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Tanoa discussion (Dev-Branch)

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Who cares about snakes? That terrain needs something like this!

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Having a ladder go through an elevator shaft inside the tall office buildings would be amazing (remember OFP Resistance?). Just to have the ability to go up on the roof. Otherwise its a lot of wasted potential with those imho. :)

Put that on the feedback tracker, or I'll do it. That is a cracking idea :)

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I told even when the expansion wasn't even announced... That the diver stuff in arma 3 was not used and with this archipelago... I miss something like this


Id love to sea blue water navy assets, but those take a ton of work. Still, it wouldve been nice to see BIS' take on a 2035 ESG (or CSG). 

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Having a ladder go through an elevator shaft inside the tall office buildings would be amazing (remember OFP Resistance?). Just to have the ability to go up on the roof. Otherwise its a lot of wasted potential with those imho. :)


Or the proverbial express elevator to hell'? ie a quick elevator???


Do like the concept though.


I wonder how much performance impact stairs would add? Clearing and moving through ten flights of stairs....awesome!

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I messed around in Tanoa for a couple hours yesterday. Found a few issues (some may have been fixed already, I didn't check, but I just now managed to write this):


Object Rendering Issue: https://youtu.be/oV6BcEVO6mU


Color-Shifting Cinder Blocks: https://youtu.be/XQgkRv_B-Xg


Player Object De-Render in a certain type of house: https://youtu.be/xv407z4eI4I


Invisible Hitbox (On Tanoa Airport): https://youtu.be/lZrufraYyPA



Also, floating cinder block prop (position and classname in top right):  http://images.akamai.steamusercontent.com/ugc/267216579573529429/004E98A5B6ACAB1C315C33BF6E416661E6EE68F4/

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Maybe I'm insane (likely) or imagining this (also likely) but has anyone else noticed that the many, many tropical bird sounds in the jungle promptly stop when you open fire? Because if that's deliberate, to simulate said birds freaking out or shutting up- that's really cool!

And if it isn't... well... it's not a bug- it's a feature, right? ;)

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i agree on some places. i also like the idea of having crooked road signs on remote dirt paths.


elaborate on what makes Chernarus better though. just curious. maybe some stuff, eventhough it's borderline comparing apples to oranges, could be translated and applied to Tanoa, if you formulate it properly.




Chernarus was almost true to life in my opinion.

Amazing details, great colour palette.

Moreover any place felt natural and alive: could be the colours, the variety in terrain and vegetation, the massive detail put even in simple stuff such as wooden fences.

I still consider it the "spiritual" successor to Everon, Kolgujev and Malden.


It is still impressive, e.g:


I think BIS should be really proud of it.



a single consideration: look at the asphalt texture from about 2:45 onwards in the video.

Now compare to asphalt on Tanoa, which one looks better ?

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Maybe I'm insane (likely) or imagining this (also likely) but has anyone else noticed that the many, many tropical bird sounds in the jungle promptly stop when you open fire? Because if that's deliberate, to simulate said birds freaking out or shutting up- that's really cool!

And if it isn't... well... it's not a bug- it's a feature, right? ;)

Confirmed, and they start tweeting again a few seconds after.

If it's a bug, it doesn't deserve any sort of fix :D

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Chernarus was almost true to life in my opinion.

Amazing details, great colour palette.

Moreover any place felt natural and alive: could be the colours, the variety in terrain and vegetation, the massive detail put even in simple stuff such as wooden fences.

I still consider it the "spiritual" successor to Everon, Kolgujev and Malden.


It is still impressive, e.g:




a single consideration: look at the asphalt texture from about 2:45 onwards in the video.

Now compare to asphalt on Tanoa, which one looks better ?

Chernarus was so 2009 , old visuals , boring lighting  but I understand  people have personal preferences.

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Confirmed, and they start tweeting again a few seconds after.

If it's a bug, it doesn't deserve any sort of fix :D

I'll admit, a few friends may have overheard me on Discord yelling "Shut up, birds!" moments before a cacophony of automatic weapons fire. Said friends may now think I'm insane- but at least it's a shared insanity!

Totally in agreement- if it isn't intentional, it's a damned nice bug!

