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Drone UI on screen

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Hello, in one of my missions I use kk's script for having the camera view of the drone on a screen, but I have a little problem.

I want the see the drone UI in the screen, I know is not the same camera that the one from the drone, but is this possible?

Script used: http://killzonekid.com/arma-scripting-tutorials-uav-r2t-and-pip/

Thanks a lot,


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The UI is a 3d model (driverOpticsModel="A3\drones_f\Weapons_F_Gamma\Reticle\UGV_01_Optics_Driver_F.p3d"), so you there's no way to actually do this.

As far as I know there is no buildin UI layer you could show.

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//Start UAV live feed

[UAV01, position UAV_TARGET, player] spawn BIS_fnc_liveFeed;

// PIP camera exists yet?

waitUntil { !isNil { BIS_liveFeed } };

//Attach the camera to UAV, low enought to show on low PIP view distance

BIS_liveFeed attachTo [CSAT_UAV1, [0,0,-5]];

//Some delay before changing to thermal

sleep 5;

//Set thermal

2 spawn BIS_fnc_liveFeedEffects;

// How long will the feed show?

sleep 10;

// Disable feed

[] spawn BIS_fnc_liveFeedTerminate;

/Edit: After reading your post again, I'll guess you wanted something else. If you want the screen to "look like" the UAV drone... then I don't know. :>
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Thanks for the help, I'll try that when I'll get home.

What I exactly want is the see the same thing as the drone gunner optic, but in that acreen. What I see now it's this:


What I want to see: (it's an image texture)


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No idea if there is an easier way, but in worst case you can make a custom texture with the HUD... and then use the User Texture object with your custom texture on it, which you then place exactly in front of the tv- as close to the screen as possible. This way you could fake the HUD over the stream. No idea how good / bad this would look like, though.

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