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Hello everyone,


i´ve tried to find out on the net , but no way.How to reset the mission lodded on the server .Restating it from ZERO 


Maybe i should be more precise .We have on the running server "thousands" ( kind of) vehicles and all stuff ....Some players take a huge time to load the file .What i would like to know is how to delete all this logs ...Maybe a DDB file to delete somewhere before restarting ?


In advance thanks for the support .


PS. i use this way to run a server : https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/139003-tutorial-installation-configuration-of-arma3-dedicated-server/

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I'm not quite sure what you mean, hopefully this will answer the query


if you start your servers using a batch command script the batch command to delete all log files if that is what you require, or manually delete log files you don't need once a week

The more addons you load the longer it takes to start, especially if those addons run pre-init scripts

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Thank you Terox for the support,


the problem is that i´don´t know where the logs files are located:





C:\Users\Administrateur\AppData\Local\Arma 3\BattlEye




I don´t use any batch, just the shortcut .

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what i ´ve done to find the files wich need to be deleted to "reset" the mission on the server , is to delete each files in each folder one one by one doing a sort of "debuging" ( sorry if i don´t use the appropriate terms :) ) 


So the files deleted that reset the mission on the server after a restart are located here: C:\_A3\Games\ArmA3\A3Master\Users\Administrateur


And those files are:





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what i ´ve done to find the files wich need to be deleted to "reset" the mission on the server , is to delete each files in each folder one one by one doing a sort of "debuging" ( sorry if i don´t use the appropriate terms :) ) 


So the files deleted that reset the mission on the server after a restart are located here: C:\_A3\Games\ArmA3\A3Master\Users\Administrateur


And those files are:







You SHOULD NOT be deleting

  • Administrateur.Arma3Profile
  • Arma3.cfg


If your wanting to get rid of some data that is saved in worldspace, then you could delete the


On a client. this stores the data saved outside of a mission such as your VAS loadouts etc , so on the server-side this would be the saved status of some missions and other similar data

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