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ACE3 - A collaborative merger between AGM, CSE, and ACE

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ACE gps doesn't seem to be working in Suonkomar Sahav, the first digit of the second pair of coordinates it's clearly wrong. What would be wrong with the island to cause this kind of bug?

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Please can someone explane me what this module does?...In documentation I cant find anything...thank you


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good morning ,   ...... 

You can configure the microdagr with customizable keys

Piloting it is really difficult to program it

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Is it possible to get the Laser designator to work with the ace DAGR? Like you can the vector 21? 

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I have a question regarding the AtragMX and the bore-to-scope height. Let's say I am using the M200 Intervention and the LRPS optic:



ACE_ScopeHeightAboveRail = 4.0;



This has not defined the " ACE_RailHeightAboveBore", so I assume it is used the default defined as:
case 0: { _railHeightAboveBore = 2.0; }; // Rifle


On the AtragMX gunlist Bore height value (default value 3.81), do I have to put in 6cm (4+2)?


Thank you, best regards

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Advanced Ballistics module enabled, the BH is indicated at the end of the range card.

You should have a better accuracy with a correct BH in the AtragMx.


For the default ballistic, not sure about the influence of this parameter. Maybe a quick test in-game ?

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Can someone tell me if my setup is correct for advanced ballistics?


class ace_advanced_ballistics_enabled {
    value = 1;
    typeName = "BOOL";
    force = 1;
class ace_advanced_ballistics_simulateForSnipers {
    value = 1;
    typeName = "BOOL";
    force = 1;
class ace_advanced_ballistics_simulateForGroupMembers {
    value = 0;
    typeName = "BOOL";
    force = 1;
class ace_advanced_ballistics_simulateForEveryone {
    value = 0;
    typeName = "BOOL";
    force = 1;
class ace_advanced_ballistics_disabledInFullAutoMode {
    value = 1;
    typeName = "BOOL";
    force = 1;
class ace_advanced_ballistics_ammoTemperatureEnabled {
    value = 1;
    typeName = "BOOL";
    force = 1;
class ace_advanced_ballistics_barrelLengthInfluenceEnabled {
    value = 1;
    typeName = "BOOL";
    force = 1;
class ace_advanced_ballistics_bulletTraceEnabled {
    value = 1;
    typeName = "BOOL";
    force = 1;
class ace_advanced_ballistics_simulationInterval {
    value = 0;
    typeName = "SCALAR";
    force = 1;
class ace_advanced_ballistics_simulationRadius {
    value = 3000;
    typeName = "SCALAR";
    force = 1;

Above is what I have and issue is snipers in team are having high accuracy without using any ace tools to zero their rifles.. Somehow they do the clicks how they feel and they hit the targets :/

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Are you playing with a @ace 3.8.3 ?


Since the @ace 3.9.0, the class ace_advanced_ballistics_simulationInterval has got a value = 0.05


This serverconfig.hpp seems to be a little bit obsolete and maybe needs to be updated ?


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I created the config before maybe with 3.8.3

I will try to export it again and let's see if snipers will have a bit challange or not

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On 3/5/2017 at 5:46 PM, ab_luca said:


Please can someone explane me what this module does?...In documentation I cant find anything...thank you



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16 hours ago, Tavish said:

Will the Titan AP missile ever use the FCS, like the AT missile?
Or is it awaiting a different kind of magic? :wink_o:


@ab_luca Reposting your own posts will only work against you. Have you checked their wiki?


Yes I do ,but notning about ace_medical_medicSetting...

I only need to know what changes between disabled ;normal and advanced

thank you for answer my post I was thinking to be inisible


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2 hours ago, ab_luca said:


Yes I do ,but notning about ace_medical_medicSetting...

I only need to know what changes between disabled ;normal and advanced

thank you for answer my post I was thinking to be inisible



Repeating the same post is the same as spamming. Not cool.


After putting ace_medical_medicsetting into Google, I discovered it's use for you.


ace_medical_medicsetting is a server-side setting that configures the medic.

Example below of some ACE medical settings for a server:


ace_medical_enableadvancedwounds = true; // Enable Advanced wounds - Allow reopening of bandaged wounds? (Adv only)
ace_medical_bleedingcoefficient = 1; // Bleeding coefficient - Coefficient to modify the bleeding speed
ace_medical_level = 2; // Medical Level - What is the medical simulation level? - Basic = 1, Advanced = 2
ace_medical_enablevehiclecrashes = false; // Vehicle Crashes - Do units take damage from a vehicle crash?
ace_medical_aidamagethreshold = 1; // AI Damage - What is the damage an AI can take before being killed? - number from 0 to 1
ace_medical_enablescreams = true; // Enable Screams - Enable screaming by injuried units
ace_medical_keeplocalsettingssynced = true; // Sync status - Keep unit status synced. Recommended on.
ace_medical_enablefor = 1; // Enabled for - Select what units the medical system will be enabled for (Adv only) - Players only = 0, Players and AI = 1
ace_medical_enableunsconsiousnessai = 1; // AI Unconsciousness - Allow AI to go unconscious - Disabled = 0, Enabled = 1, 50/50 = 2
ace_medical_playerdamagethreshold = 1; // Player Damage - What is the damage a player can take before being killed? - number from 0 to 1
ace_medical_preventinstadeath = false; // Prevent instant death - Have a unit move to unconscious instead of death

