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ACE3 - A collaborative merger between AGM, CSE, and ACE

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I keep getting failures and script errors when trying to bandage.


Perhaps 1/3 of the time the bandaging option doesn't work, and I get the following RPT items instead.


I just disabled all my other mods, and the problem persists.


19:09:50 Error in expression <mespace getvariable _callback

_args call _callback;

19:09:50   Error position: <call _callback;

19:09:50   Error call: Type Object, expected code
19:09:50 File z\ace\addons\medical\functions\fnc_treatment_failure.sqf, line 57
19:09:50 Error in expression <mespace getvariable _callback

_args call _callback;

19:09:50   Error position: <call _callback;

19:09:50   Error Generic error in expression
19:09:50 File z\ace\addons\medical\functions\fnc_treatment_failure.sqf, line 57
19:09:54 Error in expression <mespace getvariable _callback

_args call _callback;

19:09:54   Error position: <call _callback;

19:09:54   Error call: Type Object, expected code
19:09:54 File z\ace\addons\medical\functions\fnc_treatment_failure.sqf, line 57
19:09:54 Error in expression <mespace getvariable _callback

_args call _callback;

19:09:54   Error position: <call _callback;

19:09:54   Error Generic error in expression
19:09:54 File z\ace\addons\medical\functions\fnc_treatment_failure.sqf, line 57



And while I'm on the subject, throwing grenades in VR floods my RPT log with this:

19:01:15 ace_explosion_reflection_46_100: Bad ammo weapon type



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The compat pbos were more of an example, the RHS one wasn't updated in months and the other ones are now mostly included in other mods.



Your mod need to be XEH compatible, this can be achieved pretty easily, check the three links below:






Are you sure you're using 3.3.2 and CBA version 2.0 and above ?

If the issue persist please post on the issue tracker.

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The compat pbos were more of an example, the RHS one wasn't updated in months and the other ones are now mostly included in other mods.



Your mod need to be XEH compatible, this can be achieved pretty easily, check the three links below:




Yo, thanks, luv you. Will check this out.

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Hello, one little question:


How is the normal BIS-rangefinder working with ace? The normal keys for the ACE-rangefinder do not work.

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The compat pbos were more of an example, the RHS one wasn't updated in months and the other ones are now mostly included in other mods.

I see. That's a pity, because I don't think RHS is going to fix it either, and flashbangs / concussion grenades spewing shrapnell all over the place aren't fun at all. Also the impact nades aren't working :/

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Note  that I'm NOT speaking for the whole ACE3 team nor any contributors, someone might get around to update the compat pbo, but don't get your hopes too high :D

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Note  that I'm NOT speaking for the whole ACE3 team nor any contributors, someone might get around to update the compat pbo, but don't get your hopes too high :D

Do I need anything besides Github account to make this contribution? Anyways, I'm getting to work. Thanks for this.

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You need a github account and a properly set up fork, everything should be explained in there (click me) if you need help with git hop in slack :)

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Im not sure if this is a 100% ace topic but is there anything changed about repairing/rearming with truck/vehicle? We place 1 truck beside a tank but we have 50% of the time strange results. Sometimes it only works when 1 person get in the tank to resupply, Sometimes in the action menu "rearm AMMOXYZ" dont appear. Sometime we cant get it to work completly. we have no idea ;)

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Hi Guys, 


Is AGM Fast Rope still in one of your Dev Build ? I remember seeing that it was in one of your dev build 6 months ago.


I really tought it was in  Ace already. Last night we arrived over the AO to fast rope... and we realised that we forgot to bring the ropes haha ;)



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Im not sure if this is a 100% ace topic but is there anything changed about repairing/rearming with truck/vehicle? We place 1 truck beside a tank but we have 50% of the time strange results. Sometimes it only works when 1 person get in the tank to resupply, Sometimes in the action menu "rearm AMMOXYZ" dont appear. Sometime we cant get it to work completly. we have no idea ;)

Maybe some of those missions have ACE's disabled rearming modules added.

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Im not sure if this is a 100% ace topic but is there anything changed about repairing/rearming with truck/vehicle? We place 1 truck beside a tank but we have 50% of the time strange results. Sometimes it only works when 1 person get in the tank to resupply, Sometimes in the action menu "rearm AMMOXYZ" dont appear. Sometime we cant get it to work completly. we have no idea ;)


That's a vanilla bug, pretty much the ammo vehicles have a rearming limit in their current state, this has been fixed on dev branch and will "probably" be included in 1.54

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Do I need anything besides Github account to make this contribution? Anyways, I'm getting to work. Thanks for this.

Released it as a tiny patch. For anyone interested, in case the thread gets burried and you're here straight outta Google:



Is there any way to set unit unconscious in mission editor?

this setVariable ["ACE_isUnconscious", true, true];

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Hey, is it possible to limit map marker creation to one channel? I'm trying to only allow the direct chat, but disableChannels in description.ext doesnt affect the marker creation.

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What map markers are you talking about ?

If it's the normal ones (the ones you place by right clicking somewhere on the map) then you have a drop down menu asking you in which channel you want to place them.



Still being worked on AFAIK.


For the others, if you encounter the "walking issue" I have a piece of code that might help you.

// Supposed to be ran in initPlayerLocal.sqf

// Create the action
_fixWalking = ["fixWalkingAction","Fix forced walking","",{player setHit ["legs", 0]},{(player getHit "legs" >= 0.50) && (player call ace_medical_fnc_isInStableCondition)}] call ace_interact_menu_fnc_createAction;

// Assign it to the current player
[player , 1, ["ACE_SelfActions"],_fixWalking] call ace_interact_menu_fnc_addActionToObject;

This is ran once per machine (thus why it's initPlayerLocal.sqf.

It will add an ACE3 interaction checking if the player has took high amount of damage to his legs and if he's in a stable condition.

If both requirements are met the interaction will be visible, and will allow the player to "fix" the walking issue.

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If it's the normal ones (the ones you place by right clicking somewhere on the map) then you have a drop down menu asking you in which channel you want to place them.


Exactly, and i want to limit the drop down menu to "Direct Channel" only. I prefer it when my guys have to communicate to share coordinates, and not having them show up on everyones map magically.

Is there a way to do this with ace?

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Exactly, and i want to limit the drop down menu to "Direct Channel" only. I prefer it when my guys have to communicate to share coordinates, and not having them show up on everyones map magically.

Is there a way to do this with ace?


try putting that in your missions description.ext


disableChannels[] =     {0,1,2,3,4,6};                        // 0 = Global | 1 = Side | 2 = Command | 3 = Group | 4 = Vehicle | 5 = Direct | 6 = System


don't know if it works with the ace mapmarkers system since we're not using that.


On a side note. could we have a custom key-binding for the line-drawing mechanic on the map?

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On a side note. could we have a custom key-binding for the line-drawing mechanic on the map?


Nope. It's done with a mouse click eventhandler and that only supports shift, ctrl and/or alt for modifier keys.

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Hey, is it possible to limit map marker creation to one channel? I'm trying to only allow the direct chat, but disableChannels in description.ext doesnt affect the marker creation.



try putting that in your missions description.ext


disableChannels[] =     {0,1,2,3,4,6};                        // 0 = Global | 1 = Side | 2 = Command | 3 = Group | 4 = Vehicle | 5 = Direct | 6 = System


Thanks, but already tried that.

There are always the same 5 options in the dropdown menu :/

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What is "AFAIK" in regard to the fastroping question? Forgive my ignorance please!!



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