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Swapple Units not tied into team switching in Single Player game

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I would like to create a mission for Single Player. With two sections.


One a two man Spec ops team is sent in to kill of some AI Crew members who are standing outside their AA vehicles. Its 4:30AM and they relaxed. Sitting around maybe one on a small patrol. Just having time off.


Once these objectives are done. Killing off 3 3 man vehicle crews silently. And the Human Controlled Spec ops team leaves mission area. You then become the Squad leader of a 8 Person team. I do not want a option of team switching or Join Teams.


I cannot leave the Spec ops team to the AI or other players or other human players. Not exactly SEALS. And I am trying to create the impression they independent units from two different military branches. Reconing the area to clear all AA threats before the small ground force lands on a Ghosthawk.


Is this even possible?

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polpox Thanks managed to get it working last night. Best advice I heard. Thanks once again.

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