ace_medical_medicsetting_surgicalkit = 1; // Allow Surgical kit (Adv) - Who can use the surgical kit? - Anyone = 0, Medics only = 1, Doctors only (Adv) = 2
ace_medical_consumeitem_surgicalkit = 0; // Remove Surgical kit (Adv) - Should Surgical kit be removed on usage? - No = 0, Yes - 1
ace_medical_medicsetting = 2; // Medics setting - What is the level of detail prefered for medics? - Disable medics = 0, Normal = 1, Advanced = 2
ace_medical_maxrevivetime = (60 * 5); // Max Revive time - Max amount of seconds a unit can spend in revive state
ace_medical_medicsetting_pak = 2; // Allow PAK (Adv) - Who can use the PAK for full heal? - Anyone = 0, Medics only = 1, Doctors only (Adv) = 2
ace_medical_allowlittercreation = true; // Enable Litter - Enable litter being created upon treatment
ace_medical_uselocation_surgicalkit = 0; // Locations Surgical kit (Adv) - Where can the Surgical kit be used? - Anywhere = 0, Medical Vehicles = 1, Medical facility = 2, Vehicles & facility = 3, Disabled = 4
ace_medical_enableoverdosing = true; // Enable Overdosing - Enable overdosing of medications
ace_medical_amountofrevivelives = -1; // Max Revive lives - Max amount of lives a unit. 0 or -1 is disabled
ace_medical_consumeitem_pak = 0; // Remove PAK on use (Adv) - Should PAK be removed on usage? - No = 0, Yes - 1
ace_medical_uselocation_pak = 0; // Locations PAK (Adv) - Where can the personal aid kit be used? - Anywhere = 0, Medical Vehicles = 1, Medical facility = 2, Vehicles & facility = 3, Disabled = 4
ace_medical_littercleanupdelay = (60 * 30); // Life time of litter objects - How long should litter objects stay? In seconds. -1 is forever

Next time you have a problem, spam google, not the forum.

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19 hours ago, Tavish said:


Repeating the same post is the same as spamming. Not cool.


After putting ace_medical_medicsetting into Google, I discovered it's use for you.


ace_medical_medicsetting is a server-side setting that configures the medic.

Example below of some ACE medical settings for a server:

  Reveal hidden contents

ace_medical_enableadvancedwounds = true; // Enable Advanced wounds - Allow reopening of bandaged wounds? (Adv only)
ace_medical_bleedingcoefficient = 1; // Bleeding coefficient - Coefficient to modify the bleeding speed
ace_medical_level = 2; // Medical Level - What is the medical simulation level? - Basic = 1, Advanced = 2
ace_medical_enablevehiclecrashes = false; // Vehicle Crashes - Do units take damage from a vehicle crash?
ace_medical_aidamagethreshold = 1; // AI Damage - What is the damage an AI can take before being killed? - number from 0 to 1
ace_medical_enablescreams = true; // Enable Screams - Enable screaming by injuried units
ace_medical_keeplocalsettingssynced = true; // Sync status - Keep unit status synced. Recommended on.
ace_medical_enablefor = 1; // Enabled for - Select what units the medical system will be enabled for (Adv only) - Players only = 0, Players and AI = 1
ace_medical_enableunsconsiousnessai = 1; // AI Unconsciousness - Allow AI to go unconscious - Disabled = 0, Enabled = 1, 50/50 = 2
ace_medical_playerdamagethreshold = 1; // Player Damage - What is the damage a player can take before being killed? - number from 0 to 1
ace_medical_preventinstadeath = false; // Prevent instant death - Have a unit move to unconscious instead of death

