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[SOLVED] Error Missing ; //within an If-statement

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Hey guys/girls,


now, I am not completely new to coding and such, but I am relatively new to the SQF syntax. So I need a little assistance here. :)


Anyhow, I have been looking through actions and functions in A3 and I wanted to make a unit call BIS_fnc_ambientAnim (in this special case BRIEFING) and later, when it detect's threat, the ambientAnim should terminate. I got this to work, thanks to "Pierre MGI", BUT this particular animation bothered me a little bit, because on execution the primary weapon of the unit get's removed, and that's a bummer, when the unit is a road guard. :D


So, I tried some things, such as setUnitLoadout, but it won't work, so I made an if-statement, and there's the problem.


Here's the code: (I execute the code via console and the command execVM "units_scripts_apk.sqf";  and I use 3DEN, just so you know)

// Unit apk_rogain_bottomGuard_bunker ! \\

_apk_rogain_bottomGuard_bunker_loadout = getUnitLoadout apk_rogain_bottomGuard_bunker; //Let's get his loadout, shall we
_apk_rogain_bottomGuard_bunker_weapons = weapons apk_rogain_bottomGuard_bunker; // Get his weapons

sleep 0.9; //Wait virtually a second

[apk_rogain_bottomGuard_bunker,"BRIEFING","ASIS"] call BIS_fnc_ambientAnim; //Let's make him have some nice animations while idle-state
0 = apk_rogain_bottomGuard_bunker spawn {waitUntil {behaviour _this == "combat"}; //Wait until he see's threat
apk_rogain_bottomGuard_bunker call BIS_fnc_ambientAnim__terminate;}; //And now end the animation and get to normal mode

//At this point I saw, that when this particular animation is initiated, the primary weapon will be removed from the unit, so let's fix it

sleep 0.9; apk_rogain_bottomGuard_bunker setUnitLoadout _apk_rogain_bottomGuard_bunker_loadout; //Once again, wait nearly a second

apk_rogain_bottomGuard_bunker setUnitLoadout _apk_rogain_bottomGuard_bunker_loadout //Reassign his original loadout

if (primaryWeapon == "") or (primaryWeapon isNil) then {apk_rogain_bottomGuard_bunker addWeapon format ["%1", _apk_rogain_bottomGuard_bunker_weapons]} else {apk_rogain_bottomGuard_bunker addWeapon "arifle_MX_ACO_pointer_F"}; //Just in case the above doesn't work

And here's the exact error line:

|#|if (primaryWeapon == "") or (primaryWeap...'

Error Missing ;


My understanding is that the |#| symbolize's the approximate location where something is missing, but feel free to teach me. ^^



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Try changing:

if (primaryWeapon == "") or (primaryWeapon isNil)


if ((primaryWeapon == "") || (primaryWeapon isNil))

Good luck!

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Should it not be:

If ((primaryWeapon apk_rogain_bottomGuard_bunker == "" ) or (primaryWeapon apk_rogain_bottomGuard_bunker isNil))

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if (primaryWeapon apk_rogain_bottomGuard_bunker == "") then {

/* use one or the other */ 

if (isNil primaryWeapon apk_rogain_bottomGuard_bunker) then { 

Both evaluations are the same, use one or the other, not both.  Also notice it's:  isNil <value>  not <value> isNIl.

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@Mattxyo @zooloo75


Well yeah, I just realised that I did miss out on parameters. Thanks for taking a look into it. Also thought about those bracket's, but the change didn't do anything, as I expected. ^^




Aye, gotcha man. Imma  fiddle around with only one check. Gonna reply again, when I found something out. But so far it didn't do anything, it still throws errors.

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// [apk_rogain_bottomGuard_bunker] call fnc_reactiveBriefingAnim;

fnc_reactiveBriefingAnim = {

params["_unit", ["_anim", "BRIEFING"]];

_loadout = getUnitLoadout _unit;

[_unit,_anim,"ASIS"] call BIS_fnc_ambientAnim;

0 = [_unit, _loadout] spawn {

params ["_unit", "_loadout"];

waitUntil {behaviour _unit == "combat"};

_unit call BIS_fnc_ambientAnim__terminate;

_unit setUnitLoadout _loadout;



[apk_rogain_bottomGuard_bunker] call fnc_reactiveBriefingAnim;

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Yeah I was clever enough to see, that the call had to be used. > :D


Well, works like butter now. Thank's lad. Have a lot to learn in SQF :D I guess I will work on my written crippled thing anyways, just so to learn, obviously. Once again: thank ya, lad! ^^

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Absolutely, try to figure out how the version I posted works compared to how you had it. :)  One thing to compare closely is the use of spawn in each version.

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Yeah, gonna take a closer look on that one!  :)  ^_^

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