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Intro Camera Jitter fix (Sorta Solved)

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I have been working on a mission intro sequence and have come across a little problem. I'm attaching a camera to a helicopter for some exterior wide shots while in flight. The problem i'm having is camera jittering during the wide shots. I am attempting to get the camera to follow along with the chopper by attaching the camera to the chopper via attachTO. It seems the arma engine isnt capable of doing stable camera shots when its attached to a moving vehicles. It works well for things at walking speed but not for vehicles in motion. Anybody got some suggestions for a work around to achieve the same style of shot like in my video?


Video of what im talking about


Things i have tried so far.

-attaching camera to Chopper

-attaching camera to gameLogic thats attached to the chopper (It helped reduce some jitter)

-attaching camera to pilot/units in cargo



Gamelogic unit name = chopperLogic

Helicopter name = Caper



;comment "wide shot of chopper";
_cam AttachTo [chopperLogic,[-30,0,5]];
_cam camSetTarget Caper;
_cam CamCommit 30;
waitUntil {camCommitted _cam};

;comment "Front Right";
_cam AttachTo [chopperLogic,[-1,8,0]];
_cam SetDir 175;
_cam CamCommit 10;
waitUntil {camCommitted _cam};

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Maybe try camsetrelPos.


I gave it a go, but camSetrelPos will only move the camera to the position of the chopper at that time it was called. It will not stay attached to the chopper unless the position is constantly updated. To force an update i decided to create an infant loop of the camera code block to test it out.(Only way i know of doing it) It did not work out like i had hoped and i think this may be an extremely inefficient way of doing it. Keep in mind this is all being called from a intro.sqf and is called from the init.sqf via  introSeq = [] execVM "scripts\intro.sqf";



I would really appreciate the help as i think this problem is solvable. If not through scripting maybe BIS could get an engine side solution to the problem.


Loop test of camera code.

;comment "wide shot of chopper";
_car = Caper;
for "_i" from 0 to 1 step 0 do {
//_cam AttachTo [chopperLogic,[-30,0,5]];
//_cam camPrepareTarget Caper;
_cam camSetTarget _car;
_cam camSetRelPos [-30,0,5];
_cam CamCommit 0;
waitUntil {camCommitted _cam};

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cameraEffect is what you need.


cameraEffect only create a visual effect in the camera. It does not solve the jitter issue.


This is the opening sequence for my mission. You can see why i need help to get this jitter issue fixed.


The reason im holding so long on shots are mainly due to the way the opening credits work since the mission is going to be voiced. Like the opening of a movie.

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Ok so after some testing i found something rather strange. All previous videos were captured from local hosting the game via multiplayer hosted session.


This is what happened when i put it on the dedicated server: original code i started with in the first video.


its not ideal but WHY ARMA MUST YOU BE SO DAMN FICKLE!!!! lol

sorry local hosted multiplayer session i dont think its ever going to work right.


I think its a transforms problem in the engine.

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