ace_medical_medicsetting_surgicalkit = 1; // Allow Surgical kit (Adv) - Who can use the surgical kit? - Anyone = 0, Medics only = 1, Doctors only (Adv) = 2
ace_medical_consumeitem_surgicalkit = 0; // Remove Surgical kit (Adv) - Should Surgical kit be removed on usage? - No = 0, Yes - 1
ace_medical_medicsetting = 2; // Medics setting - What is the level of detail prefered for medics? - Disable medics = 0, Normal = 1, Advanced = 2
ace_medical_maxrevivetime = (60 * 5); // Max Revive time - Max amount of seconds a unit can spend in revive state
ace_medical_medicsetting_pak = 2; // Allow PAK (Adv) - Who can use the PAK for full heal? - Anyone = 0, Medics only = 1, Doctors only (Adv) = 2
ace_medical_allowlittercreation = true; // Enable Litter - Enable litter being created upon treatment
ace_medical_uselocation_surgicalkit = 0; // Locations Surgical kit (Adv) - Where can the Surgical kit be used? - Anywhere = 0, Medical Vehicles = 1, Medical facility = 2, Vehicles & facility = 3, Disabled = 4
ace_medical_enableoverdosing = true; // Enable Overdosing - Enable overdosing of medications
ace_medical_amountofrevivelives = -1; // Max Revive lives - Max amount of lives a unit. 0 or -1 is disabled
ace_medical_consumeitem_pak = 0; // Remove PAK on use (Adv) - Should PAK be removed on usage? - No = 0, Yes - 1
ace_medical_uselocation_pak = 0; // Locations PAK (Adv) - Where can the personal aid kit be used? - Anywhere = 0, Medical Vehicles = 1, Medical facility = 2, Vehicles & facility = 3, Disabled = 4
ace_medical_littercleanupdelay = (60 * 30); // Life time of litter objects - How long should litter objects stay? In seconds. -1 is forever

Next time you have a problem, spam google, not the forum.

What is the level of detail prefered for medics? - Disable medics = 0, Normal = 1, Advanced = 2 ....i have already found this by myself...my question is what change from normal to advanced for medic setting?...i m sorry maybe my english is not good but i always google what i m looking for before call sos here...

p.s.about spamming...nobody answers  me so no other options..have a nice day

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43 minutes ago, blackburnrus said:

I dont know how make vissible all sides in spectator, not only player side.  I found this, but dont understand where and how I must write this



You need to set the setting `ace_spectator_filterSides` to a value of 3 (aka "All sides") either via the editor module or the description.ext settings (see here)

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1 hour ago, silentspike said:


You need to set the setting `ace_spectator_filterSides` to a value of 3 (aka "All sides") either via the editor module or the description.ext settings (see here)

i try:

class ace_spectator_filterSides {value=3;};

nothing happend. Sorry, my eanglish is very bad

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On 2017-5-11 at 2:00 PM, blackburnrus said:

i try:

class ace_spectator_filterSides {value=3;};

nothing happend. Sorry, my eanglish is very bad


Here's a template of what you need in description.ext:


class ACE_Settings {
  class ace_spectator_filterSides {
    value = 3;

If this is what you already have then I can't be sure why it isn't working without more details about what else you're doing.

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Ace is effecting the damage values of weapons right? Anybody knows how that functionality works?
Our sniper is complaining that he cannot kill anybody with single shot although his bullets are 12.7 :)

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So it turns out the excellent mortar system from ACE 2 has been reborn!


Are there any other awesome new features that haven't turned up in the Wiki yet?


Edit: Or is the mortar sight feature in 6:40 part of RHS and not ACE? They have Ace2-style mortar round preparation with variable charges as well.


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On 5/10/2017 at 1:19 PM, ab_luca said:

What is the level of detail prefered for medics? - Disable medics = 0, Normal = 1, Advanced = 2 ....i have already found this by myself...my question is what change from normal to advanced for medic setting?...i m sorry maybe my english is not good but i always google what i m looking for before call sos here...

p.s.about spamming...nobody answers  me so no other options..have a nice day


The way I understand it and the way we use it is for mission creation and loadout creation. The everyday players (not specialized) in our community get to load into the non-medic slots which are all coded with "0"; if they attend our medic courses they can get into a slot that is either a "1" or "2" loadout and all that determines is whether they can heal or just do basic medical actions; meaning they are just a medic "1" and their job is to get a guy back in the fight or get them stabilized so we can medevac them back to base to be healed by a "2".


Not to bash on the ACE guys here but it is rare that you get answers from the ACE people in this forum. If you need help go to their discord; also hit or miss on answering questions or mainly to their github where they have a bug/help setup as well.

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Since we use

 all our medics are ace_medical_medicClass 1, while our company medics and playable curator units are ace_medical_medicClass 2, being the only ones able to use PAK in case of some bug.

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ACE version 3.9.2 released.

Requires CBA Version 3.2.1 or later.

and Arma 3 Version 1.70 or later.

This release provides compatibility with the new Arma 3 Jets DLC release.


Download available on Github.

Change Log Summary


  • Gatling 30mm UBC issue (#5125)
  • The Eden pylon magazine fantasy names are "fixed" and are using their realistic counterparts. (#5165)


  • The FCS has made its way into vanilla. So we removed it from most vehicles. (#5152)
  • The aircraft countermeasure mode switching is now part of vanilla too. So we removed that one as well. (#5163)
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Hey, uh, I can't help but notice that the HUD for the AH-6 Littlebird (AH-9 Pawnee) is gone. And so it the increased minigun spread. And the switching of salvos.


EDIT: And the switching of minigun RPM.

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