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[ALiVE, SP/COOP 1-20] Operation Prophet [Insurgency]

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Major update: Upon request, Burnes Foxhound has been replaced with the most current Burnes Ocelot Foxhound 2.1, HV_Taliban has been updated (both downloads in the first post), and Zeus Game Master has been added for admins. In order for the new download link for the mission to work, the old Foxhound needs to be removed from your mod line and replaced with the new link, and HV_Taliban needs to be redownloaded.

Full changelong inbound.

I hope for this to be the last update that would require a persistent restart. The mission will be continued to be supported. Any requests are welcome.

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Update. The insurgency was still growing too much for my tastes so I've reduced the initial insurgent strength. While I was at it, I made tons of additional decorative objects "simple" to boost performance even further.

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Guys, I want to try one of these ALIVE missions in SP but I am totally new to ALIVE and don't know what to expect. Is this something like Antistasi? What exactly gameplay looks alike? And what about performance? Thank you!

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Guys, I want to try one of these ALIVE missions in SP but I am totally new to ALIVE and don't know what to expect. Is this something like Antistasi? What exactly gameplay looks alike? And what about performance? Thank you!

Hi, Caites! If you've never dived into ALiVE insurgency I'd highly recommend it. But no, it's not explicitly similar to Antistasi. I mean in some ways it is for sure, but not exactly. I explain how to play a little bit in the first post and also have a link to the ALiVE wiki for insurgency in the first post as well. This should give you a rough idea for what the mission is designed to play like. The mission itself also has a longer how to play briefing as well. But basically, the mission is a bit opened ended. You play as a unit from a company of the British Royal Marines. Your overall goal is to rid the region of Taliban.

Essentially, this is designed for long term persistent play (more on that in a second). Think of how the US and Britain occupied Afghanistan in the 2000's. The idea is to go on patrol, make a presence in the towns and villages on the map, search civilians for intel (and talk to them when you have the option), and destroy the Taliban and their resources whenever you come across them (Taliban can also drop Intel next to their dead bodies) and to hold the towns so the Taliban can't take them back.

The Intel you discover from civilians and dead soldiers is designed to tell you where the Taliban have established their recruitment centers, IED's and weapons depots. Your goal is to blow these up to prevent the insurgency from growing.

The Taliban's goal is to recruit more civilians into their ranks and grow their forces.

The Taliban can attack and cause havoc in lots of ways, such as suicide bombers, VBIED's, roadblocks and IED's.

For SP play, the mission must be run either in LAN or preferably on a dedicated server. I usually play alone too so what I do is use the community made TADST dedicated server tool (which is easy to install) and register that to ALiVE's War Room. What a dedicated server registered to ALiVE's War Room does is allow you to save and load your progress. Instructions on how to do all this are in the second post (and I can always help if you need additional assistance).

If you want to check the mission out before you decide if it's for you or not, just host a LAN session. The way I usually play is once I spawn, I grab some friendly AI from the AI recruitment center (I usually take myself and 5 AI so we can all fit in the same truck) and begin my patrol. We'll drive into a town or village and dismount, while I interact with and search the civs for weapons and explosives. Once the coast is clear we move on, or make our way to where the Intel is directing us.

You can also request a more structured mission from the ALiVE commander tablet under the "tasks" menu if you prefer a more structured HVT task or whatnot. How you play and defeat the Taliban is entirely up to you.

During the mission you have a lot of resources at your disposal to help you accomplish this goal. You can call in friendly units to help you fight, call in transport and CAS choppers to give you air support, or even call in groups to join your team or stay in and hold the area. ALiVE essentially gives you a ton of tools to accomplish your mission and what you do with that is up to how you enjoy playing. There's really no right way to play. Long story short, the name of the game is to clear and hold the towns around the map.

Performance is wonderful thanks to ALiVE's built in virtualizing units system so don't worry about that.

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wow, such a detailed answer. thank you very much, going to try it.

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Awesome. Have fun and let me know if you have any questions.

I've designed this to be kind of a slower burn. Don't expect any meaningful Intel from dead bodies or civs right away. Usually it takes a little over an hour for the insurgents to establish any meaningful HQ's.

Basically, just patrol for a bit. Every once and a while, feel free to open the ALiVE commander tablet (app key by default) and look through the various options. This can take a bit of getting used to for a new player but I'm always available to help you. If you find yourself unsure of where to go or what direction to patrol in, the "Intel" option in the commander tablet will give you a snapshot of what the battlefield looks like.

When you do discover Intel on your own either near dead bodies, or from the mouse wheel options when interaction with civs, open the in-game map and mark anything that says "insurgent HQ," "IED factory," "Weapons Depot," or "Recruitment HQ." The map marking is designed to fade away after 60 seconds or so. These are the buildings that need to be blown up so make sure to have 4-5 explosives charges on you.

It can take a bit of time to get used to how to interact with all of the systems. I can definitely always help you out so don't be shy if you want to ask any questions. I'm also constantly balancing and supporting this mission and all my other missions so if you have any requests (for balancing changes, supplies you might need or whatnot) feel free to ask and as always I'll do my best.

Inshallah (in my signature) is similar to this one but requires slightly less mods if you might prefer that before committing to this mission type. Anyway, have fun man!

