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hey oOKexOo, any chance of a new module, which when placed down, brings up a new dialog box that can make ai spawn with zeus afterwards automatically set to careless/safe etc?

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Kex, how does the locality of Ares Achilles work? My community is currently using two headless clients, and when units are passed off of the dedicated server over to one of the HCs, they no longer properly perform Suppressive Fire or Artillery Fire Missions. The group that I place the module on splits into individual units, just as they do on the dedicated server, but instead of turning toward their target and firing, they instead turn in another direction (northeast, in this case) and point without firing for the duration specified. After that, they regroup as normal and maintain their previous stance. Any idea why that might be? I noticed during debug that after placing the Suppressive Fire module, the units are temporarily taken off the HC, but I'm not sure why. Thanks in advance for any troubleshooting you can provide!

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What about a Land WP? And auto-enable the Playable unit for any human player in a helo so they can fly anything on the BF?



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@General Kong

I thought about extending the spawn attributes by including a way to preset object attributes.



The original Zeus editor as well as Ares were not really designed for modifying non-local units tbh.

I already fixed several locality issues. Hence, most modules and attribute changes should also work for non-local units by now. Suppressive fire does indeed not yet support non-local units. In contrast, artillery fire support does support them (also in original Ares). Thus, an issue in the latter case currently makes no sense to me. Can you check if you also get issues with artillery if the unit is local to the dedicated server?



1) Are you kidding me?

2) I don't really get what you mean with "auto-enable". Can you describe your idea in more detail?

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Hi, I recently had troubles with faction restrictions in achille: I never had problems before, but I just discovered that all my addons don't appear in zeus when achille is loaded when i launch a solo test from eden editor. They are shown the first seconds, then disappear when achille make its little nvg sound. It's perfectly ok when I launch a local multi server, restrictions work fine. I never had this problem before but I can't say if it's related to an arma update or an achille update. I run your last version.

by advance, thanx, ask me if I could help.

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I'm confused and frustrated so go easy on me.... compositions.  All I want to do is use compositions that I have created in game using Ares-Achilles in the Ed3n editor.  Is this even possible (aside from using an []execvm "<saved data>.sqf" approach)?

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I'm afraid there is no script that would allow you spawning advanced compositions in Eden atm. 


@hamster furieux

I suspect that the factions get filtered by Achilles for some reasons. Did you check that the factions are actually checked in Achilles settings (local and server)?



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I checked the mission and server settings, every faction is checked. If I uncheck one of the vanilla faction, eg FIA, it correctly disappears from the list in Zeus/Achille, but checked or unchecked, none of my additionnal factions are visible if I launch solo preview. Is there another place with those settings wich could stay unaffected, eg old config file or comething like that?




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Lol, the vanilla bomb strike module perfectly works in Zeus without any modification. Dunno why it was never made available for Zeus in first place.


@hamster furieux

I couldn't reproduce the issue yet. It could be that one of your add-on interferes with Achilles or the mission is not set up properly.

The problem could be related to an issue reported on steam (link).


I suggest these two procedures to track down the issue:

1) Just try with Achilles + CBA and one unit add-on (e.g. RHS) only and see if you still get issues.
2) If you still get issues, just create a new map in Eden with a player and a game master module (curator module) synced to him. Additionally, set "Default Addons" to "All Add-ons (including unofficial ones)" for the curator module and try again.

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I've had this problem with the factions not being loaded. I'll go into Zeus, then about 2 seconds later the screen goes black with the nvg sound and then it'll reload Zeus but only the factions from the units I've used in the editor will load along with default factions. 

I'm not sure it's a bug from the latest arma update or another mod conflicting. But Ares is the only Zeus mod I have running


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Once more... I can't resolve this issue whithout having sufficient information on how to reproduce it.

A) Reduce the amount of mods to Achilles + CBA and one kind of unit add-on (preferably RHS or CUP).

If the issue dissapeared, it is more likely that it is in fact a mod conflict.

B) Check if the error is related to the mission setup instead (thus set up a simple mission  => see my last post).

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Sorry meant to add in I was gonna check those errors out today. Was in a rush. 

Will let you know what I find 


A) didn't work, just had rhs, cba and achilles ticked. Placed a rhs US rifleman and loaded it up. The only factions to load in was the U.S and default factions. Tried the reinforcement module, couldn't load any of the RHS vehicles. came up with a black debug box reinforcement.sqf error.

B) The game master option worked flawlessly, everything loaded and all modules worked...so there's the solution. However when i've loaded in other mods it's not working. perhaps MCC?

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I also observed that factions from 3rd party add-ons are no longer loaded (tried with CBA+MCC+RHS).  Hence, it has to be addressed to MCC instead.


- unrelated - It also seems that newer versions of MCC override unit/vehicle attribute windows entirely, so you won't have access to attributes that were introduced with Achilles.

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I had noticed that Achilles hadn't been functioning correctly, I can also confirm that MCC does seem to be the culprit.

This might be a silly question but does your load order make any difference to this? For example, loading Achilles before or after MCC.

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I did notice that, when I tried altering a units attributes or waypoints, it would reset them to default or make everyone go prone and ignore combat. I'd have to confirm it then cancel it so it would work. Might let MCC creator know 

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I just see that my last post is not formulated very clear. What I did was a test without Achilles. Hence, the loss of factions is unrelated to Achilles.



