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Task Location Condition Loop

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I want to create a looping condition for a task that checks if the player has a map. If the player has a map, then it will set a location. If the player does not have a map, then it does not set a location. Below is my attempt:

case "objRegroup": {
    if (_taskState == "") then {

        [_taskID, "meet"] call BIS_fnc_taskSetType;

                "Find a way off the island and regroup with friendlies.",
            while {true} do {if ("ItemMap" in (assignedItems player))} then {markerPos "lumberyardMarker"} else {nil},
        ] call BIS_fnc_taskCreate
    } else {
        if (_this == "Current") then {_taskID call BIS_fnc_taskSetCurrent} else {[_taskID, _this] call BIS_fnc_taskSetState}

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If you have no ItemMap you can't see the map, nor any markers, anyway.

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Even if you don't have a map, the 3D marker still shows. That is what I want to hide until the player has a map.




If the visability to set to FALSE, it will still show up if the player opens up their quick tasks menu in game.



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Based on the documentation it seems that you can use this to toggle the 3D icon visibility:

["taskID", false] call BIS_fnc_taskSetAlwaysVisible; // turn off, use true to turn on.

In a mission where the player is supposed to be lost the mission maker probably shouldn't create task destination markers at all in the first place.  Map markers make sense as someone can open a map and say 'Hey, a port, lets go there!" and those automatically "disappear" should the player lose a map.

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Unfortunately that didn't work. Still the same result as my second picture (it being visible in the quick tasks menu). At this point I think adding in an Event Handler for when the player grabs a map is the easier option. Thank you for the help, kylania. Much appreciated!

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Seems the GPS shows the map too, even if you drop your map, so check for that too.

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