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My weapons scope accessories not visible

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I created weapons scope accessories, but it is not visible in Eden Editor (on the right side, Accessories menu).

otherwise everything works fine.

My config:

    class My_Weapons : ItemCore
    scope = 2;
    scopeCurator = 2;
    editorCategory = "EdCat_WeaponAttachments";
    editorSubcategory = "EdSubcat_TopSlot_Optics";
        class ItemInfo : InventoryOpticsItem_Base_F {
            class OpticsModes {

explication: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Eden_Editor:_Object_Categorization


I tested several ways, I searched the forum. I can not find how to do.

Is it possible to do that? :huh:

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Weapon attachments and weapons classes themselves are not selectable from the Eden Editor; you need to make a weaponholder for your optic in cfgVehicles that holds the weapon.

Weaponholders are effectively an ammo box for one item.


E.g: here the _Item_optic_ cfgVehicle class inheriting from Item_Base_F contains the _optic_ cfgWeapons class that inherits from ItemCore under class TransportItems

class CfgVehicles
	class Item_Base_F; // External class reference

	class RKSL_Item_optic_PMII_525: Item_Base_F
		scope = 2;
		scopeCurator = 2;
		displayName = "[RKSL] 5-25x56 PM II";
		author = "da12thMonkey";
		dlc = "RKSL_Attachments";
		vehicleClass = "WeaponAccessories";
		editorCategory = "EdCat_WeaponAttachments";
		editorSubcategory = "EdSubcat_TopSlot_Optics";
		class TransportItems
			class RKSL_optic_PMII_525
				name = "RKSL_optic_PMII_525";
				count = 1;

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Ok, it works flawlessly  :) 


I understand well, I'll do the same for the remainder...



class Headgear_Base_F;
class Vest_Base_F;
class Pistol_Base_F;
class Weapon_Base_F;
class Launcher_Base_F;


I'll see if we can add an icon...


Thanks ;)


>> editorPreview = "MyIcon" ..... It Works !!! :P  <<

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New problem... :unsure:


When I select my weapon in the editor, I have an error message:


No entry 'bin\config.bin/cfgVehicles/Weapon_LaNex_famas/TransportWeapons/LaNex_famas.weapon'.


however I can use my weapon with units, and it is indeed present on units... :huh:

And everything works with weapons sights.



	class Weapon_LaNex_famas: Weapon_Base_F
		scope = 2;
		scopeCurator = 2;
		displayName = "LaNex FAMAS F1";
		author = "NexArmyForces";
		dlc = "LaNex Armes D'Epaules";
		vehicleClass = "WeaponsPrimary";
		editorCategory = "Armes_Fr";
		editorSubcategory = "ArmesEpaules_Fr";
    editorPreview = "\LaNex_Weapons\ico\famas_icone.paa";	
		class TransportWeapons
			class LaNex_famas
				name = "LaNex_famas";
				count = 1;
		class TransportMagazines
			class LaNex_30Rnd_556x45_Stanag
				magazine = "LaNex_25Rnd_223Remington";
				count = 1;

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New problem... :unsure:


When I select my weapon in the editor, I have an error message:


No entry 'bin\config.bin/cfgVehicles/Weapon_LaNex_famas/TransportWeapons/LaNex_famas.weapon'.


however I can use my weapon with units, and it is indeed present on units... :huh:

And everything works with weapons sights.



	class Weapon_LaNex_famas: Weapon_Base_F
		scope = 2;
		scopeCurator = 2;
		displayName = "LaNex FAMAS F1";
		author = "NexArmyForces";
		dlc = "LaNex Armes D'Epaules";
		vehicleClass = "WeaponsPrimary";
		editorCategory = "Armes_Fr";
		editorSubcategory = "ArmesEpaules_Fr";
    editorPreview = "\LaNex_Weapons\ico\famas_icone.paa";	
		class TransportWeapons
			class LaNex_famas
				name = "LaNex_famas";
				count = 1;
		class TransportMagazines
			class LaNex_30Rnd_556x45_Stanag
				magazine = "LaNex_25Rnd_223Remington";
				count = 1;

You need to change

		class TransportWeapons
			class LaNex_famas
				name = "LaNex_famas";
				count = 1;


		class TransportWeapons
			class LaNex_famas
				weapon = "LaNex_famas";
				count = 1;

(assuming of course 'LaNex_famas' is the weapon's actual classname...

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Ok, it's alright :D


it I had missed..... Sorry :rolleyes:


thanks a lot

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