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KbTell and lip file not syncing on Dedicated.

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I have been working on a new mission recently and i's having some issues with one of my scripted sequences. What im doing is making the AI have a conversation in game in a multiplayer mission. Right now i have it working using the KbtTell function with ogg audio files and .lip i created from arma tools. Everything works as intended on hosted sessions but on the dedicated servers the lip sync fails after the first few lines. Im trying to avoid using setRandom lip but i dont know what else to do at this point.


any help would be much appreciated.


im calling the script from a trigger using

0 = [] execVM "conversation.sqf";


my KbTell script conversations.sqf

Isley KbAddTopic ["introduction","texts.bikb","",""];
Brann KbAddTopic ["introduction","texts.bikb","",""];

Isley kbTell [Brann, "introduction", "IsleyLine_1"];
waitUntil {
Isley kbWasSaid [Brann, "introduction", "IsleyLine_1", 3]
sleep 0.5;

Isley kbTell [Brann, "introduction", "IsleyLine_2"];
waitUntil {
Isley kbWasSaid [Brann, "introduction", "IsleyLine_2", 8]
sleep 0.5;

Isley kbTell [Brann, "introduction", "IsleyLine_3"];
waitUntil {
Isley kbWasSaid [Brann, "introduction", "IsleyLine_3", 3]
sleep 0.5;

Isley kbTell [Brann, "introduction", "IsleyLine_4"];
waitUntil {
Isley kbWasSaid [Brann, "introduction", "IsleyLine_4", 3]
sleep 0.5;

Isley kbTell [Brann, "introduction", "IsleyLine_5"];
waitUntil {
Isley kbWasSaid [Brann, "introduction", "IsleyLine_5", 3]
sleep 0.5;

Isley kbTell [Brann, "introduction", "IsleyLine_6"];
waitUntil {
Isley kbWasSaid [Brann, "introduction", "IsleyLine_6", 3]
sleep 0.5;

hint "Conversation finished!";

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