Operation: CONDOR RuleBook: WarZone   Week #2: War Report     Here is the current Map, GameMode (Word Doc), and AAR (Word Doc) if anyone is interested. I'm undecided if I'll be posting these on a regular basis or not as almost everyone is going to be doing their own thing obviously. I might just try and keep all these Game Files in my current Signature (as you can see below). Starting with the next update of C.O.R.E, the RuleBook will be included in the downloads.   It's mostly just to see how we play, and how SpookWarCom was meant to tie all my projects together into a larger role-playing and on-going campaign-like system. Its also for those who don't want to spend time setting up maps, or who might want to play along with something that feels like its an on-going war, with more of an organic experience.   The Map/Mission will (maybe) be updated weekly if i have time. The docs are Microsoft Word Documents (.docx) Files.   We just finished Week #2 last week, which was the "RECON" Phase of our Game. We were able to get some Intel and lock down some AO stats. We are starting Week #3 tonight.   I was kicking around the idea of setting up a subscription-based website with an even larger system for the public to play around with. It would be similar to ALiVE but more real-world geopolitics, role-playing, and manual detailed weekly human management. This "WarZone" is kinda a spinoff of that. I'm skeptical that many people would want to get involved, or I'd even have the time to run the program, so I'm releasing a few things here as part of CORE/SpookWarCom for you guys to goof around with.   Over & Out
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