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Karl Sauer

2.Panzer-Division (EU, WW2, English Speaking Wehrmacht)

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The 2.Panzer-Division is a Wehrmacht 'Milsim' unit for Bohemia Interactive's latest title, ArmA III. Our campaign and event operations span the period of the Second World War.

Our operations focus on cooperative gameplay. Structure, tactics, and weapons are based on actual military documentation. We strive for a mixture of accuracy and entertainment, and will edit and update areas of the unit as aspects change such as mods and terrains.




What we are looking for:
- Mature, active, and reliable members.
- Applicants interested in utilizing realistic tactics and squad layouts. 
- Members able to make our weekly events. (Sunday at 8PM GMT+1 till around 10-11PM GMT+1)



We offer:
- A fun and friendly community of players, without any shouting/screaming Drill Sergeants.
- Open recruitment opportunities for various roles within our Infantry.
- A continous developing internal campaign, with longterm goals and effects.
- A unit lead by people with experience from various realism communities.
- An always open Teamspeak ( Adress: ).



How to join:
Go onto the website and fill out the form under "ENLISTMENT". You will then be contacted on Steam by a leader for an interview.






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The unit is still going strong, we've recently had a large influx of new people and have been growing quite steadily. 


Our unit has recently made the addition of our latest magazine, that goes over the 3rd day of our internal Campaign! As we all as semi-regular updates to our youtube channel.


We have begun a cooperation with another non-arma group for a dedicated serverbox, giving us more power to our servers, storage and future website.

Lastly, we've also chosen to change in our modpack and move away from TFAR over to ACRE2 for a better voice experience.

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The unit is currently undergoing a wealth of changes, as we switch from the CSA38 mod to a mixture of IFA3 and FoW. With this change over our unit is moving into portraying the Eastern Front ca. 1943. We are slowly updating our website and forums to reflect this change, though we are staying with the historic loadout of the 2.Panzer-Division.


We will resume full operations schedule on the 8th of January.


Campaign Epilogue Video

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The Group is still going strong!


We recently opened up proper in IFA3/FoW with the addition of our Mechanized infantry and Panther tank! Site has also been updated to proper show our change over to a new mod, and is therefore less dominated by the CSA38 mod.

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We are still recruiting for our Panzergrenadier Kompanie! (Mechanized Infantry)


Beyond this we are also starting our new campaign on the coming sunday, it will be centered around the Battle of Kursk in 1943. 


Campaign Trailer

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Still going strong!


Currently having a new website in the works at the following URL: https://2pzd.net/  However it will be a while before we fully release that beauty.


Beyond that, we've made some structural changes to our events; So for the future we do not have set slots in our squads, except for the leaders, so its first-come first-serve for those juicy roles in the Gruppe.


Furthermore we will occasionally play alternative missions to our Kursk 1943 setting, however there will still be at least one mission each sunday that plays our usual setup.

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The unit recently finished up a Mini-campaign in Normandy 1944, where elements of the 2.Panzer-Division faced off against an overwhelming British force! For the next few weeks we will be doing a few side missions, before returning to our Afrika Korps Scenarios.


Beyond this, we've done some restructuring such as the implementation of a basic Rekrut-Course and setting up a Heavy Weapons Team that operates Panzershrecks, HMGs , PaKs and sometimes even mortars!


- We are still looking for capable people to(in particular) fill in our infantry slots!

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Still rolling on out! Picking up our jolly time in Africa from this sunday onwards again.


We've recently moved up to two Zugs of Panzergrenadiers, meaning our unit is again Kompanie-sized with the support of aHeavy Weapons Team and Panzer attachment.

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Still rolling around, currently doing a campaign revolving around the fighting in western Germany in 1945 on the Rosche Terrain.


Closed down our Heavy Weapons department, due to it not working out the way we liked. But still rolling with two platoons of infantry and Panzer support.

Edited by FallujahMedic -FM-
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