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Update: With the newest release of Project OPFOR now out, HV_Taliban and Eric J's Taliban Units have been removed as dependencies and replaced with Project OPFOR's Middle East Militia and Middle Eastern civs.

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The mission has been edited to ALiVE 1.2.7 standards, allowing me to slow the insurgency proliferation speed a lot. This will benefit long term persistent campaign players nicely. :)


I've also added the new "Real Weather" feature (dedicated server only) for the day/month of Kabul, Afghanistan.


Mission updated.


Known issue: ALiVE 1.2.7 introduced a small bug where debug markers shown on the map for all editor placed custom objective modules. This doesn't impact the mission in any way and will be fixed in the next ALiVE update.

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In preparation for the upcoming 3CB vehicles update, the mission now supports 20 player slots instead of 8. Players can now choose between two 8-man fire teams, 2 dedicated medic roles, and 2 dedicated pilot roles.

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Hooray! Yesterday's 3CB updates have brought about some cool additions to the mission! Burnes Foxhound has been removed and replaced with a swath of incredible landrovers, including ambulances for players to use and for HC support, police vehicles parked near the civilian detention center, night gear crates and medical crates, 3CB vehicle resupply stations and much more!


Updated and full change log in the first post.


A quick note on Steam Workshop. I will be bringing all of my missions over, however, I'm waiting for a platform and ALiVE update, and then some quick internal testing on ensuring the balancing is where I want it to be and that everything is working on 64-bit as it should.

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Download 3CB vehicles 6.0 and the Land Rover not found....


Any idea???




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10 minutes ago, Mariscal1972 said:



Download 3CB vehicles 6.0 and the Land Rover not found....


Any idea???




You need to update all of the 3CB. 3CB Vehicles, Units, Equipment and Weapons all updated the same day and are needed to play the mission.

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4 minutes ago, HeroesandvillainsOS said:

You need to update all of the 3CB. 3CB Vehicles, Units, Equipment and Weapons all updated the same day and are needed to play the mission.

Yes update all 3CB....


The oficial pages (re-link Armaholic) download.


The vehicles is 3CB-BAF-Vehicles-version-6.0.zip


is correct???





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12 minutes ago, Mariscal1972 said:

Yes update all 3CB....


The oficial pages (re-link Armaholic) download.


The vehicles is 3CB-BAF-Vehicles-version-6.0.zip


is correct???







Remember, as we've discussed before, I only support the most current versions of things. Arma has to be 1.68, and every mod needs to be up to date. Otherwise it won't work.

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@Mariscal1972 My bad. You do NOT need 1.68 to play the mission. 1.66 should still work. But the second any mod updates, you WILL need 1.68 so probably best just to grab it as soon as you can.


But again, update all your mods and the mission will work. 

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Update to ALiVE 1.3.0 standards. This includes manned mortars and turrets for CQB units. I've also edited the mission for performance and increased the rate of the Taliban proliferation speed.

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@HeroesandvillainsOS Im editing a regular mission (not alive) in reshmaan downloaded from steam workshop, its necessary map build addon? and you have issues with AI ignoring doors? They pass through them without opening doors.

Another question about your Prophet mission, If my friend's group use others units pack (not 3CBE) can we remplace it?



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43 minutes ago, spark23 said:

@HeroesandvillainsOS Im editing a regular mission (not alive) in reshmaan downloaded from steam workshop, its necessary map build addon? and you have issues with AI ignoring doors? They pass through them without opening doors.

Another question about your Prophet mission, If my friend's group use others units pack (not 3CBE) can we remplace it?



Mad Build is a requirement for the map. You absolutely need it. As far as AI passing through doors, not sure man. I never paid much attention. As long as they can get in/out I don't care too much.


If doors aren't opening at all, for you as the player, that's a different story. If that's the case delete the Kunduz map from your Arma root folder or unsubscribe from Workshop and see if that helps. Apparently there is an issue where Kunduz being downloaded causes door issue with other maps. It SHOULDN'T be the case with Reshmaan, but just putting that out there if you can't open doors on the map yourself.


Replacing 3CB would not be an easy thing to do. It's tied into the mission completely and would take you forever to change. It's not worth it. Besides, 3CB is one of the best mods around, and now that they are on Workshop, there is no excuse for your friends to not download them at this point.

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For players work fine. But when AI appears back you without knocking on the door ¡surprise! and kill you, not is funny, hahaha. :smileee:

I can see roads, if map build were not integrated in steam version I can't see roads, right?


About 3CB, you know, people like doing it with their army (russian with rhs, etc, etc.) :tounge2:


Thanks for the answers!

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Can you try the Armaholic version and download Mad Build (so download Reshmaan Province and Mad Build seperately), run them both, and see if the issue goes away?

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Same results to reshmaan and mapbuild from armaholic. Some people said me that is related with patch lods or somethings.



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Ugh. This is a new issue then. Thanks for the video. Just curious, does this happen on Takistan, Zargabad, etc? Wondering if this is CUP related?


Either way, I certainly cannot fix this. It's clearly a map/building problem. Let's just hope it's CUP related because at least they are still active and might be able to figure out the issue. Mad Build is not being developed anymore.

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