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Drawline3d/DrawIcon3d MP?

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so iv adapted this script to use as a predator style lazer pointer, it all works great as 'player' but when i change it to run on an 'AI' nothing shows up, so what im guess is, do i need to do something to make it multiplayer friendly?....


heres my script (checked with 'nvg' and the ai has the irlaser turned on etc, still drawline3d doesn't show)....

testman1 enableIRLasers true;
testman1 setBehaviour "COMBAT";

["babe_laser", "onEachFrame", {

if (testman1 isIRLaserOn currentWeapon testman1) then

    _lasercolourr = [1,0,0,1.5-sunOrmoon]; // first 3 numbers are RGB
	_lasercolourrr = [1,0,0,1.5-sunOrmoon]; // first 3 numbers are RGB
	_lasercolourg = [0,1,0,1.5-sunOrmoon]; // first 3 numbers are RGB
	_lasercolourb = [0,0,1,1.5-sunOrmoon]; // first 3 numbers are RGB
    _range = 250; // laser range

    _maxsize = 0.015; 

    _rwrist = (testman1 selectionPosition "rwrist");
    _start = testman1 modeltoworld [_rwrist select 0, (_rwrist select 1) + 0, (_rwrist select 2) + 0.1];

    _lstart = atltoasl(testman1 modeltoworld _rwrist);

    _lend = (testman1 weaponDirection currentWeapon testman1) vectorMultiply _range;
    _end = asltoatl(_lend vectoradd _lstart);

    _int = lineIntersectsSurfaces [atltoasl _start, atltoasl _end, testman1, objNull, true, 1, "GEOM", "NONE"];

    _endL = _end;

    _size = _maxsize;
	_offsetend1 = _endL vectorAdd [0,0,0.5];
	_offsetend2 = _endL vectorAdd [1,-1,-1];
	_offsetend3 = _endL vectorAdd [-1,1,-1];

    if (count _int > 0) then
        _end = (_int select 0) select 0;
        _endL = asltoagl _end;

        _length = _lstart vectorDistance _end;


        if (_length >= _range) then
            _size = 0
        } else
            _size = _maxsize*_range/(_length);
        if (_length < 1) then
            _size = 0;
    } else
        _size = 0

    drawLine3D [_start, _endL, _lasercolourrr]; // comment this out to remove the line
drawIcon3D ["\a3\data_f\car_light_flare2.paa", _lasercolourr, _offsetend1 ,_size, _size, random 360, "", 0, 1, "PuristaMedium"];
drawIcon3D ["\a3\data_f\car_light_flare2.paa", _lasercolourr, _offsetend2 ,_size, _size, random 360, "", 0, 1, "PuristaMedium"];
drawIcon3D ["\a3\data_f\car_light_flare2.paa", _lasercolourr, _offsetend3 ,_size, _size, random 360, "", 0, 1, "PuristaMedium"];

}] call BIS_fnc_addStackedEventHandler;

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