Hi!  I'm new to the forums.  If I'm in the wrong place please feel free to redirect me or move my post.  

I have a question.  Is there currently a script anyone has written to make it look like you are skiing?  I think this would be feasible.  If there is not already such a thing, I would love any help or suggestions as to how to do it.  I'm pretty much a novice scripter but I think I have some idea of how to accomplish it.   The way I'm envisioning it, it would take a few parts:

-An addaction menu to put on/take off your skis
-A script to freeze the player's animations and attach something that looks like skis to your feet.  I've seen people do scripts to attach things like an axe or a shovel to your hand so I figure this must be possible somehow.
-A script to detect the player's heading and speed it up in that direction if it's downhill
-A way to stop/slow down

It would be really cool if you could ski and shoot at the same time.  Alpine style!  This could be great for Namalsk and similar maps.

Let me know if you have any advice for me!  I am not expecting someone else to write this script for me but I don't know what commands to call and stuff...