 2016 10/10 for "wet" look of gear and uniform. I would recommend adding some delay between "wet" and "dry" states of the effect to simulate a time of "drying" of the equipment. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Vvalerie2 48 Posted August 26, 2016 This is definitely a work of art and would look specially great on jungle warfare mods such as Unsung. A big +1 to suggestion of delayed "drying up" time (perhaps possiblity to edit n mission editor?) This could also be expanded as dust, dirt and mud textures in desert etc.. environments. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
target_practice 163 Posted August 26, 2016 Is there no way that a generic texture can be applied to objects by a script? At least as a stopgap until hand-made textures are created. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
evrik 844 Posted August 26, 2016 That's a really nice looking effect. Great job. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Von Quest 1163 Posted August 27, 2016 That's Badass! B) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
road runner 4344 Posted August 27, 2016 Pretty cool Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
froggyluv 2136 Posted August 27, 2016 Cool indeed but for some reason Enhanced Movement mod disappears when i run with this one. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rabid Squirrel 149 Posted August 27, 2016 Is there no way that a generic texture can be applied to objects by a script? At least as a stopgap until hand-made textures are created. I am working on this right now as placeholders for stuff that doesn't have textures made for it specifically. Cool indeed but for some reason Enhanced Movement mod disappears when i run with this one. Can confirm that I just squashed this bug in my private build. I am hoping to get the update out later today. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rabid Squirrel 149 Posted August 27, 2016 10/10 for "wet" look of gear and uniform. I would recommend adding some delay between "wet" and "dry" states of the effect to simulate a time of "drying" of the equipment. Working on it! Big thanks to everyone for the Positive reception! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
miller 49 Posted August 27, 2016 Thanks Rabid Squirrel :) ArmA3.de Mirror added: RS - Rain Textures von Rabid Squirrel (v0.1.5) Kind regards Miller Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rabid Squirrel 149 Posted August 28, 2016 Version 0.2 Now Live Changelog: Compatibility: Minor Changes to the Way the Functions work, should fix "Enhanced Movement Modification" Compatibility Error. Added: Chestrig Rain Textures Added: Tactical Vest Rain Textures Added: Goggles Rain Textures (For Some Glasses and Goggles). Changed: Reworked the Normal, Colour, and Specular Maps for the Grenadier Plate Carrier. Image 5 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tpw 2315 Posted August 28, 2016 This is absolutely fantastic, I've wanted to see something like this since about 30 seconds after the first rainstorm inArma2. If you could do something similar for road surfaces you'd have people queueing up to shake your hand! 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
haleks 8212 Posted August 28, 2016 I'm not sure you can apply custom textures to roads though... :( Same as Bad Benson, I really wish we had a proper shader tech for this stuff! 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
miller 49 Posted August 28, 2016 Thanks Rabid Squirrel :) ArmA3.de Mirror updated: RS - Rain Textures von Rabid Squirrel (v0.2) Kind regards Miller Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted August 28, 2016 New version frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage. RS - Rain Textures v0.2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Remi .A 8 Posted August 28, 2016 When I saw this I honestly went WOW. Would be awesome if you guys outreach this to the RHS mod. 2 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
igu@na 53 Posted August 28, 2016 Just simply a Amazing Mod so far.. :wub: BI, check this out... splashes on the surface? is possible? 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zooloo75 834 Posted September 2, 2016 This is why we should have a much more exposed shader system. So many possibilities. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Valken 623 Posted September 2, 2016 Amazing and working now with other mods now! You should open up the source or a config file so other mods can use this system such as RHS, Niarms, VSM, CUP, SMA, other weapons, gear and vehicle mods... BI should develop a universal shader system like this. 4 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bars91 956 Posted September 2, 2016 Shaders alone won't do. Rain mapping is a must! Stalker Clear Sky (2008) implemented it into their engine if anyone needs the reference. ;) EDiT: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bad benson 1733 Posted September 2, 2016 is rain mapping the effect that is shown on the train that is sticking out the tunnel? like only making surfaces look wet that are exposed to the sky? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites