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Trying to pull a feature from an outdated mod...

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...with little programming insight and no arma modding experience.


i.e. https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/190389-arma-3-addon-request-thread/?p=3067239




While looking through sights/scope and holding down shift at the same time, it should slow down time for the duration:



@FOCUS_MOD\addons\FOCUS_MOD\config.cpp /from pbo 

class CfgPatches
	class FOCUS_MOD
		units[] ={};
		weapons[] ={};
		requiredAddons[] = {};

class CfgFunctions 
	class FOCUS 
		class FOCUS_init 
			postInit = 1;
			file = "\FOCUS_MOD\init.sqf";

@FOCUS_MOD\addons\FOCUS_MOD\init.sqf /from pbo 

//Initialize Once

//the path provided should be the relative path from game root directory to the file
//not the mod directory
//this allows editing without reloading addon
nul = [] execVM "\@FOCUS_MOD\data\scriptInit.sqf";


//init script only run once

//check if is server
if(!isServer) exitWith{
	player sideChat "FOCUS_MOD can only activate on server";

//initialize only once
if(isNil "FOCUS_MOD_Init") then
	FOCUS_MOD_Init = true;

	//create Game Logic
	_center = createCenter sideLogic;
	_grp = createGroup _center;
	GameLogic_FOCUS_MOD = _grp createUnit ["LOGIC", [100,100,100], [], 0, "NONE"];
	player sideChat "FOCUS_MOD System Initialized";	
	//load key func in RAM
	[] call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "@FOCUS_MOD\data\hotkey\fnc_hotkey.sqf";
	player sideChat "FOCUS_MOD System Already Initialized";	

	//TO restore hotkey in save/load in Campaign
	//load key func in RAM
	[] call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "@FOCUS_MOD\data\hotkey\fnc_hotkey.sqf";

//place bis function module (reduce CBA dependence)
if (isNil "BIS_functions_mainscope"&&isServer) then
	_side = createCenter sideLogic;
	_group = createGroup _side;
	_logic = _group createUnit ["FunctionsManager", [0,0,0], [], 0, "NONE"];
waitUntil {bis_fnc_init};


//This fnc requires GameLogic_FOCUS_MOD to be active
//[_keyParams,_keyStatus] call fnc_hotkey_keyAction;

fnc_hotkey_keyAction =
	private ["_key","_status","_ignoreKey","_varKey","_statusLong"];
	//_this select 0 == [_control, _keyID,_shiftPressed,_ctrlPressed,_altPressed]
	_key = (_this select 0) select 1;	//key ID	
	_status = _this select 1;			// true = keyDown, false = keyUp
	//hint str _this;	//uncomment to use for detecting key ID	
	_ignoreKey = false;
	switch (_key) do 
		case 42:	{};	 //Shift Left
		case 2:		{};	 //1
		default   	{_ignoreKey = true;};
	//only call log keys when key is not ignored
		//When key is pressed, _varKey is true; when it is released, _varKey is false
		//save key info in gamelogic for multiple key processing
		_varKey = "KEY_"+(str _key);
		GameLogic_FOCUS_MOD setVariable [_varKey, _status];
		//check if key is having a long press
		//_statusLong = [_varKey,_status] call fnc_hotkey_longPress;	//get long press state
		//run key manager when a key event is triggered
		[_varKey,_status] call fnc_hotkey_keyManager;	//pass keyUp and keyDown event
		//run key manager for long press
		//	[_varKey,_statusLong] call fnc_hotkey_keyManagerLongPress; //long press key manager

fnc_hotkey_keyManager =
	//used to monitor key and key combinations to trigger actions
	//Most functions use keyDown to activate
	//Some also use keyUp todeactivate
	//holding keydown will trigger multiple events
	//optimize for performance

	//Shift Left && in Scope : focus
	private ["_mapZoom","_keyState","_varKey"];
	_varKey = _this select 0;	//key ID
	_keyState = _this select 1;	//key state

	//Shift left  : Focus in scope view
	//(consider changing since this is a common button)
	if(GameLogic_FOCUS_MOD getVariable ["Key_42", false]&&cameraView=="Gunner")then
		//script will watch Key_42 and terminate on false
		["Key_42"] execVM "@FOCUS_MOD\data\special\focus.sqf";	

fnc_hotkey_keyManagerLongPress =
	private ["_varKeyLong","_keyState","_varKey"];	
	_varKey = _this select 0;	//key ID
	_keyState = _this select 1;	//key state
	_varKeyLong = _varKey + "_Long";	//key ID for long press	
	if(_varKey=="Key_2" )then
		player sideChat str _this;

fnc_hotkey_longPress =

	private ["_varKeyCount","_varKeyLong","_keyState","_varKey","_pressCount","_countTrigger","_ret"];	
	_varKey = _this select 0;	//key ID
	_keyState = _this select 1;	//key state
	_countTrigger = if(count _this >2)then{_this select 2}else{20};	//number of short press before longpress is true
	_varKeyCount = _varKey + "_Count";	//key ID for key count
	_varKeyLong = _varKey + "_Long";	//key ID for long press
	_ret = false;
		//get how many presses already
		_pressCount = GameLogic_FOCUS_MOD getVariable [_varKeyCount, 0];
		_pressCount = _pressCount + 1;
		if(_pressCount == _countTrigger)then
			GameLogic_FOCUS_MOD setVariable [_varKeyCount, _pressCount];
			GameLogic_FOCUS_MOD setVariable [_varKeyLong, true];
			_ret = true;
			if(_pressCount > _countTrigger)then
				GameLogic_FOCUS_MOD setVariable [_varKeyCount, _countTrigger];
				GameLogic_FOCUS_MOD setVariable [_varKeyLong, false];
				_ret = false;
				GameLogic_FOCUS_MOD setVariable [_varKeyCount, _pressCount];
				//GameLogic_FOCUS_MOD setVariable [_varKeyLong, false];
				_ret = false;
		//reset long press state
		GameLogic_FOCUS_MOD setVariable [_varKeyCount, 0];
		GameLogic_FOCUS_MOD setVariable [_varKeyLong, false];
		_ret = false;


//requires GameLogic_FOCUS_MOD to work
_varKey = _this select 0;	//terminate on this value being false

//allow script to run only once
if(GameLogic_FOCUS_MOD getVariable ["Focus_Running", false])exitWith{};
GameLogic_FOCUS_MOD setVariable ["Focus_Running", true];

//enable only when in gunner view and key is pressed
if(GameLogic_FOCUS_MOD getVariable [_varKey, false]&&cameraView=="Gunner")then
	//focus while key is pressed
	while{GameLogic_FOCUS_MOD getVariable [_varKey, false]}do
		setAccTime 0.2;
		hintSilent "Focus...";

//return to normal
setAccTime 1;
hint "";

//unlock script
GameLogic_FOCUS_MOD setVariable ["Focus_Running", false];

original mod: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/168708-the-super-soldier-mode-%E2%80%93-ultimate-cheat-module-for-single-player/




With no response from the other thread I decided to tinker with the files more, I've been on it for three days, failing  :D Don't know know why I'm so obsessed over it but as a last resort I'm here. Firstly I tried to workaround the whole mod not running issue with combining config.hpp into config.cpp(then into bin&pbo) which made the game stopped prompting the on screen message "bla bla config not found" but only that. Then, since I don't really understand the code, I tried different structures; pulled the related codes, deleted the rest as best as I could guess Tried keeping the structure, combining scripts/folders etc with only changing the addresses from execVMs and "call compile"s, tried running it as a script and as a mod, tried changing some persistent variable names which relates to original mod name(YQ_MOD) with the name of the feature I'm trying pull, just to better understand it as I go through the code, didn't help tho  :P In the process, downloaded and used various tools, googled the hell out of it, searched here and community wiki etc, I'm a fast mislearn-er. It was mostly fun tho.


At its last state above; there are only relevant files/codes(according to my best guess),original file/folder structure intact except config.hpp combined into config.cpp which has the only additional few lines I could come with(class CfgFunctions...) after looking through some other mods' config files.

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I decided to try it in mission editor, put all the files in mission's root, there was an error in init.sqf line 4:


 5:15:50   Error position: <FOCUS_MOD_INIT)exitWith{};
 5:15:50   Error Undefined variable in expression: focus_mod_init
 5:15:50 File C:\Users\---\Documents\Arma 3\missions\Focus_Test.Stratis\init.sqf, line 4




3 if(FOCUS_MOD_INIT)exitWith{};
4 FOCUS_MOD_INIT = true;
Isn't this for defining FOCUS_MOD_INIT?

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Well... it's working now. Just when I decided to give up I looked back into a mod and copied most of its structure. First try, at last gave a hint of working; actually too much working with constant while loop made it slow mo at 10 fps, sleep command fixed it, I think. I only tried for a few minutes and everything seemed normal. 


Anyway if anyone wants some slow-mo action: ---


thanks to 2fast & bis :D


ed: it was broken, stopping working after some time into gameplay. hopefully its fixed now and added kill ticker also.




ed2/ps: Had ongoing performance issues, finally figured it was caused by this, removed cfg_fucntions from config and reinstated BIS_functions_mainscope or whatever you call "default functions manager" to the mod, seems fixed. Removing other links.




last ed: still has issues, should work 95% of the time tho, eating extra system resources than it should(I'm guessing). also the above "bis_functions..." causes a script error pop up, but strangely performance got a lot better with it, I don't understand... nor know what I have done.

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Haven't thought about it. But he says this:



You are free to use or modify the content of this mods for your own use. However you are always welcome to share it here first for us to see. I will also integrate it if it fits into my vision of this mod.



Don't think I can find & ask him since he seems not active. Don't plan to share anywhere else, but I can remove the link if its breaking some rules(?)


ps/unrelated: There is nothing integratable here that his mod didn't have, only a small part of it. Maybe I should move the download link to his thread?


ps2: in mod.cpp file the author is him :)

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