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Miscellanous Editor Tutorials

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I am proud to present a set of tutorials for the not-so-frequently-discussed aspects of Arma 3. In these tutorials I will be going through just some aspects to enhance your missions and make them look more realistic, fun and have somewhat of a story in them. 
These are very simple to follow, straightforward and require minimal to none scripting knowledge. 





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Hey man nice guide! I am very experinced with the editor but I had never heard of the ambient flybys. Thanks!

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Hey man nice guide! I am very experinced with the editor but I had never heard of the ambient flybys. Thanks!


Learning and discovering is the point of the community, right? Great to know it atleast helped one!

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Learning and discovering is the point of the community, right? Great to know it atleast helped one!

Ah mate I'm sure it helped more than one.

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You should wrap your code examples in the code tags as shown by the Formatting Hints link in the Steam editor.  That way it'll be much easier to read.








// Function that creates a parachute over the dropzone marker and moves the player into it.
fnc_letsFly = {
_para = createVehicle ["Parachute_US_EP1", getMarkerPos "mrk_dropZone", [], 0, "FLY"];
_para setPosATL [getPosATL _para select 0, getPosATL _para select 1, 200];
player moveInDriver _para;
// This starts the player in the air at gamestart
call fnc_letsFly;
// This adds the MP event to the player
player addMPEventHandler ["MPRespawn",{_this spawn fnc_letsFly;}];



// Function that creates a parachute over the dropzone marker and moves the player into it.
fnc_letsFly = {
	_para = createVehicle ["Parachute_US_EP1", getMarkerPos "mrk_dropZone", [], 0, "FLY"];
	_para setPosATL [getPosATL _para select 0, getPosATL _para select 1, 200];
	player moveInDriver _para;

// This starts the player in the air at gamestart
call fnc_letsFly;

// This adds the MP event to the player
player addMPEventHandler ["MPRespawn",{_this spawn fnc_letsFly;}];

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Some of the code should be updated with latest engine commands, e.g BIS_fnc_selectRandom -> selectRandom


Other than that, thanks for the effort, well done.

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You should wrap your code examples in the code tags as shown by the Formatting Hints link in the Steam editor.  That way it'll be much easier to read.








// Function that creates a parachute over the dropzone marker and moves the player into it.
fnc_letsFly = {
	_para = createVehicle ["Parachute_US_EP1", getMarkerPos "mrk_dropZone", [], 0, "FLY"];
	_para setPosATL [getPosATL _para select 0, getPosATL _para select 1, 200];
	player moveInDriver _para;

// This starts the player in the air at gamestart
call fnc_letsFly;

// This adds the MP event to the player
player addMPEventHandler ["MPRespawn",{_this spawn fnc_letsFly;}];


Will definitely do it once I free up, thanks for the input!

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