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ACE3 - A collaborative merger between AGM, CSE, and ACE

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Anybody here knows how the map gestures work? And is it like the Map Gestures by ShackTac?

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Anybody here knows how the map gestures work? And is it like the Map Gestures by ShackTac?

It's actually integrated ShackTac's Map Gestures with more settings and rewritten under ACE/CBA framework.

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With 3.4.0 the advanced medical system appears to be flawed, if not broken: Applying a bandage to a wound (in my case 4 minor puncture wounds attended with elastic bandages and quikclot) results in a fraction of the wound being treated (eg. "1.65 minor puncture wounds // ( B ) 2.35 minor puncture wounds"). That way I needed roundabout 15 bandages for four wounds - and after reopening of the wounds, which, the wounds reopen in major fractions, even though applicable bandages were used. Is this supposed to happen?


#edit: I found out that using a bandage with highest effectiveness (according to http://ace3mod.com/wiki/feature/medical-system.html#2-2-1-9-bandages-effectiveness) heals a wound completely, whereas other bandage classes will only heal a fracture of the wound. That's not a very good system. Especially if there are common wound types (like puncture wounds from grenades and artillery), that don't have a bandage type with highest effectiveness and therefor need at least 15 (!) bandages to be patched up. I get your approach, but using a bandage with "high" effectiveness should not heal only 30% of a minor wound. For a large wound I would get it. But this is just way off. Let's say there are a few players who like it that way, this should be one of the factors that can be toggled with ace_medical_enableAdvancedWounds.

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Thanks for the update, really loving the ace_noactionmenu, and the option to increase the interaction menu speed :)

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Beautiful update gentlemen!!!!!!


Tis a fine day to launch an 'end-all' assault on Al-Raqqa,Zargabad, and this one's going to give me the pleasure of feeling X-tra real because of all of your teams hard work and commitment to perfection!  Thank You! :cc: :coop:

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Hi ace team thank you 4 this really needed update...

I have a question about Cup_optional.pbo...what we have to use ?

This inside @ace3.4.0.0 mod or the other they have released some day ago??


keep up good work!

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Is this supposed to happen?


Hard to judge based only on your description, however in my experience it takes usually 1-3 bandages to fix typical wounds - mostly determined by their size. So 15 bandages for 4 minor wounds sound unintentional.

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Another question. I just see that there is a ace_server.pbo...so server need to load that PBO too? 
(Could be this PBO is not new but I just never saw it...but I never had it before and our server ran good. What does this PBO do?)


Also I get RPT Errors you might look into. Dunno if its ACE or CBA related!!!

15:36:41 Error in expression <
params ["_array", "_code"];

_array = + _array;

_array set [_forEachIndex, >
15:36:41   Error position: <+ _array;


Full RPT: http://pastebin.com/mrBd4WcA

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Hey guys, my team and I really love the mod. ( we are all Vets) I was wondering about the Respawn system and how to get it to work. I have looked at your webpage and GitHub extensively and really haven't seen much information on it. We would really like to incorporate it into our missions. Thanks guys for all your hard work on this great product.

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I have a problem that my interaction manu is not showing, and i don't have the ACE options menu either.

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I have a problem that my interaction manu is not showing, and i don't have the ACE options menu either.

Same here but only when I have ace modules placed. Without ace modules placed it works fine. Looks like one of them breaks it!

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I had to delete and place down  again the PBO check module and now it works.

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I had to delete and place down  again the PBO check module and now it works.


sitrepo = hero 

But I see why this is happening: 

Old: The field on Whitelist = Empty

New: The field on Whitelist = []


I guess that's the cause!

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I have a problem that my interaction manu is not showing, and i don't have the ACE options menu either.

Make sure you update CBA to the latest release.  I had the same issue until I updated CBA.

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I found an issue with night vision.  With the ace_nightvision.pbo in place if I sight up (ADS) with my weapons, the night vision turns off.  If I lower my weapon again they come back on.  This appears to be pervasive against all NVGs with the ace_nightvision.pbo in place (not just the ace NVGs).  If I remove it, the NVGs stay on once turned on whether I sight up or normal stance.

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I found an issue with night vision.  With the ace_nightvision.pbo in place if I sight up (ADS) with my weapons, the night vision turns off.  If I lower my weapon again they come back on.  This appears to be pervasive against all NVGs with the ace_nightvision.pbo in place (not just the ace NVGs).  If I remove it, the NVGs stay on once turned on whether I sight up or normal stance.


From the Changelog:

  • Disable NVGs in sight (#2699)

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Not sure if I like that change. Holo sights and a few others can be used with NVGs irl, can't they? I know one can disable this feature with a module, but still.

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Not sure if I like that change. Holo sights and a few others can be used with NVGs irl, can't they? I know one can disable this feature with a module, but still.


From what I saw, you can disable the function via Module!

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Thanx for the update. I can't thank you enough for ACE logistics! What you guys did to the refuel- and rearm- procedure is simply amazing - the best thing happened to ArmA EVER. Wow. Never ever again without that. I have some questions regarding those features:





1. Is it possible you guys add some kind of noise to the refuel process? When the procedure is started, I think it would be nice to hear some kind of pumping sound. I think in real life those refueling procedures are kinda noisy because of the strong pumps and engines. In addition it would signal the user the refueling process is proceeding.


2. Is it possible to give random items a defined amount of fuel and maybe a fuel nozzle per script? Im thinking about the oil barrels for example, or strucutres like gas-stations.




1. I don't think this is possible, but maybe you find a solution: I'm amazed by the fact that if you want to rearm one of the vanilla jets, you pick the 3d object of the needed missile out of the ammo truck and not just a simple box. Is there a way to implement this for modded jets too? Maybe like a scan for p3d-objects of the magazineclass? I tried to rearm the F-16 (standalone mod) with a SideWinder, but all I got from the truck was a box (rearming worked),  although there has to be a 3d object for that mod-sidewinder?


2. Some jets do have different loadouts. If a jet fires, lets say, the sidewinders of its AA-loudout, would it be possible to get a list of all different rockets and bombs that can fit under that pylon in different loadouts from the ream-menu, not just a new sideWinder? 


3. Maybe impossible: Interchangeable rockets between different jets?


4. Would it be possible to move a spawned missile or ammobox into the cargospace of another vehicle than the ammotruck? Lets say placing a SideWinder into the cargospace of a HEMTT Flatbed? (with the box/missile visible placed on the transportplace of the truck, like igiload?)


5. This one is very, very important to me: Is there a way to spawn defined ammo for vehicles with a script? For example: Players fighting with a tank and need ammo, a script spawns a helicopter with a box with correct 120mm rounds slingloaded for them to rearm. Or players find boxes with fitting vehicle ammo in a conquered base, spawned by a script? 


Hope you guys can give me some Information, and again: What an update... WOW! Thanx and be proud of your fantastic work! 

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