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Hi, I have recently been trying to get into Arma 3 modding and need to create a spike strip, we already have the model I just don't freaking know how to make it take out wheels


If anyone can help, plz I rlly need it 


Also if anyone can tell me how to actually do things like this on my own it would be greatly appreciated 

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Depending on how accurately you need to simulate it, spawning a trigger of appropriate size around the spike strip should serve to set off your code.  The spike strip just becomes decorative in a sense.  The trigger would set damage to the wheel of any object that enters it.

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Depending on how accurately you need to simulate it, spawning a trigger of appropriate size around the spike strip should serve to set off your code.  The spike strip just becomes decorative in a sense.  The trigger would set damage to the wheel of any object that enters it.

I dont use the editor much, but in MCC you can set different IED effects triggers-explosive,visual only, or vehicle disabling.That would work for spike strips if it disabled the vehicle.

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Depending on how accurately you need to simulate it, spawning a trigger of appropriate size around the spike strip should serve to set off your code.  The spike strip just becomes decorative in a sense.  The trigger would set damage to the wheel of any object that enters it.

Just remember with this method to remove the trigger if the object is removed....

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