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Missing KFDATA selection.

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So I'm modeling with Blender, and found that the Obj file exporting doesn't really like my faces, and keeps inverting them. I figured I would have better luck with 3ds format, but I keep getting this error. I delt with any Ngons on the model and it still gives me the error, to assure I haven't missed any I even created a cube and triangulated it. Even that won't import into O2 without this error. Any thoughts? If Obj is the only way, is there a tip to keep my faces from being all inverted?

I tried using the pd3 export as well, I simply get a error cannot load model. I can't even do this with a basic cube.

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I'd stick to the toolbox. I've used both obj and 3ds over the years. But at some point it became a very hit and miss affair. The Blender 3ds exporter script is fairly neglected at this point I think. So the missing kfdata message is not unusual.


I'm sure there's just a simple step you're missing before export with the toolbox. Have you read the manual that comes with it?


A lot of people bypass that in their eagerness, and plough straight into the proverbial quicksand. 


Did you make sure to "tag" the object as having Arma properties that the exporter can use?


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Yea that worked, I been using a bypass for now and but this will probably make things a lot cleaner. 

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