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setVehicleVarName and remoteexec?

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How can I run setVehicleVarName on all machines in MP with a dedi?


I'm using this in my mildly modified objectsmapper.

			if (_varName != "") then
				_newObj setVehicleVarName _varName;
				call (compile (_varName + " = _newObj;"));
				[(compile _newObj),(compile _varName)] remoteExec ["setVehicleVarName",0];


Am I even close?

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fnc_setVehicleName = {

//set vehicle name for spawned object

//_veh = createVehicle ["I_UAV_02_F", [24068.07,18587.05,3.19], [], 0, "NONE"];
//[_veh, "uavName"] call fnc_setVehicleName;

    params ["_veh", "_name"];
    missionNamespace setVariable [_name, _veh, true];
    [_veh, _name] remoteExecCall ["setVehicleVarName", 0, _name];

Author: someone on this forum

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Tankbuster, while this appears solved.

I am pretty sure the objects mapper had am option for the object to be named. You have to do this thorough a setvariable in the object init. If scripted it's a little more work but able to be done.

Let me know add this is something I have helped otherso with before in the forums.

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objectsmapper does allow the vehicle to be named, but it uses setVehicleVarName, which is a local command. If it runs on the server, none of the clients get the vehiclevarname. Some have suggested that publicvariable'ing the vehicle object might work, but it doesn't. So the only way appears to be to run setvehiclevarname everywhere.


BTW, it was (as usual) killzone_kid who wrote the above function, so thanks to him and and davidoss. :)

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BTW, it was (as usual) killzone_kid who wrote the above function, so thanks to him and and davidoss. :)

Thank you, I have forgotten I wrote it TBH ;) Anyway here is updated variant. Since original post, there were some good changes to remoteExec, mainly that you can pass object itself as JIP and the JIP queue will be automatically removed when object is deleted. So the following code is slightly better:

fnc_setVehicleName =
	params ["_veh", "_name"];
	missionNamespace setVariable [_name, _veh, true];
	[_veh, _name] remoteExec ["setVehicleVarName", 0, _veh];

_veh = createVehicle ["I_UAV_02_F", [24068.07,18587.05,3.19], [], 0, "NONE"];
[_veh, "uavName"] call fnc_setVehicleName;
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