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How to get infantry machine gunners to fire on armoured vehicles?

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When ordering infantry machine gunners to open fire on armoured vehicles like the BMP they stand around pointing their guns in the direction but not firing. It's the same problem with some vehicles e.g the Vodnik where the A.I gunners won't shoot at armoured vehicles.


How do I solve this problem.

Is there a quick and easy way to make the A.I use machine guns against armour? Is there an init box setting or script that can change weapon priorities.


Going further into that how far can you go with changing the A.I of the units ingame?


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machine guns against armored vehicles? the Bmp series has all around protection against 12.7mm no way any infantry portable machinegun will do anything against an APC such as that, the vodnik is armored as well from small arms fire short of a 12.7mm... the AI will only use AT weapons against armored vehicles but will not use machine guns against something which they can not damage.  you can change the AI set skill. there are plenty of information of the web about Arma Ai and how to change their settings to act accordingly. and going back to the weapons i think they have to be configed to shoot at targets properly for instance Air to Air missles will only work on Air targets ect... 

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To open fire at enemy armour is still a valid tactic but depends on a few factors.


1. AT wepons must be ready

2. Smoke screen must be ready


While the MG can not pierce the armour it can blind the armoured vehicles optics.

Under MG fire the commander is forcred to shit his armour slats to protect the optics. by that the armoured vehicle is limites to the narrow and limited viewfield of the main gunner sight.

AT Weapons work best if the targeted vehicle interiour is sealed, by disabling the crew inside by overpressure

To ensure the crew is buttoned up a few burst of of MG fire is used.


BUT: All of this has no effect in ArmA III except for crew that is turned out. MG gunners wil open fire everytiem at turned out crew.

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In the game enough MGs shooting at armoured vehicles will destroy them. So I was thinking of a scenario where a lone tank is against a lot of regular infantry.

I don't know how feasible that would be in real life,apart from the optics like you said, or if MGs could chip away at the armour,shoot off a track or damage its guns.

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