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@fabricio_t: i mean when it comes to small settlements i partly have to agree but in that regard Chernarus was special since the guys basically tried to recreate their home region. so i guess you could feel the personality more. but that's a lot of meta stuff.


i think that small villages could use some work still on Tanoa since they seem a little too open and kind of artificial still, maybe more ckicken coops and mail boxes needed..also garbage and stuff to make it look more inhabited and less staged.

but the city areas are definately more impressive, detailed and complex than on Chernarus.


and most important. the nature on Tanoa is the best we've seen in arma imho. at least the dense jungle. shaders and fancy stuff aside, from the asset side of things and how they are placed it's as good as any other game that made detailed jungles. right up there with the best, if not the best, if you consider that you can just keep walking instead of having something that is a tunnel after all.


but there's still some time to add some more details i guess. and Altis got updated later on too.

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Tanoa is beautiful.  I've been to Ovalau many years ago, and the little dirt airport is spot on how I remember it.  Makes me thirsty for a Fiji Bitter.


I find this disturbing though...coincidence?:


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@fabricio_t: i mean when it comes to small settlements i partly have to agree but in that regard Chernarus was special since the guys basically tried to recreate their home region. so i guess you could feel the personality more. but that's a lot of meta stuff.


i think that small villages could use some work still on Tanoa since they seem a little too open and kind of artificial still, maybe more ckicken coops and mail boxes needed..also garbage and stuff to make it look more inhabited and less staged.

but the city areas are definately more impressive, detailed and complex than on Chernarus.


and most important. the nature on Tanoa is the best we've seen in arma imho. at least the dense jungle. shaders and fancy stuff aside, from the asset side of things and how they are placed it's as good as any other game that made detailed jungles. right up there with the best, if not the best, if you consider that you can just keep walking instead of having something that is a tunnel after all.


but there's still some time to add some more details i guess. and Altis got updated later on too.


As i wrote, i think the jungle is beautiful.

Still i think the rest is not on par with it.

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GR 095091 330m ASL

"Liquor Town Bottle Shop" sign indicates entrance to underground cave

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I have spotted a few things while wandering around Tanoa :


I don't remember exactly where I took these pictures, it was in a rather small town on the coast, I think it's harcourt Sud or something like that. Maybe you received them already, i'll check again when I can to give the exact location :


These stairs are through the wall, making it difficult to get to the roof



These ones on a roof close to the other stairs are too low



I guess this one is not your top priority but those coconuts look too pyramidal, right ?


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Logic fault; space in front of loading docks at Blue Pearl too small...





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I find this disturbing though...coincidence?:

Beavis is right next to him. When I first started up the editor this is where it dropped me on Tanoa 😀

Send from my tablet, so pardon any autocorrect bollocks

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Okay, this is weird:

eNsVlP6.png30-40 FPS...?


VGNAEK1.png40-50 FPS?!



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The map is defintley a refreshing change and has some great locations.

I do think it suffers a bit from the same problem as Altis though in the sense that it has too many urban spaces too close together, but thats just preference.

I like the industrial facilities and the modern cites are pretty cool but I would have rather seen more slums and a few ruined towns or cities, after all their natural resources have been heavily drained and those foreign influences might not benefit their economy in a even manner.

The mines are really cool though, great spot for artillery cannons.

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Chernarus was so 2009 , old visuals , boring lighting  but I understand  people have personal preferences.

You begin to see it with other eyes once you actually visited the area. I did it twice and it's amazing how you find almost everything in its place RL in the center part of the "map".11850547_835971843167951_422037788722095

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Who cares about snakes? That terrain needs something like this!


Overall i like the expansion, but i'm really disappointed too about not new naval or diver stuff. Tanoa map has many islands around it for cool naval/diver missions, so many potential wasted   :mad:

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Tanoa is beautiful.  I've been to Ovalau many years ago, and the little dirt airport is spot on how I remember it.  Makes me thirsty for a Fiji Bitter.


I find this disturbing though...coincidence?:



I just spit out my drink, LMAO!

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Can we please move Tanoa's   Safe Position Anchor?


configFile >> 'CfgWorlds' >> 'Tanoa' >> 'safePositionAnchor'



These are 'last resort' positions found by functions such as BIS_fnc_findSafePos when all else fails.


If a safe position cannot be found for, say, an enemy tank, it will pick that spot to spawn.




Right now its at   [7072,7734,0]  on the main runway of the main airport, close to probably a lot of main bases in community content, not the best place for stuff to magically appear :)


On Altis it was perfect, far out of the way of everything, so while you are fixing the spawning issue at least the spawning stuff isn't disrupting play.

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