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Expect more from this setup

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I have a server that I am trying to run. By my specs I expect more out of it. What am I doing wrong?


Server Specs:

DL380 gen2

2 Zeon X5660 6 core procs

132GM Ram

Server 2012 Datacenter with Hyper v


VM Server Running Arma

8Gb Ram

8 Cores set to the vm




start "arma3" /High /affinity FFF "arma3server.exe" -port=2602  -filepatching "-mod=@exile;@Esseker;@ZombiesandDemons;@CUP_Units;@CUP_Terrains_Core;@CUP_Terrains_Maps;@CUP_Vehicles;@CUP_Weapons;@CBA_A3" -servermod=@exileserver;@marma "-config=E:\Games\ArmaA3\A3Master\config.cfg" "-cfg=E:\Games\ArmaA3\A3Master\basic.cfg" "-profiles=E:\Games\ArmaA3\A3Master" -name=SC "-bepath=E:\Games\ArmaA3\A3Master\BattlEye" -enableHT -autoInit



I am only getting the following out of it with 1 player on

CPS = 46.3

FPS = 46 - 47

Memory - 932

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ehm your server FPS is maxed out and CPS probably as well, not sure about that one.

So is that what I can expect from this. I would expect way more from this, and do you know if Arma has any expectations of bringing out a 64 bit server? I mean 50 people quickly bring this server to a hault.

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64-bit probably won't happen and probably won't help that much. Other than that, no clue, I don't host servers. First step would be getting rid of the VM and if that doesn't help the mission you're running is probably quite bad.

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So is that what I can expect from this. I would expect way more from this, and do you know if Arma has any expectations of bringing out a 64 bit server? I mean 50 people quickly bring this server to a hault.


CPS / FPS are capped if i'm not mistaken.


Only way to test is play with 50+ players and see where it goes.


Could be bad mission, or need to play with the bandwidth settings.

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if your going to set up an arma3 dedicated server then the first thing you should have done is proved your vanilla install. There is absolutely no point in adding additional content until that has been achieved.


Server 2012 for some undocumented reason does not run ever at the maximum possible 50cps. Typically with little going on, it drops 2 or 3 cycles per second, so taking into consideration all the additional content you are running, what you are seeing is typical server performance.

As for what would happen with 50 players connected, that really depends on the number of AI you are running on the server, the clients own hardware spec, their connection/bandwidth and the quality and content of coding that the server and clients have to process.

You most likely wont hit any performance issues until you get in excess of 30 players, after that you should be able to estimate  the cps degradation per player connected. Expecting a 1-3 cps drop per player after 30 players have connected, something like that. As long as you keep the server above 20, the ai processing, if there is any wont be that badly effected to cause a noticeable degradation in gameplay. When it starts dropping below 15, you will notice. This can be solved with caching AI or using headless clients


A typically decent spec'd coop server can run 50 players with around 200 AI and get a playable cps, dependant on the scripts being run

A PvP server  has little if any ai processing serverside so you could expect to host more playable slots. Some claim 100 players (I would suspect this is pure marketing B/S but I dont really know), I would suspect that something around the 70 -80 player mark is more practical.

We can run a 60 player coops with around 150-200 AI.

If we could host for more players we wouldnt do it anyway, because it would make command and control too difficult


Hope that helps

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