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"Randomly Populate Area" On Demand

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Hey o/


Let's say I a have a CQB training scenario, a small town/city. It starts empty, with no one in there.


The player starts somehwere outside that town, and there's a desk with a computer (or any other object/s). By aproaching it, you can open a menu where you can choose how many enemies you want to add to the town, the type (infantry and/or vehicles), and their skill level. You may also have an option to reset the scenario, in which case it'd delete all opfor.


"You can do this with MCC"


Yes, I can. The thing is not everyone in the squad knows how to use MCC. Basicaly, I wanted to create an easier MCC, where you just say how many infantry, how many vehicles, and their skill level. Then it would ramdomly place those elements in the town area.


Is this possible, and how hard would it be?


Thanks for the help :)

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"You can do that with ALiVE"

Serious answer though, you might want to look into the script version of the Dynamic Ai Creator (DAC), It's possible to active/deactivate zones which will add/remove AI along with them. You also can define what will spawn in each zone. The hard part will be the system you put in place to manage the activation/deactivation. Also it should be noted the Zones are defined using trigger areas, so it should be easy enough to stack them on each other. 

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Just do it with a script. Have it spawn groups in random locations and use some patrol script (UPS?) to move them around.

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