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Hey I retextured a Marid in 1 of my mods, but now BiS has changed their config and it's gone back to the CSAT texture.
I searched but couldn't find anything on the net.
Then I looked in the BiS config and tried what they did, but no luck.

They used to use the camo1, camo2, camo3 option that doesn't work anymore.

Now they use this.

textureList[] = {"Hex",1};
hiddenSelectionsTextures[] = {"a3\armor_f_beta\apc_wheeled_02\data\apc_wheeled_02_ext_01_opfor_co.paa","a3\armor_f_beta\apc_wheeled_02\data\apc_wheeled_02_ext_02_opfor_co.paa","a3\data_f\vehicles\turret_opfor_co.paa"};
you might think "ah thats easy just replace the texture paths to yours and done.." tried that doesn't work.
The setobjecttexture ingame works but, I want it to work in the config ;)
SO there must be a way...
Maybe you guys can help me.

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