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Changing array

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Hi, basically im trying to convert an array, the best I can explain this is probably through an example, so

_oldArray = [1,1,1,1,2,3,3,3,4,4,5];

_newArray = [[1,4],[2,1],[3,3],[4,2],[5,1]];


I have got this working, but there are some issues which is why im trying to understand the best way to do this.

Here is the code I have 

	_number = _x;
	_count = {_x == _number} count _oldArray;
	_oldArray = _oldArray - [_number];
	_newArray pushBack [_x,_count];
} forEach _oldArray;

Using the code above I will get: [[1,4],[1,0],[1,0],[1,0],[2,1],[3,3],[3,0],[3,0],[4,2],[4,0],[5,1]] which is not ideal. I can get around this by doing the following.

_newArray pushBack [_x,_count];

if (_count > 0) then {
    _newArray pushBack [_x,_count];

That will give me [[1,4],[2,1],[3,3],[4,2],[5,1]] which is the result I wanted, but I don't think the method is ideal.


Im probably really over complicating this, but Im not sure what the ideal way to do it is.

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I come up with this:


_oldArray = [1,1,1,1,2,3,3,3,4,4,5]; 
_newArray = []; 

 _element = _x; 
 _count ={(_element == _x)} count _oldArray; 
 _newArray pushBackUnique [_x,_count];
}count _oldArray; 

systemChat str _newArray;
but it could be that this is faster:


_oldArray = [1,1,1,1,2,3,3,3,4,4,5]; 
_newArray = []; 

 _newArray pushBackUnique _x;
}count _oldArray; 

_newArray = _newArray apply 
 _element = _x; 
 _count ={(_element == _x)} count _oldArray;
 [_x, _count]

systemChat str _newArray;
it shortens the array before counting elements. i think its faster with large arrays.


and here is a hybrid solution of both:

_oldArray = [1,1,1,1,2,3,3,3,4,4,5]; 
_newArray = []; 
_tempArray = [];

 if(!(_x in _temp_array)) then
  _tempArray pushBack _x;
  _element = _x; 
  _count = {(_element == _x)} count _oldArray; 
  _newArray pushBack [_x,_count];
}count _oldArray; 

systemChat str _newArray;
but I think its slower than 2nd solution because of the (_x in array) check


if ur array is sorted (or all equal elements r always neighbours) as shown in ur example then u could use this one:

_oldArray = [1,1,1,1,2,3,3,3,4,4,5]; 
_newArray = []; 
_last_element = "";

 if(_x != _last_element) then
  _element = _x; 
  _count ={(_element == _x)} count _oldArray; 
  _newArray pushBack [_x, _count];
 _last_element =_x;
}count _oldArray; 

systemChat str _newArray;
but u should test urself which solution is fastest. I would bet on 2nd or 4th solution...


another solution with the condition that equal elements r neighbours is this:

_oldArray = [1,1,1,1,2,3,3,3,4,4,5]; 
_newArray = []; 
_last_element = "";

_newArray = (_oldArray select 
 _not_equal = false;
 if (_x != _last_element) then {_not_equal = true;};
 _last_element = _x;
 _element = _x; 
 _count ={(_element == _x)} count _oldArray;
 [_x, _count]

systemChat str _newArray;
its chaining select and apply command which someone told me would be powerfull. but its on u to do some speed tests with the speedometer at bottom left of the debug console... Edited by sarogahtyp

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Tested these out and found the 2nd one is fastest, thanks for the solutions.

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3rd and 4th solution were not workin. just tested it now and here they r:

_oldArray = [1,1,1,1,2,3,3,3,4,4,5];  
_newArray = [];  
_last_element = ""; 
 if(!(_x isEqualTo _last_element)) then 
  _element = _x;  
  _count ={(_element == _x)} count _oldArray;  
  _newArray pushBack [_x, _count]; 
 _last_element =_x; 
}count _oldArray;  
systemChat str _newArray;
_oldArray = [1,1,1,1,2,3,3,3,4,4,5]; 
_newArray = []; 
_last_element = "";

_newArray = (_oldArray select 
 _not_equal = false;
 if (!(_x isEqualTo _last_element)) then {_not_equal = true;};
 _last_element = _x;
 _element = _x; 
 _count ={(_element == _x)} count _oldArray;
 [_x, _count]

systemChat str _newArray;

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Fn_CombineElements = {

private _res = [];

{ private _elm = _x;

private _rec = {if (_x select 0 isEqualTo _elm) exitWith {_x}} forEach _res;

if (isNil {_rec})

then {_res pushBack [_elm, 1]}

else {_rec set [1, 1 + (_rec select 1)]}

} forEach _this;



[3,1,1,1,2,3,1,3,4,5,4] call Fn_CombineElements;

// Result: [[3,3],[1,4],[2,1],[4,2],[5,1]]

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Fn_CombineElements = {
	private _res = [];
	{	private _elm = _x;
		private _rec = {if (_x select 0 isEqualTo _elm) exitWith {_x}} forEach _res;
		if (isNil {_rec})
			then {_res pushBack [_elm, 1]}
			else {_rec set [1,  1 + (_rec select 1)]}
	} forEach _this;

[3,1,1,1,2,3,1,3,4,5,4] call Fn_CombineElements;
// Result: [[3,3],[1,4],[2,1],[4,2],[5,1]]


isNil {_rec} is slower than isNil "_rec". {} version should be used when you have expression to evaluate.

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