It's definitely a legitimate question. The order of loaded add-ons indeed affects the behaviour.

The behaviour I described is observed in the case Achilles is loaded first.

In contrast, Achilles attribute windows replace the MCC ones if you load MCC first instead.

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Sorry for the delay in responding about your artillery question, but I did finally run some tests on locality. I created a three person mortar team with RHS units, waited for them to transfer to the Headless Client, and then attempted to assign Artillery Targets. They did not fire while on the HC. Then I set the same team up and made sure it stayed on the dedicated server, and it did fire. I didn't test with anything larger than mortars.


I understand Zeus and Ares don't really support non-local units, but since you've already done some locality workarounds, you may be interested in this if you ever revisit my favorite module, Suppressive Fire: I use Werthles' HC kit, which has options for when to transfer units from dedi to HC. The most common is at a certain interval, e.g., every 30 seconds seems popular. If you want to keep units on the dedi, you can make them exempt from transfer by indicating their group, uniqueID, classname, etc. in the script file. To keep the Suppressive Fire module working, I only use it on these exempt units (dedicated server). This works great, except in one corner case: if I activate Suppressive Fire and the units happen to be suppressing at the moment when the HC script runs, it sees the suppressing units as a "new" group and transfers them off the dedi and onto the headless server. This, of course, means I can no longer use the Suppressive Fire module anymore. I'm sure this is more a question for the author of the HC script, but I thought it might also inform your future development of this module, if you ever decide to do additional workarounds regarding locality.

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Please add this function to this mod

I tried to transfer myself, but I did not succeed. I'm stuck at the moment of functioning in the game itself.

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1) I definitely want to introduce the non-local unit aspect to suppressive fire.

However, according to your description of the module's behaviour, it might be tricky to get it working with Werthles' HC kit.

The group members do indeed move in new groups during suppression and move back to the old one at the end.

The rationale for this procedure is that single AI groups do have a more desirable behaviour. In fact, it the module would be worthless otherwise.


2) I rather suspect that the issue is in the way the HC script works. I don't have a HC available.

The script below works for any non-local vanilla mortar in theory:

_mortar = _this select 1; 
[_mortar, [(position _mortar) vectorAdd [100,0,0], "8Rnd_82mm_Mo_shells", 1]] remoteExecCall ["commandArtilleryFire",_mortar];

If you still get issues with HC units, then the HC script has to be adjusted. Otherwise, it is more likely an Achilles issue which I might be able to fix with your help



This is an outdated script, which was removed by Anton in 1.8. Since, I never had a version below 1.8, I even don't have that script. I plan to expand the "save mission sqf" feature in future anyway. 

If you just use empty vehicles for your compositions, you may want to check advanced compositions.



Edit: The 0.0.7 update will probably be published in the next few days.

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Thanks for your willingness to keep looking at the issue, Kex. Irrespective of that, I'm very excited to hear about a new version coming out!


My current workaround for suppressive fire is to transfer units off of both HCs and dedicated and put them under my control, during which they will suppress even while the HC script is checking their new status. It's great! There's a 50/50 chance they'll get moved to an HC when it's over, but at least they don't get interrupted. Since I kinda have that in hand, I am wondering if you might consider an update or additional option to the Suppressive Fire module:


When I select burst, the unit or units fire in pretty much identical 2-3 round bursts for the duration of the suppression. This creates an eerie bit of uniformity when used by a group as they all fire the same. I was wondering if there was any to vary the duration of a burst. I don't need to control it, but I thought it might be interesting if it could be randomized to 2-9 rounds per burst. As an example, I'm imagining a rifleman who sees a target and fires a controlled 3 round burst, but upon seeing that his target is wounded or moving to cover, starts using longer and longer bursts, before slowing to just 2 round bursts when it appears the target is down. Not sure if that's possible, but I think it would make the volume and the audio of the fire more authentic. It wouldn't have to be up, up, down, down; it could be 2, 7, 3, 9, 3, 4, 2, whatever randomness is possible to introduce.

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I don't really see your point tbh. The option burst is intended to simulate the burst fire mode of a weapon which is usually 3 rounds. However, I could make the time between the burst rounds more dynamic if you wish.


Edit: Forget the last sentence. I just introduce a new dynamic automatic fire mode.

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Hi Kex, would be possible to make something to force AI to go from point A to point B without delay and without making them go all tactical?

For example: when Im in zeus and need to spawn quickly group of enemies and send them from their location to point B, they usually if there is fire-fight near by, just go around and break away from the group.

I would welcome something, that when you send the group of AI from point A to point B, that they will go there in straight line no matter what.

...its really pain in the as* to work with AIs in zeus. 

Is it even possible?

Thank you.

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Put them on smiley mode for the waypoint type?  I think that is "careless" and they will just go from A to B.


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10 hours ago, lawndartleo said:

Put them on smiley mode for the waypoint type?  I think that is "careless" and they will just go from A to B.



It's not that simple, have you ever tried sending AI to point B when there is fire-fight near by? It just doesn't work. They go all over the place and when they reach the destination, it's half an hour later :-/

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