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Subordinate AI-driver often crushes player, if player-commander leaves vehicle.

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If the player is the commander and controls any vehicle(APC, MRAP, TANK etc), from the commander position and once leaves this vehicle, then the AI-driver of this vehicle always and always begins to move. Thus, in most cases, the allied AI-driver kills a player. The player falls under the wheels and was killed.


Probably AI driver automatically trying to get back into formation?

This feature is annoying of the player, because the player can die in the most unexpected cases.

If player as commander leaves vehicle, then It would be normal to see, how the AI driver will not move until then, until the player gives him the order to "move" command or "return to formation" command. Or may be, shuld be delay for movement/return to formation, for example 7-10 second.

Thus player will not be killed by his driver.


BIS please fix this bug

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